Alex no demon volume 6 chapter 46

Baraka while showing pity and compassion to his dying opponent, holds his hand and says to him "Just rest in peace. You can't carry grief to your death, you won't be able to rest properly. Just.... forget about it and dissappear honourably.", cenadaraphio just fades away into dust. Baraka collapses on the floor, he had an monologue "Tch, for a moment there I thought I was going to die. Seeing that the sealing technique didn't hold him off, I just accepted my fate and thought it was over. I think.... I'm just gonna lay down here.",baraka just falls asleep due to the fact that he had used all his strength he had left to fight. Meanwhile son was having a very powerful and explosive battle with neon with son taking the upper hand of the fight. Both son and neon were blasting huge attacks of flames at each other, they were both moving at an intense level of speed as they where causing powerful explosions of flames. Neon was having a difficult time dodging all of son's attacks at once, although he was using his flaming spear to cut through most of the giant fire balls that were heading his way. As neon was cutting through son's attacks while sending huge spikes of flames at him to evade, he said to himself "This human....! His fire power has increased dramatically, his speed is very intense, and his explosive power far surpasses mine. It's like as if he just got a random boost of power, like someone just gave him and extra power boost." Son looking like the total beast covered in flames just flies out of the huge explosions caused by the clash of attacks from his and that of his opponent, son had a very psychotic and menacing smile as he proceeded to punch neon with a powerful burst of flames. This punch from him was able too obliterate the entire battlefield below him, son at this point didn't seem to be in his right senses at all, but at the same time he was very mindfull of the amount of power he was using "I hope I'm not using too much power, otherwise I'll burn out before I know it.", son monologued to himself while dodging the huge spears of flames shot at to him by neon. Son heard sorata's voice in his head saying "Don't fret, right now I'm supporting you with all the power I have. Now, blow this bastard to bits and ashes!", he said this with a confident smirk on his face with Purple destructive energy flowing on his hand while his hand was on son's back. Son while fighting neon started to laugh like a maniac, he let's out a loud scream with a huge burst of flames blasting out of his body, this huge bursts of flames caused a massive explosion in the sky with even some flames blasting to the ground. Neon was annoyed and shocked at the same time, he pointed his spear to his opponent and started to say some incantations "Pierce and burn everything that comes in your way. Burn everything that touches you! Anything that I deem an enemy should be burned and cut down to nothingness. GO FORTH FLAMING SPEARS OF HELL!!". Suddenly huge portals started to open up with spears, the spears seemed to be very different than the previous ones neon was shooting out before, these spears started to launch themselves at a speed 20 times faster than light, son seeing this large number of attacks flying towards him readies himself and zooms off at an incredible speed. He started to fly and dodge them as fast as be could while flying at a very dangerous speed towards neon. Neon was just in shock and terrified at the same time "HOW? HOW CAN A HUMAN POSSES SUCH POWER! THIS POWER.... ITS UNSEEN FROM A HUMAN. WILL YOU GO AS FAR AS TOO SACRIFICE YOUR SANITY AND HUMANITY JUST FOR POWER?! YOU DISGUST ME!", he exclaimed in anger with even more spears flying straight of the portals with much more power. Son was just effortlessly flying and dodging these powerful and crazy attacks that where causing crazy explosions in the sky. Son was able to successfully dodge all the attacks at once, grabs neon by the face and yells out in excitement "BURN!", before sending out a huge and incredibly massive attack of flames at his opponent. This wave of flames decimated a huge part of the landscape. As son had grabbed neon by the face while sending out an incredible amount of fire power, sorata says with an evil but yet excited smile on his face "When people are in a life or death situation, their capabilities take a dramatic increase in power, allowing them to break past their limits. It's like an automatic switch that activates the moment the body notices a sudden potential threat. It's called limit break, and I learnt that the hard way.", sorata started to remember the times where he was still training in the forest fighting beasts with his skin burning, he also remembered all the fights he had while he was still with the dark sign. Neon while having a difficult time trying to hold down son who was blasting an incredible amount of fire power at him while grabbing his face asks himself "How.. how is he so strong?! Is this... the power of a human?!", sorata while in son's mind says to him "Those where good times. Now son! Finish the job!", the huge amount of power son was blasting at neon started to turn into a giant fire ball that made mountains look like bread crumbs. Neon was in shock "No... no way! We both are operating on the same level of power right now! How is he getting the upper hand and having the advantage by a landslide?!" Sorata places his hand of son for a second and says to him "Damn, that's some crazy fire power you got there! Fucking insane!", sorata then smirks and says as he places his hand again on son's back "But, I have something even more impressive!". Sorata's hand turns into pure purple destructive energy,his fingers where sharper, they where like claws made from pure energy, he says "I've been meaning to pull off a move like this when I was alive, but my body wouldn't have handled it. I would have blown up into pieces on impact, but that's different now." As son was pressing neon with this huge amount of flames that could nuke a country if not properly controlled, a giant snake made from Purple destructive energy bursts out of his body and started to add more power to his giant fire ball attack. Sorata called out the name of his attack "ART OF CHAOS: ALL END!"