The Supreme Battle (1)

Dark clouds gathered ominously over the Supreme Realm, casting long shadows across its once radiant skies. The peace that had reigned for eons was now shattered, replaced by the tremors of an impending war that would shake the foundations of both the celestial and mortal worlds. Below, a twisted army of monsters and dark creatures, born from the deepest voids of the universe, waited in grim anticipation. They were ready to strike, their grotesque forms shifting and snarling, thirsting for destruction.

At the head of this unholy legion stood the Evil Supreme.

He was a figure shrouded in darkness, his armor black as midnight, absorbing every trace of light that dared come near him. His eyes burned with hatred, a deep and ancient fury that had grown over centuries. The Supreme Lord, once his kin, now stood as his enemy. And the time had come to unseat him, to finally eradicate the human race that the Evil Supreme had grown to despise so much.

The Supreme Lord, standing tall in his gleaming silver armor, faced his former brother with a sorrow that weighed heavily on his heart. Behind him, was High Guardians, their faces a mix of fear and determination.

They knew what they were up against, their fallen brother, once a High Guardian, had returned as the Evil Supreme. And he was no longer the man they had once known. His hatred for humanity had consumed him entirely, warping his once noble heart into something unrecognizable.

The Supreme Lordhad hoped, even in this moment, that reason might still reach the Evil Supreme and swayed him from his destructive path. His voice was firm, but the underlying sadness was unmistakable.

"Brother, stop this now," the Supreme Lord called out across the battlefield. "There is still time to turn back. You can forsake this path of destruction and hatred. I do not want this war."

The Evil Supreme's lips curled into a sneer, his black blade resting easily in his hand as he stepped forward. His army stirred behind him, their monstrous forms shifting impatiently.

"This is no longer about what you want, Supreme Lord," the Evil Supreme spat, his voice thick with malice. "You cling to the old ways, protecting those weak, pathetic creatures below us. Humanity does not deserve the grace we've given them. They are corrupt, unworthy of the universe's protection. It is I who will restore balance by wiping them out."

The Supreme Lord's gaze hardened. "They are part of the balance. Flawed, yes, but capable of growth, of change. If you continue down this path, you will not only destroy humanity, you will destroy the balance of the universe itself."

The Evil Supreme laughed, a harsh and hollow sound that echoed across the battlefield. "I am not the one destroying the balance. I am correcting it."

A tense silence followed his words, the air thick with the weight of the impending battle. The Supreme Lord's jaw tightened, and he gripped the hilt of his sword, the Blade of Balance, a weapon forged in the dawn of time, shimmering with cosmic light. The High Guardians behind him, knew what was coming.

"I will give you one last chance," the Supreme Lord said quietly, his voice laced with the finality of a decision made. "Turn away from this. The universe does not need more death."

But the Evil Supreme's eyes flickered with hatred, and he raised his black blade, the Abyssal Edge, toward the Supreme Lord. "I don't need your mercy. I need your destruction."

Before the Supreme Lord could react, the Evil Supreme struck.

He moved like a shadow, faster than a mortal eye could follow, his black sword slashing toward the Supreme Lord's heart.

The Supreme Lord raised his own sword just in time, their blades meeting with a cataclysmic clash that sent a shockwave across the battlefield. The force of their powers colliding was like the roar of a thousand storms, shaking the very skies of the Supreme Realm.

The war had begun.

The battlefield erupted into chaos as the Supreme Lord's High Guardians surged forward, their weapons drawn and their divine powers sparking in the air. They charged into the throngs of monsters that poured from the Evil Supreme's ranks, their swords flashing with celestial light as they fought to protect the realm.

These creatures were unlike anything the Guardians had faced before, hulking beasts with twisted limbs and sharp fangs, their skin as tough as steel. The High Guardians fought valiantly, their swords slicing through the air, their divine powers lighting up the battlefield as they unleashed blasts of energy against the dark forces.

Varael, the Supreme Lord's lieutenant, led the charge. His spear, glowed with an ethereal blue light, spun in his hands as he cut through the dark creatures that lunged at him. Each strike was precise, every movement calculated, but the sheer number of enemies seemed endless. For every monster that fell, three more took its place.

Beside Varael, High Guardian Lyra, master of the elements, raised her hands to the skies. Her eyes flashed with power as she summoned a great storm, lightning arcing from her fingertips and slamming into the creatures that swarmed toward them. The ground trembled beneath her feet, but even her control over the elements could only hold them back for so long.

"They're too many!" Lyra shouted over the din of battle, her voice tight with strain.

"We have no choice!" Varael gritted his teeth, his spear tearing through a massive beast with jagged horns. "We fight until we can't."

Meanwhile, the Supreme Lord and the Evil Supreme clashed like titans in the heart of the battlefield. Their swords blazed with opposing energies, light against darkness, creation against destruction. Every strike they landed sent shockwaves that rippled through the fabric of reality.

The ground beneath them cracking with the sheer force of their power.

"You cannot win this!" the Evil Supreme hissed, his eyes blazing with fury as he pressed forward, their blades locked together. "You are weak. You and your Guardians are doomed. When I am finished with you, the human world will fall, and I will eradicate them once and for all!"

The Supreme Lord's muscles strained as he pushed back, his sword glowing brighter in his hands. "I will not let you destroy what we were sworn to protect!" he growled through clenched teeth. "As long as I stand, the balance will remain."