Alex no demon volume 6 chapter 59

As Bruce was having an inner monologue, he heard a voice in his head saying "You want to help your friends, right? Then let me help you." Suddenly, a huge burst of energy blasts out of his body, it was a very tremendous amount of power, Bruce was abit confused and shocked "What the....? What is this power? It's so.... massive!", something that seemed to resembled a snake started to sliver around Bruce's missing arm and leg and then turned into new limbs for him. Bruce was in shock as more power bursted out of his body, "My arm and leg. But how?", he exclaimed to himself. The voice belonging to veronica then tells him "This power is a gift from me to you. You've been working hard through this fight, it would be a shame to see potential soliders like you go to waste. Now, go kill em!". Bruce after hearing that sentence in his head had a smirk on his face "Yea ma'am", he said to himself. While gremmy, Leroy and nagisa where fighting the cloacked being with all the power they had, a huge burst of black and purple energy came flying down infront of them, the boys were confused with Bruce standing infront of them with an enormous amount of power. Bruce looked back at them with a smirk "What's the matter? I thought we were gonna kill this guy.", he said to his friends. Gremmy, nagisa and Leroy all had smirks on their faces, gremmy powered up a huge amount of electricity all over his fists, nagisa powered so much energy out of his body to the point that his arms turned into huge machine guns, while Leroy powered up a devastating amount of white energy out of his body which caused giant bursts of crystals to start blasting out of the floor "LETS KILL THIS GUY!", all four boys exclaimed in excitement as they all blitzed themselves at the opponent infront of them. The cloacked being just let's out a devious smirk as it powers up a huge amount of power out of its body as the weapons it was holding were filled with power. It bangs it's weapons to the floor and started to send huge slashes of energy while at the boys. The boys on the other hand were moving at the speed of light while being able to punch through the giant slashes of energy being blasted at them. Nagisa while dodging with excitement points his machine gun hands at the opponent "I've had it with you. Stay down and die!", he exclaimed as his machine guns started blasting bullets made of energy. These bullets where incredibly powerful as they were laying waste to everything around them, gremmy with an insane amount of electricity overflowing not just on his hands but the rest of his body blitzed the cloacked being and was sending a barrage of blows made from electricity at it while nagisa's bullets were piercing through it. The cloacked being was blocking all of gremmy's powerful blows but it's body was being pierced through by that of nagisa's powerfull bullets, gremmy exclaimed while punching through his foe with excitement "There's no way you can block all those bullets at once, not when you're to focused on me!", the cloack being smirked as it tried to use one of its many hands holding a sword to slice through gremmy. Gremmy noticed this with the corner of his eye as he punched the arm holding the sword away. This left the opponent confused, gremmy exclaimed in excitement "I JUST TOLD YOU, YOU'RE TO BUSY WITH ME!" and proceeds to deliver a powerful blow straight to it on the chest. A huge burst of white energy blast straight out of nowhere aiming from the cloacked being, gremmy then hears Leroy's voice exclaiming "GREMMY GET OUT THE WAY!", gremmy jumps out of the way as the white beam of white light pierced through the being, it was a huge white crystal in the shape of a sword. Leroy while powering up a huge amount of white energy exclaimed in with a red eye glowing on his head and two palms "Special technique: God's piercing punishment", suddenly a huge hand made of white energy popped out of the ground and started blasting crystals shining like a white light at the being. This was done at rapid fire, as the cloacked being saw these series of attacks coming it's way, it used its many hands to block. Unfortunately for it, all it's arms gets blasted off with its body being pierced with the huge whit crystals. Leroy then yelled "Bruce! Finish the job!", Bruce with a huge bursts power uses his regenerated arm that turned into that of a beast to punch the opponent to the ground, the cloacked being couldn't stand up as a result of the overwhelming power from Bruce. Bruce started to send out a series of blows that where releasing huge bursts of power. He hugs the being from behind and exclaimed "GUYS! NOW!". Gremmy, nagisa and Leroy all come with an insane burst of power as they all charge up intense amounts of energy into their hands and yell out together "WE'VE HAD IT WITH YOU. GET OBLITERATED BITCH!", they punch their opponent with a devastating amount of power while yelling at the top of their longs. This huge busts of power was noticed by everyone in the city, with tye level of power the boys were displaying, they had all reached B-rank level. The being out of worry yelled in anger as it too was sending a huge burst of power out of its body, in order to escape. While doing so, a small pink beam of light flies straight through its head, it was veronica who shot that small beam with two of her fingers "Do it!", she said with a smile on her face. The power gremmy, nagisa, Leroy and Bruce were releasing obliterated the opponent and caused a huge explosion of energy. After the huge explosion of energy, there is a smoke screen everywhere, the boys are on the floor laying tired, they all seemed beat up and were barely able to stand. Gremmy asked "Did we do it?," Leroy replied "Seems like it.". Nagisa takes a deep breath In and out before laughing, while laughing he says "Damn it all. We almost died and here we are standing with our body Intact.", gremmy looked at Bruce with a wierd smile and says "Well except Bruce, he lost an arm and leg.", Bruce gets annoyed while trying to drag his friend by the cheek "Will you shot it already. That wasn't funny." Leroy just smiles calmy and says "What a day, who could have thought that we'd survive?" Suddenly they all see a small spark of yellow energy coming from the ground, the small bursts of energy started to increase in power, the cloacked being they were fighting was battered and destroyed with only part of its body left. The boys where confused seeing huge balls of energy on their opponents hands slowly becoming bigger and more powerful "Are you fucking kidding me?!", nagisa exclaimed while Leroy, gremmy and Bruce were looking in confusion. As the cloacked being was about to blast of its devastating attack at the boys, who couldn't move due to the shock, a huge pink snake came from nowhere and swallowed it up. This left the four boys in disbelief, they headed a female voice from above saying "Nice work boys.",they all looked back and saw veronica flying on a huge eagle with the thumbs up sign. The boys were in relief as they all just sighed and said "Thank God", before they all collapsed to the ground. Veronica just smiles and says "Its young strong kids like these that end up being great people later on.", she looks at the moon light with a smile and says "Its about time all this came to an end. Don't you think, diablo?". Diablo on the other hand had a smirk on his face while sitting in his living room.