The Evil Supreme

For eons, the Supreme Realm had stood as a beacon of balance and harmony, governing both the celestial and mortal worlds with a structure that seemed unshakable.

The Guardians, entrusted with the protection of humanity, ensured that the ancient laws of the universe were upheld. The Supreme Lord reigned at the pinnacle of this hierarchy, his wisdom guiding the decisions that shaped entire worlds.

But not all who dwelled within the Supreme Realm believed that this order was just.

Among the dissenters was a being who had once walked alongside the Supreme Lord himself, a Guardian of unparalleled strength and wisdom, one who had once been trusted with the highest responsibilities. His name had been lost to time, for he was no longer the Guardian he once was. Now, he was known only as the Evil Supreme, a title that marked his fall from grace.

Long before his descent into darkness, the Evil Supreme had been one of the most revered High Guardians. He had fought in wars that spanned galaxies, brought balance to worlds teetering on the edge of destruction, and had been seen as a pillar of the Supreme Realm's order.

He had stood at the right hand of the Supreme Lord, his counsel sought in matters of great consequence.

Yet, beneath the surface, resentment festered. His contempt for humanity had begun as a whisper in his mind, a quiet thought that grew louder with each passing century. At first, he had dismissed it, as Guardians were taught to do.

After all, humans were fragile, flawed, and fleeting creatures, but they were also under the protection of the Supreme Realm for a reason. They were seen as part of the balance that the Guardians worked tirelessly to maintain.

But as he watched over them, the Evil Supreme's faith in that purpose eroded. He saw the wars humans waged against each other, the way they destroyed their own planet, their greed, their pettiness. It was as though they thrived on chaos and destruction, and no matter how many times the Guardians intervened, humanity always seemed to spiral back into darkness.

One particular event had been the tipping point. A small, thriving civilization had been on the brink of greatness. The Guardians had offered them subtle guidance for years, helping them rise from the ashes of conflict. But in a matter of weeks, their leaders had turned on each other, plunging their people into a devastating war that wiped out nearly everything the Guardians had helped build.

The Evil Supreme had stood on the edge of that world, watching as the once-prosperous cities burned. He could hear the cries of the innocent, feel the chaos and despair that radiated from the planet below. And in that moment, something within him snapped.

"They are unworthy," he had whispered, his voice thick with disgust. "They are a blight on the universe."

The words had echoed in his mind for days, each passing moment solidifying the belief that had taken root in his heart. Humanity was beyond saving. They were corrupt by nature, destined to destroy themselves. And yet, the Supreme Realm continued to protect them, to shield them from their own self-made horrors.

The Supreme Lord, in his eternal wisdom, had tried to reason with him.

"Humans are flawed, yes," the Supreme Lord had said, his voice calm yet firm, "but they are also capable of growth, of learning from their mistakes. We are their guardians, not their judges."

But the Evil Supreme had no patience for such reasoning anymore. "They squander the gifts we give them," he had spat, his eyes blazing with anger. "They destroy everything they touch. Why should we protect them when they are the architects of their own downfall?"

The Supreme Lord had sighed, his expression weary but resolute. "Because it is our duty. We exist to maintain balance, to ensure that the forces of light and darkness do not spiral into chaos. Humanity is part of that balance, no matter how flawed they may be."

But to the Evil Supreme, these words were nothing more than the echoes of a doctrine that no longer held meaning. His belief in humanity had died, replaced by a seething contempt. And as that contempt grew, so did his desire to reshape the balance, to rid the universe of the corrupt, the weak, the undeserving.

It was not long before the Evil Supreme began to gather followers. Quietly at first, in the shadows of the Supreme Realm, he sought out other Guardians who shared his disillusionment. Some had witnessed the same failures of humanity that he had. Others had long harbored doubts but had never dared voice them. Under the Evil Supreme's influence, their doubts grew into conviction.

"We are not meant to coddle them," the Evil Supreme would say, his voice carrying a dark charisma that drew his followers in. "We are meant to correct the imbalance they have created. Humanity is a disease, and we are the cure."

One by one, Guardians who had once served the Supreme Realm faithfully began to turn. They believed that the Evil Supreme was right, that humanity was too flawed to be saved. They began to see themselves not as protectors but as judges, ready to decide who was worthy of the universe's grace and who was not.

In secret, the Evil Supreme and his followers formed a coalition. They called themselves the Harbingers, beings of divine power who would bring about a new era, one where humanity would be purged, and only the strong would survive. It was a vision of a universe free from the corruption of mortal souls, a place where only the worthy would thrive under their rule.

The Evil Supreme's influence spread like wildfire. His words were sharp, cutting through the doubts and fears of those who listened. He promised power to those who joined him, a world reshaped in their image, free from the weaknesses of humanity.

Yet, even as his numbers grew, the Evil Supreme knew that the Supreme Lord would not allow his plans to come to fruition easily. The balance had been maintained for eons, and the Supreme Lord would fight to preserve it. But the Evil Supreme had no intention of backing down. His hatred had consumed him, fueling his desire for revolution.

And deep within him, he believed that he had the right, no, the duty, to change the universe, to wipe out the unworthy and build a new order.

As he stood at the helm of his growing army, his eyes gleaming with the dark fire of his ambition.