Chapter 10: The First Day of Class

Chapter 10: The First Day of Class

To Avada, the debate over the nature of magic raised by Flitwick was not a problem at all - he knew from the beginning that essentialism was the correct answer.

But this was the result of his special talent, and it couldn't prove anything to others. If he dared to say, "Oh, I saw it with my own eyes," he would be beaten to death.

So, in the following Charms class, even though he had almost completely mastered the relevant content during the summer vacation, he still listened carefully. When Flitwick gave feathers to everyone and asked them to practice on their own, he hesitated about whether to show off and cast a perfect Levitation Charm.

As he hesitated, Baron beside him succeeded in making the feather float after several failures, winning five points for Slytherin.

So, he quickly cast the spell and became the second person to succeed, giving Hufflepuff two extra points.

"Wait, did you succeed in just one try?"

Baron suddenly turned his head and looked at him in surprise.

"Ah, luck, luck." Avada realized he had made a mistake in his performance and quickly laughed it off. Baron didn't pay much attention to it and continued to wave his wand at the feathers, making him more proficient in casting the levitation spell.

Avada watched for a moment and suddenly said, "You can try to slightly turn your wrist outward when shaking the wand. Don't make the amplitude too large, just have the intention."

Baron raised an eyebrow. "Neither the book nor Professor Flitwick requires this."

"Try it, it's not dangerous." Avada immediately demonstrated a levitation spell by flipping his wrist, making the feather float steadily. Baron nodded slightly and followed Avada's instructions, slightly turning his wrist to recite the levitation spell.


As the spell took effect and the feathers floated, Baron's eyes flashed with surprise.

"What's going on? It feels like it's suddenly much easier to maintain the spell!" He exclaimed in a low voice, "How did you find out?"

"I just tried it out during the holidays."

Avada lied without blushing. This was actually the effect of his magical senses. He was able to observe the disturbance of magic when Baron released the floating spell and then optimize the best casting plan through further calculations.

But the only problem was that his brain wasn't fast enough. It took him a long time to observe and optimize just a simple levitation spell, not to mention high-end and complex spells.

"I want to ask Professor Flitwick." Baron stared at Avada with sparkling eyes.


As soon as Avada nodded, Baron immediately raised his hand, called Flitwick, who was patrolling over, demonstrated the optimized version of the levitation spell, and asked the reason.

But Flitwick wasn't too surprised: "You guys are lucky. You figured out the optimization technique yourself."

"The spells in the books are the most standard and versatile templates. As wizards become more powerful and gain a deeper understanding of magic, they will naturally develop optimized techniques that suit their own style. Take the levitation spell you just learned as an example. 'Slightly flipping your wrist' can reduce the energy consumption of maintaining the spell. If you let the tip of the wand hang down a little when waving the wand and, at the same time, emphasize the 'di' in the spell, the effect of the spell can be greatly enhanced..."

"But don't be obsessed with optimizing your skills. Laying a solid foundation and practicing basic spells thoroughly is what you should do at this stage," Flitwick reminded.

"Understood, Professor." Avada and Baron nodded in unison.

When the bell rang, Flitwick jumped back onto the pile of books and clapped his hands to stop the students from discussing and practicing. "That's all for today's class. Students who haven't mastered the levitation spell yet, remember to practice more when you go back. If you can master the levitation spell within a week, I'll show you something extra interesting."

"There is no homework for this class, let's get out of class."

After saying that, he jumped off the podium and left the classroom first. Some students followed him, while others stayed in their seats, waving their wands at the feathers with sad faces.

"Our next class is Herbology, and we will take it with Ravenclaw." Baron looked at the schedule, stood up, put on his backpack, and said goodbye to Avada.

"Our next class is History of Magic, which is said to be the most boring class." Avada sighed, "Besides, we Hufflepuffs have to wait until tomorrow to attend our head of house's class."

"Haha, I'm leaving now. See you later."

"Yeah, see you later."


Professor Binns is an old ghost and the only ghost professor at Hogwarts. Legend has it that one day he stood up to go to class and accidentally left his body in an armchair in front of the fire in the staff room, not realizing he was dead.

And with his ghost characteristics, he became the only professor in the school who could work tirelessly. He was also extremely knowledgeable and would not forget anything. He was the best candidate for professor of History of Magic. The only problem was that his lectures were too monotonous and boring, and had a very good hypnotic effect.

"For example, now."

"Few people can feel the unique charm of the vast history. Most people just treat history as an ordinary story and care about the gossips of famous people."

In the first History of Magic class for Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, Professor Binns was doing his best to praise the charm of history as usual in the first class, trying to arouse the interest of the students. However, his flat and drawn-out tone only made his actions have the opposite effect.

"All living beings work together to push the wheel of history, allowing its trajectory to develop and change. Occasionally, a genius's light flashes by, illuminating a new path... You, me, and everything around us are part of history. Studying history is studying ourselves and society. Let us sum up experience, learn lessons, and predict changes in the times..."

A light snoring sound was heard in the classroom.

"Strictly speaking, our magical history should be divided into two parts: wizard history and magic history. Wizard history explores the changes in the situation of wizards, the establishment and improvement of magical society, exchanges and conflicts with other races, and is closely related to the history of Muggles..."

The snoring began to become continuous, rising and falling rhythmically.

"The history of magic tells the story of the emergence of various spells and alchemical products and analyzes how they promoted the course of history. For example, the invention of the first flying broom, the first portkey, the Apparition, the Shield Charm, and other spells have all had a huge and far-reaching impact on the development of magical society..."

In class, Avada was forcing himself to keep his mind active, becoming the only person in the classroom who was listening attentively. He didn't sleep well last night, and Professor Binns' hypnotic tone made it even more torturous for him to stay awake.

The only thing that comforted him was that the content of History of Magic was indeed very interesting. When compared with the content of the original work in his memory, he had a much deeper understanding of the magical world.

After forcing through the History of Magic, he took a flying class with Ravenclaw. In class, Cho Chang showed his excellent flying talent as expected, which was highly praised by Madam Hooch. What surprised Avada was that his roommate, Knott, also showed a good flying level and was evaluated by Madam Hooch as "a potential professional Quidditch player."

However, his own flying ability was mediocre. Although he could make the broom fly into his hands by shouting "get up" with the help of his magic senses, he did not have the balance, distance sense, coordination, and other essential elements for flying.

In the afternoon, Professor McGonagall taught Transfiguration. After Professor McGonagall demonstrated some advanced operations that made Avada dizzy, such as turning herself into a cat and the podium into a lion, the students in the audience immediately expressed their eagerness to study Transfiguration diligently and then began to frown at a match that should have been turned into a needle.

After waiting anxiously for twenty minutes, Avada finally couldn't bear it anymore and waved his wand, becoming the first person in the classroom to successfully turn a match into a needle, winning five points for Hufflepuff.

(End of this chapter)

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