Chapter 169: I Saw How to Summon a Golden Eagle Like This on TV

"Lin Fan, I'm scared."

Old Zhang clutched Lin Fan's arm, fear etched on his face. He huddled behind Lin Fan, occasionally peeking his head out to look curiously at the distance.

"Xiao Bao is scared too."

Xiao Bao, thrilled to be camping, was usually carefree and happy when playing with those he liked.

Lin Fan spread his arms, putting them around their shoulders, and comforted them:

"Don't be afraid, I'm here, I'll protect you."

The head bodyguard instructed someone to bring the car over and then pulled Young Master Xiao Bao.

"Young Master, let's go quickly. With our driving skills, we can definitely get out of here."

He was very confident in his driving skills.

In fact, he had a secret he hadn't told anyone: many people had praised him, saying, "You look so handsome driving a Ferrari with one hand."

He didn't have a Ferrari.

But he had Young Master Xiao Bao.

"Lin Fan, Old Zhang, let's go quickly." Xiao Bao wasn't mentally ill; he knew what danger was, even though he couldn't see what was in the dust cloud.

But he knew it was definitely not something good.

The demonic rooster observed the situation and noticed the foolish humans were about to leave. It certainly couldn't agree to that. After all the trouble it took to summon the demonic horde, how could it let them escape so easily?

Then, the demonic rooster did something incredibly daring. While Lin Fan wasn't holding its leash, it dashed on its little legs towards the demonic army.

"Chicken, come back!"

Lin Fan, preparing to leave with Xiao Bao, saw the rooster running towards the distance and stood there waving.

Seeing the rooster run further and further away, Lin Fan scratched his head and said, "I can't leave, I have to bring the chicken back. It's my pet, I can't leave it behind."

The head bodyguard, his forehead sweating with anxiety, said, "Mr. Lin, the situation is critical now, it's not worth it for a chicken."

Lin Fan shook his head.

Old Zhang said, "We have to bring the chicken back. It's our pet, we can't just abandon it."

The situation was urgent. The head bodyguard pondered for a moment, then pulled Xiao Bao's hand. There was no other way. Their responsibility was to protect Young Master Xiao Bao. Protecting others was secondary, only if it didn't threaten the young master's safety.

Now they wanted to stay and find the chicken.

That was their business.

It had nothing to do with him.

"Young Master, let's go."

He was ready to abandon Lin Fan and Old Zhang, focused solely on getting the young master out of there.

At that moment, a huge bird of prey shrieked from the sky. Its massive form, with wings spanning at least four meters, cast a large shadow on the ground.

"Open fire!"

As bodyguards for the son of the richest man, they were naturally carrying firearms. Rat-tat-tat, the muzzle flashes filled the once peaceful environment with the smoke of war.

The bird of prey was incredibly fast; the bullets couldn't keep up with its speed.

Immediately afterward, the bird landed on a small hill behind them, spread its wings, and shrieked, completely cutting off their escape route.

"We're done for."

The head bodyguard knew how powerful demons were. They were at best equipped to deal with ordinary people. If they encountered demons, they had no ability to contend with them.

Sun Xiao's hand holding the phone trembled slightly.

The barrage of comments filled the screen.

"Holy crap, what kind of demon is that?"

"Such a terrifying size! I saw its wingspan; it's at least four or five meters wide."

"Brother Sun, you're the expert, explain it to us."

Ordinary netizens knew of the existence of demons, but seeing one with their own eyes was another matter entirely, especially such a realistic live broadcast. It frightened many people, sending chills down their spines even through the screen.

Sun Xiao snapped out of his shock.

"That was a demonic golden eagle. I once saw a special department expert fighting a similar type of demon. That one was half the size of this one."

"Based on my guess, this demonic golden eagle is at least a level seven demon."

"And don't underestimate this kind of demon. Its speed has broken the sound barrier. When flying at high speed, its destructive power is terrifying. Also, its feathers are very hard; even firearms can't pierce them."

The netizens in the live broadcast room were stunned.

A level seven demon?

How powerful must that be?

Firearms can't pierce its feathers?

Flight speed reaches the speed of sound?

Taking all these points together, it was not something ordinary people could compare to.

Even members of the special department were probably no match for this demonic golden eagle.

"Brother Sun, so what you're saying is that they're completely finished, right?"

"That's definitely what he means."

"Sigh, what a pitiful group of people."

