

"The issue is minor," the Church Head said. "With the big changes coming, I won't focus on small problems. Besides, now that we know who she is, it's best to move on since no one was seriously hurt."


"I agree," the man said. "Touching her would be suicidal; it would bring doom upon us."

The Head of the Church didn't want to take action against Sameera for two reasons. First, the case was minor, and their utmost focus should be on finding the Anomaly, which could destroy the world.


Second, Sameera's mother was one of the Evils, on par with many godly beings. Touching her daughter would force her to descend upon the mortal world once again, just like years ago, when she erased half of the world's population.


Only a select few are aware of her reputation, and they wisely keep their distance. The Head of the Church was among them. Higher-level demons usually refrain from attacking humans, opting for psychological terror instead.


Unless provoked, they remain dormant. Godly beings, too, exercise caution, recognizing that their conflicts can have world-shattering repercussions.


Unbeknownst to the others, the High Priest had secretly allied with a mysterious dark force seeking to eradicate supernatural beings and establish their own power. He met with the group's representative in a hidden location.


"How do you plan to achieve this, and what's my role?" the High Priest asked.


The man, wearing a plain metal mask, replied, "We need two things from you. First, grant us control over the cemetery. Second, help our people infiltrate the Demon Slayer faction."


The High Priest's eyes widened. "You're asking the impossible. Do you understand the risks? And infiltrating the Demon Slayer faction is even more unthinkable."


The masked man gestured, and three figures emerged from the shadows. Two knelt, while one stood beside him.


"This man," the masked man said, pointing to the standing figure, "will join the Demon Slayer faction on his own. He needs insider help, and who better to provide it than you?"


The High Priest gazed at the golden-haired man, whose presence radiated an aura of divine power. It was clear he had been favoured by the gods.

The metal-masked man gestured toward the kneeling duo, a man and woman. "In return," he said, "they will serve as your shadows, carrying out any task you desire. With them by your side, you can eliminate anyone you choose."


"Their skills are among the best we can offer," the metal-masked man said, gesturing toward the golden-haired man. "He will help unify the church forces under your leadership."


The High Priest's gaze shifted to the kneeling duo. "They are currently ranked B-level," the metal-masked man continued, "but their potential far exceeds that."


He paused, then asked, "What will you choose?"


The High Priest pondered, then spoke, "I'll accept this, but it may take time. I hope you can wait."


He reflected on the recent vampire attack on human. A vampire girl who attacked a police officer, and he yearned to take action against her. However, the Head of the Church's decision to refrain from intervening, blaming the mortal, only strengthened his resolve.


For the High Priest, one truth remained absolute: the world belonged to humans, and demons had no place in it. He was willing to take drastic measures, regardless of cost or consequence.


"I will protect humanity," he vowed, "and eradicate the demonic threat, no matter what."


The metal-masked man smiled, his voice low and mysterious. "For now, assist us with the cemetery. As for the second matter, wait for him to contact you."


With that, he turned and departed, accompanied by the golden-haired man. The two kneeling figures remained, their eyes fixed on the High Priest, awaiting his command.



As they departed, the High Priest turned to the kneeling duo. "What are your capabilities?" he asked.


The man stood, his eyes locking onto the High Priest. "I am Silverbane," he declared.


With a fluid motion, he clenched his fist, and razor-sharp silver blades materialized, replacing his hands. "I am the bane of werewolves. My power allows me to eliminate any who cross my path."


The woman's turn came next. She closed her eyes, and her hair transformed into flowing silver strands that floated in the air. Her eyes snapped open, blazing red.


"I am Bloodbane," she whispered, her voice deadly. "Bane of the vampires. With my powers, I can ensnare and destroy any vampire, entwining them in my silver locks."


The High Priest's gaze shifted between Silverbane and Bloodbane, his mind racing with the potential of these newfound powers.


The Priest's face lit up with a triumphant smile. "Perfect," he whispered, savouring their names: "Silverbane and Bloodbane."


A menacing laughter erupted from his depths, echoing through the air. "HA-HA-HA-HA!"


His eyes blazed with determination. "Damn demons, this is the land of the Gods, and I will obliterate you from existence!"


Silverbane and Bloodbane exchanged a nod, their faces set with unwavering resolve, ready to carry out the Priest's will.


Noel sank into a deep sleep, exhausted. Unaware of the world's unfolding events, he closed his eyes and found himself standing before Ares, the God of War.


"Wait! Why am I here again?" Noel asked, recalling his previous encounter.


Ares' piercing gaze scrutinized Noel, his eyes burning with anger and curiosity. He sought to unravel the mystery of Noel's soul.


"What is your existence?" Ares asked, his voice low and commanding.


Noel's brow furrowed. "My existence? What do you mean?"


Ares' intensity deepened. "You are an enigma, Noel. Your essence eludes me."


Noel looked at him, "Stop saying those stupid things and tell me why I'm here?"


Ares overlooked Noel's impertinence; his gaze fixed on Noel's transformed body. Noel's eyes followed, widening as he saw his hands.


They had turned a deep crimson, veins bulging as if on the verge of rupture. Yet, he felt no pain, no discomfort.


"Don't tell me it's your doing?" Noel's voice was laced with unease.


Ares nodded; his expression inscrutable. "Yes, I initiated your Awakening. But I'm perplexed by your lack of sensation. Even I don't understand why you're numb to the Pain."


Noel, "what do you mean?"


[Author note]

"I would appreciate your review on the Novel, please Review and help the Novel to reach wider audience"