When pushed to the edge, even the devil's hand would look nice

Hearing that someone from the agency did something like that, Alice's eyes blazed, and she turned to Miss Stella.

"Did you hear that?" She asked and for some reason, Miss Stella gulped.

It wasn't like she was the one to blame but guilt haunted her heart for some reason.

"The bastards from the agency are all shameless. Noah should thoroughly sweep his house if he doesn't want flies and rodents to taint it for much longer." She said over gritted teeth and then sighed, letting out the thick rage that was accumulating in her chest.

She looked at Susan. She thought she was a girl around her age but she was over 27 years old. She looked young for her age.

No, she couldn't even see her face clearly, thanks to the veins, but her body structure was what she looked at. She was more on the petite side, it would seem.

"Please, continue." Alice said, even though she knew this story would only wake up sorrowful resentment in her heart.