
"Unni! This is SUPER interesting!"

Haein exclaimed, finally taking her eyes off the phone.

"I told you not to call Unni"

I was ecstatic beyond belief, but I knew I had to keep cool - to keep my cool image. 

"How did you even come up with these ideas?"

The impressionable girl inquired after having read the first three chapters of my story - The World Will End and I Will Stop It!!! 

Finally, someone has recognized my genius. 

"It was just a random idea I got one day and I wrote it out on a whim"

My ass. I labored over this story for a long time and went through two rejections before it got contracted. 

"Wow, you have such creativity"

"Ahem, I'm just an office worker in Gangnam, you know"

"That makes it even more impressive - that you can work during day time and write something so fantastic when you are off work"

"They are both hard work, sweetie"

That came out smoothly and I was getting used to this.

"I can imagine. Gosh, I wish I could write something like this"

"Do you also enjoy writing?"

Funny that I only came to ask this question now. 

"Yeah… but…"


"Never mind"

"It's okay. You can tell me anything"

"Actually I've also been posting on Webnovel…"


"I'm too embarrassed to talk about it"

"What's your author name?"

"I can't tell you! You will find me and read my story. It's way too embarrassing"

"Do you write smut or something? Haha"


"You don't, right?"


"Right. NOW I gotta read what you've been writing!"

"Tehe, you will never find me!"

I'm sorry girl, but I already know your author name must be Haeya because that's what you 'used to' use to give me a one-star review. 

But I'll find you when I get home, not right now. It might make it more fun to read her stuff stealthily and later bring it up as a surprise. 

I was already smiling inside as I imagined Haein's blushing face when I revealed that I had been reading her (most definitely) smut stories secretly. 

"Fine, fine. So anyways, do you really like my story?"

"Yeah, it's fascinating and I can't wait to read the next chapters"

"All in good time. Believe it or not, I'm writing it all without a plot outline so I need constant inspiration"

'And stimulations - from you', I wanted to add but didn't. That might have been too cringy at this stage of our 'relationship'. 

"Amazing. So you don't have the ending in mind?"

"I have. I just meant I have inspirations to fill the gaps. But like every good writer, I have a very good ending and key twists in mind"

Like I had any clue. I did so much preparation to get this story started and for the first 50 chapters or so, but I have hit writer's block many 'years' ago already. 

"Heh, I will certainly read it till the end and support you all the way!"


Alas, I will never get to finish my story and you will never get to read them. But for now, thank you very much for being the first one to appreciate my work. 

"I can't believe it has no review yet"

"Not many readers comment or leave reviews even if they enjoy the story"

"Right. You have a good number of collections though"

Most of them are my mass-built alt accounts… but I can't disappoint this cutie like that. 

"Yes, yes. And my subscription number is pretty good"

"I wish I could go pro like you"

"Maybe someday, haha. Just keep trying. I'm sure you will get there"


Haein seemed to have genuinely appreciated my encouragement. 

It will be sweet to read her 'smut' later. Just what sort of cringy childish fantasy would this inexperienced girl have?

Hang on, I've been an incel only until recently and my first time was… actually, let's not think about that in front of her now. 

Although I regretted what I had done to Haein in that darkest moment of my life, my perverse mind kept on replaying that scene and it drove me wildly horny.

I gotta rewrite that memory with something sweet and wholesome with this girl - at some point within this cycle. If not, then in the next cycle. If not, then the one after that. 

I had all the time in the world to make things work with Haein now. I just gotta make sure I don't kill her otherwise a different version of Haein might pop up again and there was no guarantee that the 'new' Haein would be as cute. 

"Let's go get our seat now. The movie will start soon"

I got up and offered my hand to the sweet child, who now took it without hesitation and followed my lead. 

It's been 10 days since we first met and it was only the third time we've been out together, but we talked a lot every day over the messengers. Every morning she sent me a good morning message that energized me (after which I always rub one out). Today I finally worked up the courage to show her my web novel, just to see how 'this' Haein would react, and I was over the moon that it was a success. 

We spent the rest of the day having a blast, going to arcades, eating street snacks, and ending with karaoke before this 'loaded' Gangnam girl sent her back home with a taxi. 

I came back and took a shower, plopped myself onto my bed, and looked for Haeya on Webnovel. 

Smut time!

But hang on…


How many digits is this view count?! She has four-digit collections bordering on five?!!

This little devil was making fun of ME?!

I felt a sudden anger but I rationalized that Haein was not the kind of a girl to make fun of me like that. Fine. She was a successful (but uncontracted, so I am superior after all) writer, but she truly appreciated what I wrote, which makes me awesome. 

I was also happy to find her story in the LGBT+ section, and even happier to find that it had a Yuri tag. 

Damn right. No way any dick's gonna get near my precious. 

After an hour or so though, I was completely drenched in sweat.

Just how many times did I cum?

How could such a cute girl think of such filthy things?

And just what kind of experience she must have had?

But I shook my head. 

An incel recognizes each other. 

Although her scenes were wild, they came across as happening in the realm of an inexperienced girl's excessive fantasy rather than based on real-life experiences. I was still pretty convinced that she was an untouched fruit, and I was sure to be the one to plunge the teeth into her first.