Almond arrived before the Mad Nuts and waved his sword, unleashing blurring black slash-projectiles with golden patterns that began moving in a circular formation around, shredding all High-Mortal and Mortal-rank Griminions in a second.
"Stop fighting. It's time to resume being my Prana Batteries. Recover your soul energies in meditation, now."
Zek and Karven arrived beside Almond as they looked in the same direction—at incoming Brian and his group who had bare nefarious intents aimed at them.
"Looks like they aren't going to care about decency anymore. He wants you dead," Karven chuckled.
"What's the plan?" Zek glanced at Almond.
Almond narrowed his eyes. "You two also need to go. I am sensing an unstable pulse from Brian, and he is fixated on me."
"Yeah, no. We planned to go, anyway," Karven rolled his eyes and went inside the hidden veil Almond created.
"Have fun," Zek said with a chuckle and also left.