
The little Haein and I had a wonderful time at Lottie World amusement park. Although it was quite full and the queues were painfully long for all the rides, thankfully, the excited girl wasn't that bothered about rides except a few that she 'had to try'. Most of the time, we ended up exploring various corners of the park and even enjoyed watching a parade, which I haven't been excited about except when I was an elementary school kid but Haein thoroughly loved it and took tons of pictures. 

"Yui-unni, what should we do next?"

"Please stop calling me Unni, I really don't like that word and it makes me feel old"

In truth, my age was probably in the range of a middle-aged ahjumma now.

"But you are older than me"

"Which is something I do not want to be reminded of every time you call me"

I never had a thing about a younger girl or being called an unni - an elder sister. I always wished Korea did not have this senior-junior culture, for I hated respecting the seniors myself. 

"But I can't call you by your name…that's not right"



"Come on, try"

The shy girl fidgeted, but I knew she couldn't reject me too many times. 


Ah, I feel blessed. That's what I'm talking about!


The blush on her face made it all the better. 

"So call me Yui from now on, OK?"

"OK, but…"


"It's quite unusual, isn't it? I never met anyone who didn't want to be addressed as a senior"

"If I could abolish one culture in Korea that would be it"

"But isn't it good to respect the elders?"

"Not all elders deserve respect"

"You are quite… special"

"So are you"

Haein cast her eyes down but the grin on her face told me she didn't dislike it. 

I had an urge to hug her, but at the same time the scenes of 'yesterday' played heavy in my mind. The contrast between Haein's wholesome face now and the horrified and broken girl of 'yesterday' cut through my heart. I almost felt like I wasn't the person I was the day before.

"You want some cotton candy?"

"I'm not a kid, you know. I know I'm younger but I think you treat me too much like a kid, hmpf"

Heh, pouting like a kid now. 

"How about churros? You gotta have churros in an amusement park"

"Oh yeah! Can we?"


Then we found one of the millions of churros shops and got one each. I never understood how churros became a de facto must-have food in amusement parks in Korea, but it was what it was. 

"It's good, isn't it?"


"Surely you've tried it before?"

"Of course! But it feels different eating it here"

Me too, me too. It feels different eating it here with you. 

"So what next?"

While the happy girl asked me with still very much alive enthusiasm in her voice, I was thinking I wanted to take her home and have sex. Now that I had a taste of it for the first time in my mind, I couldn't get the memories of the sensations out of my mind.

But of course, I didn't want things to happen the way it did the first time. 

"Are you ready to try the rollercoaster ride now?"

I could use some sort of stimulation and a rush of adrenaline to take my mind off doing unholy things with this pure girl. 

"I'm really not good with rollercoasters…"

"Come on, you can't come to Lotti World and not try a roller coaster"

"If you say so…"

I grabbed Haein's hand and led the way. I was very deliberate in making it as casual as I could and did not look at her as I did so, and she complied with no resistance. 

After waiting for an hour in the queue, we finally got on the roller coaster and it was the best ride of my life having this cute girl clinging to me and screaming with her eyes closed. 

"Whoa, that was so intense"

The drained girl admitted and my dirty mind could only think that this sounded like we'd just fucked or something. 

Just when did I become so perverse like an ahjussi…

"Aren't you hungry? We could go have dinner or something. I think we've done pretty much all we could do here for today"


Haein then checked the time and gasped.

"Oh my god, it's already eight thirty!"

"Yeah, I guess we were having too much fun to feel hungry, heh"

"I have to be home by ten!"

Then it hit me as well. 

I never got to have dinner with Haein before. The Hell Beast always appeared before it started to get dark. The most time I spent with her must have been maybe five hours max.

Wow, today really is different.

Then the growing sense of dread started to creep inside me. 

When will it happen? When will the beast appear and ruin my perfect day?

And… how will Haein die this time?

Despite the horrible deed I had done the day before, I realized that I grew quite fond of this girl in such a short period of time. I certainly did not want to see her die the way I had to see 'her' die so many times before. 

Maybe if I let her go now she'd live another day, or at least I wouldn't have to see her die myself. 

"I'll get you a taxi. You won't make it to Incheon on public transport in an hour and a half from here"

"But… it's so expensive"

"It's OK. I work in Gangnam, remember?"

Only someone as naive as this Haein would believe that working in Gangnam alone meant I was loaded. Heck, you could work in McRonaldo there and still legit claim you work in Gangnam.

"Tha… thank you. I feel like I bothered you so much today"

"No, I had a great time. Let's go"

We got out and I took her to a taxi stand, still holding hands with the compliant girl. Before she got in the taxi, I casually asked to exchange numbers and told her to text me to let me know that she arrived home OK. Haein looked happy to receive my number and added me on her phone as Yui-Unni. 

This is probably the last time I see her. She probably dies in a car crash on the way home. What a pity. But I will be back again 'tomorrow' and meet her at the ramen shop. No sweat. I got so used to drowning myself now that I can do it on the sink in my bathroom. 

As I lay in my bed rubbing myself to relieve the sexual tension that had built up for the whole day, I got a message on my phone. 

"I'm back home! Thank you so much for today"

I was shocked and confused, but ecstatic that she made it home. It made me rub myself even harder. 

The next morning, October 2nd, I woke up to find a message waiting for me again.

"Good morning! You must be so tired going to work today. I hope you have a great day!"

For the first time I met her, 'Haein' survived October 1st.