Alex no demon volume 6 chapter 47

As sorata transfers a massive amount of destructive energy into son's body which leads a huge snake made from destructive energy to blast out of son's body that was powering up his giant fire ball attack, neon was in utter shock seeing how much power that son is generating "What is this power?! It's nothing I've ever seen before! I can understand the huge flames that this human is able to generate, but that purple burst of power forming as snake... its like destruction itself.!", neon exclaimed In shock. Sorata while in son's mind had a smirk on his face seeing the huge wave of fire power amplified with his destructive energy said to himself "Now kid, the rest is up too you. If you want your opponent to yield, show em a power that they can't hope too match!". Son let's out a loud scream as his giant fire ball and sorata's giant snake of destructive energy fall to neon. Neon let's out a loud scream in anger as he uses his spear to hold off both of the attacks heading towards him. Neon yelled in anger while holding off these two giant attacks "No! I can't lose. If I lose here, then it would all be over. The dream to revive our race, the goal seiten has set for us..... it will all be over! I CANT LOSE!", son with his huge fire ball attack and with the huge snake made of destructive energy pressing his opponent yelled out "You started this mess with your selfish goal and now you're crying to yourself on why you're losing? GET LOST AND TAKE YOUR L LIKE A MAN!", he says all this as his attacks completely overpower neon. Neon screams in pain as the two attacks of flames and destructive energy blast him and cause a huge explosion. This explosion of flames combined with destructive energy laid waste to everything that was around them, it was total annihilation. Neon with his body starting to burn up was having an inner monologue "Is this how it ends for me? I worked hard to get as strong as I am right now, and yet, I was bested.... by a mere human." The explosion of son's attack wipes out everything In the wasteland before settling down. Meanwhile, son saw himself and sorata sitting at the entrance of the house they grew up in, son saw himself as his 6 years old self while sorata saw himself as 13 years old, sorata asked him "So, how has things been for ya? How many years has it been since our t fight?", son replied "Its just three years since the war between the dark signs and the entire world took place". Sorata replied "Huh? 3 years? Really? Time sure is slow.", son replied with a soft smile "Actually, it's quite the opposite for me. Since the battle of humanity, I've been training my ass off day and night. Not a single day goes by without me trying to improve myself, at the same time, I think of you too." this makes sorata a little touched "Hmm? You think of me? I thought you'd have forgotten all about me and our damn dad.", son replied "Nah, despite all that, we're still family. Sure you were a war criminal and did alot of hanous shit. But you're still my brother. And plus it wasn't your fault". Sorata replied son as he sighs "Tch, you're so soft you know? But still, I like seeing you like this. Despite how crazy and wild i could be, i still had times where I reflected upon my actions in solitude, but still, I'm glad I was strong at the end. And I went out with a bang. You should have seen my final explosion!", son had a wierd smile on his face and said to his elder brother "You really are crazy." After a moment of silence between the two brothers, sorata stands up and says "Well, my time here is up. Off to the afterlife again.", he seemed to appear at the age of 19, son who was in his 12 years old state then asked him "Why are you in such a haste to go back to hell?", sorata replied "Hell? No way, you got it all wrong. Well I can't say I made heaven, but I did appear in a place where I was in piece and quiet along with the rest of the dark signs.", son asked in shock "HUH? So you escaped hell?''. Sorata just chuckles softly with a smile and started to walk away "You're kind of funny you know?", sorata said to his brother. Son stood up while looking like the 16 years old version of himself as he says to his brother "Will I ever see you again tho?", sorata replied as he was looking like he was age 23, his purple hair was blowing due to the breeze that was starting to flow, he replied son's question "Only when you need me." Sorata turned around with a soft smile on his face "See ya kid. And don't die anytime soon.", son replied while looking like his current age with a smile on his face and with a tear rolling down his eye "Yeah. I won't." Sorata walks away into the white light infront of him, son then comes back to his senses, he see's himself in his base form and with all the mountains and the rest of the area reduced to ashes. He looks around for a moment "Wow, I really did go crazy.", he then hears a distant cough, the smoke clears and he see's neon on the floor with his body slowly reducing to ash. Son walks up too him and says "You seem like you've had enough. Now how do you want me too kill you?", he charged up some flames on his arm after saying that. Neon at this state says while dying "No, please. No more. You've won, I give up. All I just wanted was to achieve a goal, but I guess I along with the rest of my allies where wrong. But it's too late now.", son sighs after hearing his opponent "What a shame. Any last words tho? I can at least give you that.", neon replied as his body was crumbling into ashes "I have no regrets. But there's one thing I want to say too you. Thank you human, for giving me the time of my life." Neon turns into ashes as his body just withers away. Son just just stares at the ashes away for a moment and closes his eyes "Yeah, you're welcome." Meanwhile, sorata was already back into the afterlife, the rest of the dark signs were sitting under a tree with red pedals everywhere. Kirihai tells him "You're pretty late, what took you so long?", sorata replied "Non of your business.", Kirihai was abit upset by his answer "Jeez, you don't have to be rude.", she said. Kenji asks sorata "Well you seem to be abit happy, what's up?", sorata replied him "Nothing, let's just get back top our game." Bara says to sorata "You look awfully happy for someone who's dead.", shinki nodded his head in agreement while resting on a tree "Yup, bara's right.", sorata gets abit annoyed "Get off my case man." Ukina just smiles at sorata "I'm glad you're smiling. You must have seen him again.", sorata replied with a soft smile "Yeah, I did"