Runo appeared Infront of vahellen with a very devious smirk on her face as she proceeds to give her a devastating blow to three face, the blow runo threw at her was so strong that the ground instantly got destroyed. Vahellen was sent flying accross mountains but instantly landed on her feet. As she got on her two feet, she saw runo again Infront of her as she was about to stab her with her katana. Vahellen quickly uses her sword to block the sword strike from runo, they both start to clash swords together with the impact of their fight breaking the ground and slicing through mountains with the intense and powerful slashes that was flying out of their swords. While fighting, vahellen asks herself "What the hell was that thing she threw earlier? It seemed like some Kind of key, and she was able to do that with the help of that artifact that's on her wrist. I want that power!", as they kept clashing swords with one another, vahellen charges up a huge amount of energy on her sword as she sends a powerful sword strike at runo "Dragonoid Technique: Storm Crusher!", she yelled as she sends a devastating sword strike at runo. Runo see's this powerful strike coming at her, she summons a shield to block the intense blow coming at her. As soon as vahellen's sword clashed with runo's shield, the devastating amount of power destroys the ground and everything around them. This insane sword strike was so powerful that it sent runo flying but at the same time, it didn't affect her defence. As the smoke clears off, runo puts down her shield which seemed to have taken huge damage from vahellen's devastating attack "What the hell? That was insane. If I got hit by that attack, the least that would have happened to me would have been having half of my bones broken.". Vahellen comes walking out of the smoke caused by her attack with a red aura around her, she points her sword to runo with a smirk on her face "Hm, I'm surprised you're still alive and standing. Do you still want to fight me? If you surrender to me now, I'll at least give you the ability to beg for your life.", runo replied sarcastically "Oh great one of the dragons, spear my life for I have done wrong.", she stops acting sarcastically and replied in her usual character "Oh please, like I'd ever beg for my life. You aren't even that strong.", this statement from runo made vahellen irritated. Runo with her eyes glowing blue pointed her finger at vahellen "Let me make a prediction. You're gonna die screaming like a damsell in distress, and I'm gonna laugh my ass off at you as I watch you lose your mind due to your stupid pride.", vahellen gets a devious smile on her face but still irritated "Oh yeah, you humans are amazingly stupid, talking like that to a superior spieces! If that's the case....", the aura around her started to power up, vahellen's horns grew longer with her eyes turning into that of a dragon, she let out a loud roar which caused lightning to start falling from the sky at an incredible speed. Runo wasn't fazed by this, she had a look of indifference on her face, vahellen then grows out a huge tail with her scales being sharper, she had started to growl with steam coming from her mouth and had a smirk on her face. Vahellen had activated her second form "Dragonoid State:Antareas Mode", she said with an evil smile on her face. Runo seeing her opponent like this knew that she was In a deeper and more dangerous situation than she was already in "Shit! So she had something like this up her sleeve huh? Well I'm not gonna lie, if I had a power like this which made me more badass and sexy looking, I'd probably be cocky too." Vahellen who seemed confused for a moment asked "Hey, are you sizing me up? We're supposed to kill each other.", runo on the other hand replied with a question "I know this is out of line, but were your boobs always this big or it grew bigger when you changed into this new form. Just asking.", this got vahellen flustered and annoyed at the same time "Why you fucking human!", she said in annoyance as she picked up her two swords, fused her arms with them and yelled out with a crazy outburst of energy as she slams the floor "MY BOOBS ARE FOR LORD SEITEN ALONE TO LUST OVER!". This huge explosion of energy was so intense that runo immediately jumped out of the way faster than she had ever moved in her life. As she was able to dodge the huge burst of energy, vahellen appeared behind with her hand resembling a sword. She blasted out a huge burst of red energy at runo which overwhelmed her, runo was sent flying by this bursts of energy that overtook her. While being overtaken, she exclaimed in agony and annoyance "HER ATTACK... ITS WAY MORE POWERFUL THAN LAST TIME!!". While being overtaken, she summoned two giant cannons and blasted huge beams of energy out of them which overtook vahellen's attacks, as soon as this happened, runo appeared Infront of vahellen and summoned a huge mallet infused with a devastating amount of energy "WHY YOU....", and bangs it on her head with a great amount of power that had energy crackling all over the place. The ground scatters due to the insane amount of power runo was able to generate out of her mallet. Vahellen didn't seemed fazed by this and gave runo a devastating punch to the gut which sent her flying, vahellen ran after her, turned her arms from sword edges to cannons and then blasted it at runo. Just by shooting out her attacks, vahellen was able to take out a massive chunk of the wasteland, runo see's this upcoming attack and then quickly summons a huge key with the help of her bracelet artifacts and then clashes with the powerful blast heading her way. Runo picks up a few explosives from her pocket and the detonates them, this obviously caused a huge explosion that took out a large area of the wasteland. Vahellen thinking her attack worked just smirked and said to herself "That's what you get for toying with me." Suddenly, a portal opened up behind her with runo slowly falling out of it, vahellen noticed this immediately and turned back, but runo with a smirk on her face brought out a small pad lock from her pocket "Bicka boo", she said with a smirk on her face and threw the lock at her. The lock Suddenly bursts out with a great amount of energy with vahellen caught in it. (DAMN RUNO, I WASN'T FAMILIAR WITH YOUR GAME!)