Almond vanished from his place before the monstrous vines could get to him and appeared right beside Brian.
Brian turned his head, sweat oozing rapidly on his face as danger bells rang in his head.
Alas, Almond's hand wreathed in bladed black exotic flames with colorful sparks chopped at him at a speed beyond his capacity. He barely enhanced his neck before he got hit.
Crashing into a statue, he was buried in rubble as dust blew up.
"Not dead, eh?"
Almond floated with the faintest of a smile as he sensed a surging aura amidst the unstable vitality of Brian.
'It looks like he'll finally show me something worth watching.'
The rubble blasted up as Brian emerged, floating up with a blood-soaked neck and torso.
Almond's chop almost beheaded Brian, and he incurred severe injuries, but from his surging aura, it was clear that Brian was using his Bloodline power and recovering fast.