Alex no demon volume 6 chapter 63(ALL END PART 4)

Meanwhile in the wastelands, runo was having a devastating battle against a dragon like humanoid, it had red dragons skin which seemed red in colour, it's entire body was like an armour and it had two horns and was holding a staff with two sharp edges. Runo was flying around and blasting huge beams of energy at her opponent with her canons, the dragon like figure on the other hand was just flying and dodging her attacks at the same time cutting through runo's beams of energy. While this was going on, runo said to herself "Been fighting for hours now, and this thing doesn't seem like it's tired at all. In that case...", runo summoned a huge railgun and yelled out "Take this instead", as she starts to shoots out huge and powerful amounts of lightning bolts at her opponent. This dragon like being just smirked as she stretched out her arm and says "Dragonoid Technique: Crashing Thunder roar", a huge magical circle appeared before with a huge dragon head made out of red energy blasting out of it and countering runo's powerful attack. While runo kept on blasting huge amounts of lightning bolts non stop, she wondered to herself "Is she parrying my attacks? And she's doing it so effortlessly. Damn it all.". Eventually the clash of the two attacks causes a very devastating explosion that destroyed the mountains and the landscape around them, as the smoke clears, both runo and her opponent are standing on the destroyed land. Runo asked "You seem too look human even tho you look like some Kind of dragon. Who are you and what do you want?!", this feminine human like dragon replied "I'm vahellen, one of the surviving members of the dragon kins and my goal right now, is too revive my fallen race." Runo seemed abit puzzled and annoyed "Huh? What kind of name is that? And second of all, what the hell is the dragon kin race?!", vahellen replied "Why would I even bother telling you, after all you're just a weak and clueless human." Runo seemed angry by this statement "Excuse me? You mind repeating that fucking statement of yours?!", vahellen explained "The dragon kins race was a race of human like dragons with exponential amounts of power. At some point, we were known as one of the strongest beings in the entire galaxy. One day we were destroyed, and only a few survived. That few that survived are the one's that some of your allies are out fighting as we speak. Honestly I don't understand why we have to invade a human planet, but seiten probably saw something that he needed to revive our race so I guess his reasons for coming over to invade this planet is understandable. But still, you humans are weak, you won't last long at all.". Runo who was fed up from all this talking replied her "You talk to much, have you ever thought of shutting up for a second?", vahellen exclaimed in confusion "Huh? What are you saying?", runo had a smirk on her face "You came to our world to invade, millions of people all over the world are fighting for their lives right now, all because of some selfish goal of yours. It's scum like you that needs to be eradicated. No wonder your race was destroyed, hell if i had that kind of power to wipe out a whole race, I'd wipe yours 12 times over for my satisfaction!". Vahellen was obviously annoyed by this statement from runo "You dare insult us dragon kins? You smug human, I'll tear your fingers off and force you to eat your own heart!", she started to power up a tremendous amount of energy, runo seeing this just smirked as she says "Huh, I'm gonna enjoy this!". Runo's body started to unleash a massive amount of energy, her energy seemed to multicoloured, suddenly a green bracelet with ancient symbols around it appeared on her wrist, the designs of the bracelet seemed seemed like small keys made from green energy. Vahellen picks up her double edged staff which later turns into two powerful swords, "Ready yourself human", vahellen exclaimed as she rushed towards runo at an insane speed. Runo prepared two katana's with a smirk on her face as she proceeds to block vahellen's attack. The two of them then start to have a devastating sword battle, they were flying in air at tremendous speeds while creating huge slashes of energy that was destroying the wastelands below them. While doing so, runo gives vahellen a powerful kick which sends her flying. As vahellen was sent flying, she exclaimed in anger "Why you human scumbag!", stretched out her hand and was firing powerful beams of energy that looked like dragon heads. Runo seeing these attacks flying towards her said to herself "Tch, those things seem troublesome!", she uses her sword to block a few of the dragon head attacks while slicing through the rest of them. As she was doing so, a red beam of energy comes flying at her and nearly hitting runo on the face. Instead of hitting her, it hits a part of her hair which left a hole on it. Runo seemed to be offended as she exclaimed in anger "Now youve fucked up!", as she proceeds to send a huge slash of energy with her sword. Vahellen on the other hand was running at an insane speed as she then see's Runo's huge slash of energy flying towards her. Vahellen gets annoyed as she hardens the scales on her hand and punches away the slags thrown at her by runo. As she did that, she exclaimed in anger "Ha! You'd have to do better than that to stop me!", In an instant, she heated Runo's voice up in the air saying "I know!". She looks up and see's runo in the air along with multiple slashes falling towards her. Vahellen just gets annoyed as she yells out in anger which causes portals to open up around her and start shooting spears of red energy at Runo's huge slashes. While runo and vahellen's attacks were clashing with each other, vahellen says to herself "I'm valkary's right hand in battle, we both have been through alot together and trained together, seiten has also proposed his love to me as his second lover after valkary. There's no way I'm losing to a mere human!". Vahellen proceeds to yell out as she places her arm on the floor with a huge magic circle appearing below"IM GOING TO MAKE SURE I LET SEITEN ACHIEVE HIS GOAL. SPECIAL TECHNIQUE:". Before she could even call out her special technique, runo appeared infront of her with her fist ready to punch her "I ain't letting you!", she punches vahellen so hard that vahellen flew through mountains. Runo with the help of the artifact on her wrist stretched out her hand which caused a huge key made from green energy the size of a long sword to appear on her hand, runo throws the key at an insane speed towards vahellen. Vahellen seeing this attack narrowly dodges it as the attack ends up blasting a few mountains. The mountains it obliterated turned into small locks, this leaves vahellen in confusion as she noticed this "What the hell?", she exclaimed. Unknowingly to her, runo was already infront of her ready to land a very powerful blow, she had a very sinister and excited smile on her face as she was about to punch her opponent.