Sun Xiao stared into the distance, his eyes glued to the scene. In just a few glances, he recognized many demons, some he had seen before and studied in depth. They were all very powerful demons.

Powerful demons were similar to apex predators in the animal kingdom.

Just like this demonic golden eagle.

The overlord of the sky.

While demonic stray dogs were weak existences.

The demonic rooster stood in front of a large group of demons, clucking.

It was exasperated with its demonic compatriots. A bunch of fools! I tricked the humans into coming here, and you call me a traitor? Do you know how much you've hurt the demonic hero with those words?

The conversation ended.

The demonic rooster trotted back to Lin Fan's side.

Its mission was complete.

It had stalled for time.

It had also just communicated with the demonic army and informed them of the situation.

The demonic rooster was puzzled. Who was the commander of the demonic army? There were simply too many of them, even it couldn't find the leader. And sensing the energy levels, it didn't detect any kingly aura.

Clearly, the other party was hiding.

Lin Fan held the rooster in his arms and said, "Don't run around, do you understand? You make people worry."

Feeling the human's concern, it wasn't touched in the slightest.

As expected of the great demonic hero, so powerful.

Based on its undercover work during this period, it had completely subdued this foolish human.

Some demons had said they would capture humans with their cuteness and charm. The final result was always tragic. Cuteness and charm could tempt for a while, but not forever.

Only those like it, who relied on their own abilities, could gain human trust.

Thus, even knowing the danger, the human was unwilling to abandon it, even waiting here for it, missing the best chance to escape. This was its success.

I accept your feelings for me, human.

But sorry...

I'm undercover.

Then, Lin Fan, holding the rooster, led Old Zhang and the others back to the picnic blanket.

"Don't be nervous, they're just passing by. We can treat them as scenery. We've never seen anything like this before."

He smiled happily.

He didn't understand why Xiao Bao and the bodyguards seemed so scared.

There was really nothing to be afraid of.

They were just bigger animals.


Old Zhang excitedly pointed at the demonic golden eagle, his eyes shining, "I know what this animal is! I saw it on the news once. It's an eagle, an eagle that soars in the sky, a very powerful one. This eagle is even bigger than the ones on TV."

"It's really cute, I want to ride it."

Lin Fan looked at the golden eagle. "Yeah, it's really big. I wonder if it would be willing to take us for a flight."

Xiao Bao huddled next to Lin Fan, his heart filled with fear, but gradually he felt more at ease.

As for the bodyguards, their eyes were wide, as if they had seen a ghost. They were under immense pressure, their hands holding their guns trembling. They were not facing humans, but demons. Even with firearms, they were no match for these demons.

Especially after hearing the conversation between the two mentally ill individuals.

They deeply understood one thing.

Staying with mentally ill people, a moment of safety didn't mean anything. One day, they would be killed by the mentally ill.

And that day was today.

The demonic rooster lowered its head. Foolish humans, still wanting to ride the demonic golden eagle in the sky. Perhaps the demonic golden eagle would fulfill their request, by eating them all, making them a part of its body, taking them soaring in the sky, and then excreting them as waste.

The demonic army stopped.

The dust gradually dissipated.

Revealing their true forms.

Old Zhang grabbed Lin Fan's arm in astonishment. "Look, look quickly! So many animals that we've only seen on TV before have appeared! This is amazing!"

"Yeah." Lin Fan looked at the animals curiously, then grabbed a piece of bread and stuffed it into his mouth. "Cute, they're all cute. We should go to the zoo sometime."

"Lin Fan, watch me. I saw how to make an eagle fly over on TV before." Old Zhang stood up, put two fingers in his mouth, whistled, and then extended his arm. "Come on, fly over here."

A moment later, Old Zhang lowered his head in disappointment.

He had failed.

The demonic golden eagle didn't fly over.

The surrounding bodyguards stared at Old Zhang in bewilderment.

They all had only one thought in their minds.

Are all mentally ill people so terrifying now?

At this time, the demons whispered amongst themselves.

Speaking in a language humans couldn't understand.


A roar echoed out.

Then, a demonic giant bear pushed aside the demons in front of it, moving its massive body towards Lin Fan and the others.

"I think we've seen him somewhere before," Lin Fan said.

They had once faced a demonic giant bear at a breakfast shop.

Old Zhang said, "I remember its palm tasted very good."

That was a demonic giant bear.

This was a demonic steel bear.

The two were cousins.