Chapter 52: The Green-Haired Evil, King Kong Gorilla – Gargamel

The one-eyed man didn't want to meet with the psychiatric patients.

However, he kept someone monitoring the situation there.

Climbing onto a high-voltage transformer, getting electrocuted until smoke and the aroma of cooked meat wafted off him – for an ordinary person, that would be certain death, no need for a hospital visit. Yet, the news he just received was that the man was alive again.

Although not exactly bouncing with vitality, he could eat, drink, and continue boasting.

The one-eyed man was shocked. What was going on with that guy? How could he possess such resilience? Was his physical resistance that strong?

Even a level six esper couldn't withstand the current of a high-voltage transformer, let alone two psychiatric patients.

But miraculously...

He survived, without any issues, except for burns all over his body, he was perfectly fine.

"Should I pay a visit to the mental hospital?"

He fell into deep thought, then abruptly startled himself with the idea. How could he have such a thought? Hadn't he learned his lesson after being fooled several times?

What a cursed thought.

He would absolutely not go looking for those two psychiatric patients.


Nine o'clock.

Downtown Yanhai City was still bustling, but on a dirty, messy street, a shop's lights were on. The shop owner stood at the entrance, looking at both ends of the street, not a single customer passed by.

He could only close up.

Ever since the TV news reported that evil creatures were hiding in Yanhai City, some of the shadier streets were deserted at night.

Zhao Jinlong stood at the shop entrance, looking at the sign.

Trendy Hair Salon!

Business wasn't good today, only earning a little over three hundred.

Green hair, studded shoes, and a Wangzai milk shirt – a true trendsetter.

He apprenticed with a Tony teacher at thirteen, mastered the craft at eighteen, and used his savings to open a barbershop, dreaming of becoming the Tony teacher of the hairdressing world. But reality and fantasy are different.

It's not something you can achieve just by wanting it.

Zhao Jinlong turned off the lights inside, stood at the door, pulled down the rolling shutter, preparing to ride his beloved electric scooter to get some barbecue, drink a couple of beers, and then go home for a good night's sleep.

Although this kind of life wasn't particularly exciting, it was fulfilling.


Zhao Jinlong pulled down the rolling shutter, but suddenly, he felt a chill behind him, a huge shadow enveloped him. His hand holding the key trembled. Thinking of the news reports about evil creatures hiding in Yanhai City, he muttered to himself, he couldn't be this unlucky, could he?

He wanted to turn around.

But he didn't dare.

He was afraid of seeing a terrifying creature and being swallowed whole.

Zhao Jinlong stood frozen, his legs trembling, sweat dripping from his forehead. He glanced to the side and saw a large, hairy hand gripping the rolling shutter.

That was definitely not a human hand.

Tears streamed down his face as he pleaded, "Big brother, I don't taste good, I'm very pitiful, please don't do this to me. I work hard every day, getting up at six in the morning, and not sleeping until eleven or twelve at night. I only earn tens of thousands a year, and sometimes, when I try to date, I get dumped."

"Give me a chance, just let me live a little longer."


The large hand exerted force, lifting the rolling shutter.

Zhao Jinlong didn't dare turn around, his back icy cold, his hairs standing on end. He wanted to look back several times, but lacked the courage, only able to stand there with his head down.


He was pushed into the shop, the force so strong he almost lost his balance.


The barbershop lights turned on.

Zhao Jinlong looked sideways, seeing in the mirror what the giant creature was. It was a massive gorilla.

Ah! I'm fainting.

He collapsed directly onto the floor, completely unconscious.

"Hoo hoo..."

The evil gorilla looked at the human lying on the ground, making no aggressive moves. Instead, it searched the shop for something. Its fur was black and shiny, its muscles bulging, giving the impression of explosive power.

The only flaw was that the evil gorilla had male pattern baldness, its head completely bald except for a little hair on the sides.

The evil gorilla had been hiding in Yanhai City since its arrival, trying to blend in with humans, but it didn't expect them to try and send him to the zoo. To him, this was unacceptable.

How could I, King Kong Gorilla, such a mighty being, go to the zoo?

So he escaped.

Hiding himself.

Because his size was similar to a human's, and he mostly came out at night, he hadn't been discovered.

He was different from other evil creatures.

Other evil creatures liked to eat people and cause destruction, but he liked to make himself look good. The only thing that bothered him was his hair, which always made him feel self-conscious.

The evil gorilla saw a green wig displayed on a mannequin head, picked it up happily, placed it on his head, looked at himself in the mirror from various angles, quite pleased with the look.

Then he found some glue, squeezed it onto his head, stuck the wig on, and struck various bodybuilder poses in front of the mirror. He looked incredibly handsome.

"Hoo hoo!"


The King Kong Gorilla was delighted. He prepared to leave, picked up the electric scooter key that had fallen on the floor, and walked outside, scratching his itchy butt.

Zhao Jinlong was pretending to be unconscious.

He thought he was going to die.

But he didn't expect the gorilla to completely ignore him, instead stealing his beloved green wig and his electric scooter. How could it be like this?

But realizing he had saved his life, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness.

Then, he saw the gorilla straddle his electric scooter, the vehicle sinking under its weight, the rear tire deflating. With a whoosh, it disappeared into the night.

"Ah! No! My scooter!"

Zhao Jinlong stretched out his hand despairingly, as if saying, "My precious... don't leave me."

He took out his phone and called the police.

"Hello! I'm reporting a crime. A gorilla just stole my green wig and my electric scooter. Come quickly!"

Zhao Jinlong was heartbroken.

"Sir, are you on drugs?"

The gentle voice on the other end of the line belonged to the operator, whose first reaction was to suspect the caller was high.

"I'm not on drugs, I own a barbershop, why would I be on drugs?"

"Hurry up and come over."

"He rode away on my scooter!"

In the dark street.

A King Kong Gorilla wearing a green wig rode an electric scooter, weaving through the streets. His driving skills were proficient, the wind in his face, the green hair fluttering in the breeze. He habitually pressed it down with his hand.

The human world wasn't bad.

He liked life here, but he knew that humans were looking for them, so he needed to hide and not expose himself.

Just then.

A mantis monster, over a meter tall, appeared in front of him in the dark street, its scythe-like forelegs glowing faintly.

The mantis made a sound, not a human sound, but the unique communication sound of evil creatures.

"You are an evil creature, yet you live in the human world. You are not worthy of being one of us."


The mantis monster rapidly attacked the King Kong Gorilla, moving at high speed, its sharp scythes sweeping towards him, aiming to cut him in half.


A loud crash.

The taillight of the electric scooter disappeared into the darkness.

And where it had just been, the mantis monster lay in pieces, its viscous blood splattered on the ground. Its head lay alone, eyes wide open, not understanding what had happened even in death.