Chapter 170: My Turn to Play

In the distance, Sun Xiao was live-streaming, his voice low as he described the scene before him.

"Viewers, I have some unfortunate news. This wave of demonic creatures seems truly terrifying."

"If I'm not mistaken, that's a Steel Bear demon. Its defining characteristic is its terrifyingly tough hide, comparable to steel. Among bear-type demons, it ranks in the top three."

"And don't think its only advantage is its tough body. Look at its paws. A single swipe packs tens of tons of force. Even a trained expert from the Special Department's Buddhist Academy might not be able to withstand it."

Thanks to Sun Xiao's selfless commentary, the live stream viewers were thoroughly frightened. They hadn't expected such a terrifying demon to appear so casually. It wasn't that they doubted the Special Department's abilities, but the escalating power of the appearing demons was truly frightening.

Sun Xiao knew those people were doomed. They were a hair's breadth from death, likely to be slain by the demon any second. Based on his years of research, while demons did consume humans, not all of them did. Most preferred to torture their prey.

Dismemberment, for instance. That was even more horrifying than being eaten.

From another perspective, it wasn't so different from humans butchering animals. Humans also used knives to cut animals into countless pieces. From the perspective of any living being, such a fate was unbearable.

At this moment, a flood of netizens poured into Sun Xiao's live stream. Although the city officials were also live-streaming, they only showed the situation within the city walls, not the demons. Now, thanks to deliberate promotion, everyone knew there was a daring streamer broadcasting the demons' movements from the suburbs.

It was sensational, captivating everyone's attention.

"Oh, this is heartbreaking."

"This is what you get for tempting fate. If they had stayed safely in the city, nothing would have happened."

"That's true, but seeing it with your own eyes is still distressing."

"Have you noticed those people don't seem panicked at all? Do you think they might be powerful individuals?"

"I think they're just scared stiff."

The barrage of comments rolled by. Sun Xiao's live stream also caught the attention of several city Special Departments. Groups of experts analyzed the situation based on the available footage.

In a conference room, several experts smoked cigarettes as they watched the large screen, carefully analyzing the scene.

"I've already identified dozens of demon types. Judging by their size, they're likely all mature demons, equivalent to adult humans at their peak strength."

"There are quite a few level seven and eight demons. This is a terrifying group. If several city-level demons appear, I think Yanhai City will be destroyed."

The experts in the conference room fell silent, seemingly unable to accept this possibility. Recently, demon activity had been increasing. Due to the Demon God's appearance, Yanhai City, which previously had low demon activity, had suddenly risen to the top ten, and its ranking continued to climb. Now, it was number one.

Such frequent activity inevitably meant destruction. Yanhai City held an irresistible allure for the demons.

Everyone continued to watch the events unfold on the screen.

Lin Fan asked, "You're talking about those delicious paws, right? The ones we ate three and a half of that time?"

"Yeah," Old Zhang replied. The bear paws that day were truly enormous. If it weren't for that kind lady who helped them stew them, they wouldn't have been able to enjoy them.

Lin Fan stroked his chin. "If that's the case, then it's truly a memorable taste. I'd love to savor it again."

At this critical and dangerous moment, their thoughts were still unsettling.

The Rooster Demon overheard them and desperately wanted to shout at these two foolish humans:

Are your brains really so addled?

I admit you have some strength.

But now, can't you see how many terrifying demons I've summoned? Open your foolish human eyes and take a good look. It's a number beyond your imagination.



The ground trembled. The Steel Bear Demon lumbered forward, its massive paws leaving deep imprints in the earth. Its body was as hard as steel, its fur like steel needles, gleaming sharply in the sunlight.

With its domineering gaze and terrifying power, the Steel Bear Demon was the embodiment of strength. Its entrance was overbearing, shoving aside any demons in its path, as if to say, Get the hell out of my way.

Watch how I deal with these lowly humans.

As the Steel Bear Demon approached, the head bodyguard felt immense pressure. They were professionally trained soldiers, like grim reapers on the battlefield. But facing this demon, they felt insignificant.

Beads of sweat trickled down the head bodyguard's forehead, tracing paths down his cheeks and dripping onto the ground, absorbed by the soil.

"Open fire!" he roared, waving his hand.


Muzzle flashes erupted, bullets whizzing towards the Steel Bear Demon, impacting its body.

The sound of metal clashing.

