"What... What just happened?" Damian asked, feeling extremely confused.
They watched Alice stand to her feet, dusting her skirt and staring at Susan's headless body.
"Heh," she scoffed. "I guess I was right about one thing," she turned her head towards Miss Stella and said, "The person who takes it does end up being a mindless zombie."
"Alice," Miss Stella approached her. "Are you alright?"
"Me? I'm more than okay." Alice said and once again scoffed. "But I just might've found myself a little task at hand."
They all stared at her as she gazed at the body. There was this saddened heaviness on her face as she stared at it.
That woman was a stranger and one who had come to kill her too. So there was no need to empathize with her. Yet, Alice could feel it more than anyone.
What it meant to be helpless. What it meant to be powerless. What it meant to be lost.