Alex no demon volume 6 chapter 60(ALL END PART 1)

In the other side of the city, Elaine and momo saw the huge burst of powerfull energy that shot into the air from the other side of the battlefield that the city had turned too. Elaine while floating in the air had a small smile on her face as she said to herself "So they did it huh. They actually pulled it off. Those crazy boys", she suddenly hears a sudden explosion accompanied with a roar. As she looked forward, she saw momo struggling with the huge dragon they were fighting, momo had her whipe tired around it's neck while the dragon was going berserk as it was trying to shake her off. Momo while struggling with the dragon said to herself "Damn it! Stay in a place already you fucking oversized lizard!", Elaine started to charge up a huge amount of yellow energy all over her body as huge yellow circles of energy started to open around her "Don't worry momo, I got you!", Elaine exclaimed as she shot out powerful beams of yellow energy at the dragon. Momo saw this huge set of beams flying towards her as she proceeded to jump out of the way while the dragon got overtaken by the powerful attack. Momo jumps down to the ground below Elaine as she said to her "Hey, let me know before you shoot out attacks like that! You got that?!", Elaine smiled nervously "Ahhh, I'm sorry. I'll try next time." The dragon then jumps out of the ground roaring with a huge amount of energy and flames blasting out of its body, Elaine said to momo "From here on out, things are going to get intense. Don't get carried away momo.", momo looked at her friend and said in annoyance "IM SUPPOSED TO BE TELLING YOU THAT!", Elaine just smiled nervously. The dragon spreads it's wings as it flew towards the two girls at top speed. Elaine created huge circles of energy as they all started to blast huge energy beams at the dragon, the dragon was able to fly and dodge the beams at the same time being able to blast through them with fire balls. As it got close Elaine in order to kill her, Elaine swiftly vanished out of the way and punched the dragon into the air. She flies up to the dragon and started to punch it all around the air without it being able to keep up. As she was about to blast a beam of energy at the dragon to finish it off, the dragon swiftly blasted a beam of energy of its own at Elaine. Elaine seeing this attack was able to quickly shoot at a beam of energy from her magic circle as it was able to clash with that of the dragon and cause a huge explosion In the air that obliterated the mountains outside the city. While the explosion was still occurring, the dragon flew right through the explosion as it was aim to stab Elaine with its huge claws. Momo quickly extended her whipe to the dragons arm and was able to send the dragon crashing into the ground, she started using violently dragging the dragon around with her whipe "TAKE THIS!", she yelled as she sends the dragon flying into a few buildings. The dragon swiftly got up and charged at her, momo on seeing this upcoming attack just smirked as she exclaimed with energy slowly charging up her body "Secret Technique: Everlasting slashes", this was a technique where she would use her whipe to send around huge slashes of energy at the dragon. The dragon while rushing towards her used it's wings to take cover while the rapid fire attacks that were nearly moving at light speed was just tearing through the city. While these huge slashes were tearing through the city, some of the soliders who were fighting nearly got caught In it with one of them exclaiming in annoyance "What the hell is this?!", one of the other soliders who was trying to get to safety also exclaimed "This rapid fire attacks are definitely coming from one of our own soliders!", one other soliders Screamed in annoyance "Are those idiots shooting this rapid fire slashes not aware that they could get others killed?! They should stop this already!" While momo was sending a continuous wave of slashes, she said to herself with a smirk "There's no way that dragon would be able to tank these attacks.", Elaine then yells out to momo "YOU STUPID IDIOT! LOOK OUT!", momo was shocked to see the dragon running through her slashes with the injuries it was sustaining from the slashes healing up quickly. The dragon after making it towards momo tried to slice her up with its claws, but luckily, Elaine was able to shoot out a beam of energy at the giant dragon which sent it flying. Elaine flew to the ground and asked momo "You idiot. Are you okay?", momo replied "I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me that. Thank you very much". Elaine then says to her "Those slashes of yours were going out of control. Most of the soliders fighting got caught up in it and nearly got killed." Momo replied while pouting "Tch, it's not my fault I my attacks have a long range effect." Elaine then tells her "Look it doesn't matter, all I'm saying is that you should be more-", her conversation with her friend gets interrupted by a huge burst of fire from the ground caused by the dragon. The dragon got back up with a loud roar and with flames bursting out of its mouth, it's roar was so powerful that it started causing tornadoes and lighting storms that were destroying everything. Elaine and momo both look infront of them as they where shocked to see the insane amount of power being displayed infront of them, the dragon blasts out a huge fire ball at the two girls. But as the huge attack wad flying towards them, Elaine created a giant force field with a magical circle infront of it to protect them. They then hear a very loud and disturbing roar that was more terrifying than anything they've heard, along side with a powerful and devastating amount of energy blasting out of the dragons body. Momo said to herself in shock "Fuck! Is this the thing we're supposed to be fighting against?!"