The Steel Bear Demon ignored these paltry weapons, allowing the bullets to strike it without any reaction, as if they were mere tickles.

"Damn it, we can't penetrate its defenses!"

The head bodyguard's face fell, despair creeping in. He ran to the trunk, retrieved a rocket launcher from a black case, hurried back to his position, aimed at the demon, and pressed the button.

A rocket streaked towards the demon.


Fire engulfed the Steel Bear Demon.

"It hit!"

The head bodyguard's face lit up, but his joy was short-lived. He paled, despair returning. The Steel Bear Demon remained unharmed, continuing its unhurried advance.

With a sigh, the head bodyguard lowered the rocket launcher, all fight gone. He had done everything he could. If he had known, he would never have agreed to let his young master camp here.

Why was this happening? They had carefully chosen this location, believing it safe from demons. But now, the damned demons had appeared right before them.

It was as if they had a vendetta, going out of their way to reach Yanhai City. It was absurd.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that the Rooster Demon had orchestrated everything, acting as an inside agent. The Rooster Demon felt it had reached its peak, the title of Demon Hero now eternally attached to it.

Soon, the Steel Bear Demon stood before them.

Xiao Bao trembled with fear.

Lin Fan comforted him. "Don't worry, doesn't it look cute? It's actually quite nice. I'll go say hello. If it seems friendly, I'll introduce it to you."

Xiao Bao clutched Lin Fan's clothes, shaking his head.

"Don't worry," Lin Fan smiled, walking towards the Steel Bear Demon.

Sun Xiao was puzzled. What was that guy doing? With the demon right there, anyone would try to escape, not approach the Steel Bear Demon. It was too dangerous.

He glanced at the comments. The viewers shared his thoughts, thinking the man was courting death.

Lin Fan reached the Steel Bear Demon, extended his hand, and smiled. "Hello, my name is Lin Fan. Nice to meet you."

A friendly greeting. The essential act of making a new friend was extending a hand, hoping to grasp the other's hand.

The Steel Bear Demon looked down at Lin Fan with contempt. It was a power-type demon, representing dominance and strength among its kind.

Perhaps demons enjoyed toying with humans.

The Steel Bear Demon didn't brutalize Lin Fan. It slowly extended its giant paw and shook his hand.

Lin Fan looked at the Steel Bear Demon's paw and reminisced. "I once met someone just like you, very similar in appearance. It was quite cute. My best friend, Old Zhang, and I found kitchen knives and chopped off its limbs. Then, a dear friend helped us cook the paws. They were delicious."

"And you're even cuter. You must taste even better."

"Hee hee."

When he mentioned the taste, Lin Fan scratched his head bashfully, as if revealing his true thoughts was disrespectful to the creature before him.

Suddenly, the Steel Bear Demon raised its arm, lifting Lin Fan into the air. Then, with a furious roar, it slammed him violently into the ground.

The earth shook, kicking up a thick cloud of dust.

Xiao Bao's eyes widened, tears welling up. "Lin Fan…"

"Wow! That's one powerful bear!" Old Zhang exclaimed.

The bodyguards shuddered. They hadn't expected him to be the first to die.

Sun Xiao held his breath.

The live stream comments exploded.

"Holy crap! He's dead!"

"What was he thinking, walking up to the Steel Bear Demon and extending his hand? Did he think he could win it over with human friendliness?"

"We've just witnessed the most bizarre thing ever."

"Wait, look! Something's happening."

Sun Xiao saw the comments and quickly looked up. As the dust settled, a figure rose from the ground.

"That was a fun game, quite thrilling."

Lin Fan stood up, calmly brushing the dust off his clothes. There was dirt on his chest and knees. These were the clothes Xiao Bao had bought for him. Of course, playing games would get clothes dirty; that was perfectly normal.

Then, Lin Fan extended his hand and smiled. "Let's continue."

Confusion flickered in the Steel Bear Demon's fierce eyes. It clearly hadn't expected him to survive. Perhaps, to it, this was simply impossible.

It lowered its head, looked at the outstretched hand, and once again grasped the tiny hand. This time, it wasn't its turn to play; it was Lin Fan's.

"My turn," Lin Fan grinned.

Before the Steel Bear Demon could understand what he meant, it found its feet leaving the ground.

Lin Fan swung his arms with tremendous force, slamming the Steel Bear Demon into the earth.

The ground quaked violently, like an earthquake. The force was so great that cracks spread outwards like a spiderweb.