Hooty's Moving Hassle

At the Owl House Eda was holding five cards who's eyes on the back came to life and looked up at her. She smirked looking at Owlbert who was wearing a small green hat and holding his own cards. "Watch closely you two. Hexes hold'em is the most tricky game on the Boiling Isles. Any proper witch knows how to play," explained Eda. "Oh boy, cards! The paper rectangles that old people think are fun!" Luz said happily.

"Kind of reminds me of poker," Cruz said looking at the tarot cards on the table. As Eda placed a card on the table, they flashed in a yellow light coming to life as monsters with tiny legs and teeth. "Okay, not like poker at all," Cruz said startled. Owlbert set cards down as they began to attack Eda's, causing him to smirk.

"Now when it looks like the deck is stacked against you, that's when you break out the wild card," Eda said, holding up a card with a stone tower on it. The card began to glow green as Owlbert's cards all caught on fire and turned to dust. The flames reformed into the words "Winner: Eda'' in the air causing Owlbert to give an annoyed hoot.

"Whoo! I win, in your adorable owl face. I love the feeling of victory, it feels….fluffy?" Eda asked, confused.

"Oh not again," Cruz said standing back

"Uh, Eda. It's happening again," Luz said with caution.

"What's happening again?" asked Eda

"Your curse is returning!" King exclaimed pointing towards Eda's arm which had grown multiple feathers on it causing her to yelp out in surprise.

Up in Eda's room, she opened a chest to grab some more of her elixir but when she pulled them out all she found were empty bottles. "Oh, boy. This isn't good, I'm all out of elixir," she said holding up the bottle.

"Uh, last time this happened, you turned into this thing," Luz said, holding up her phone with a photo of the owl beast on it, giving Eda a look at it. "I know I should be repulsed, but that look is fierce," Eda said proudly, patting her hair.

"Eda," said Luz with concern. "You're right. You're right, but we don't have to worry 'cause your brother has been making some elixir for me. Right kid," Eda said, turning to Cruz. "Yeah about that, it's still not done. Haven't really had too much time to make it. I've been working on some different projects and a new glyph combo," he said sheepishly. "Alright then plan B it is, time to head to the market," said Eda.

"Market!" exclaimed Luz with excitement as she began to leave the room. "I'm going to steal everything not nailed down!" said King, following after her.

"Before we go, does anyone want to play one more hand of Hexes Hold'em?" Eda asked as she patted her pocket not feeling her cards. "Hey! Where are my cards?" she asked, looking around for them. Luz was holding her cards behind her back as Owlbert flew up to her. "Take these and fu ahead. She'll have to follow us," she told him as Owlbert grabbed the cards before flying away. "Owlbert! You sore loser, give me back my cards," Eda said, chasing after Owlbert.

In the market area of Bonesborough Eda was banging on a metal grate outside of a store that had a sign that read " ''.

"Hey, open up Morton," Eda yelled into the store, gaining his attention. "Uh, ju-just a minute!" Morton yelled from inside of his store. King walked towards Luz and Cruz as they were sitting on a nearby bench. Luz was keeping her eyes peeled looking at all of the sights while Cruz was drawing out his newest combo on the notebook. He'd placed two fire glyphs and a single light glyph in the center with the two fire glyphs connected in a large circle with two lines going towards the light glyph.

"Is there anything better than people watching in the demon realm?" asked Luz as she saw three witches standing at a bus stop when a large egg rolled up to the stop and opened up. From inside a large featherless bird emerges before flying off. The three witches climb into the egg before closing it and rolling away. "Wait, wait! Aw, dang it," said tiny nose as she tried and failed to catch up to the egg.

"The curse of tiny legs," Luz said shaking her head

"I know the pain," King said with sympathy

"And that's why they invented bikes," said Cruz as he put his notebook away and pulled out a pair of green aviator goggles from his bag.

"Ooh, are you making new goggles?" Luz asked, looking at the goggles. "I have to, the features help me out with a lot of my projects. Plus I just don't feel right without wearing them, they feel like a part of me. I'm going to have to wait until we get back home so I can finish them up, can't program them here," he said, putting the goggles away.

Loud footsteps are heard as Tiny Nose runs off when a witch wearing an eyepatch and a brown cloak comes towards them with two others pulling a cart. On the cart a large red worm demon with horns is tied down with multiple ropes.

"Whoa, that is one ominous parade," said Luz walking up to Eda. She turned to see what Luz was talking about before glaring at the witches. "That's no parade, Those are demon hunters," Eda began to explain as the demon on the cart began to fight against the bindings before trying to bite the lead demon hunter. "Dangerous nomads who capture and sell the most powerful beast," she finished explaining as the lead demon hunter traced a magic circle forming a ball of lightning in his hand which he used to shock the demon into submission. He turned to look at Luz and Cruz who gasped at him.

"Which I'm about to become if you don't open up, Morton!" Eda yelled banging on the metal grate before Morton opened it. He was a young looking witch wearing a brown tunic and a gray metal beaker on his head for a hat. "Sorry Eda! I was up all night poison tasting and for some reason, I don't feel great," Morton said holding his stomach. "Why would you think drinking poison would be a good idea?" asked Cruz skeptically.

"I'm all out of my juice pal," Eda said, holding up the empty vial.

"Oh gee, let me see what I can do," he said as he began to rummage through his bottles.

As the demon hunters left, from behind their cart came Willow and Gus walking towards the market looking dejected.

"Willow and Gus," Luz ran up towards them with Cruz following close behind. "Heya friends! Wait. What's wrong? Who hurt my babies?" Luz asked, seeing them looking disheartened. "Them," said Willow, jerking her thumb back towards Amity and a group of her friends. "Amity's having a moonlight conjuring and invited everyone but me," Willow explained.

"And she keeps posting about it on Penstagram account," Gus said as he summoned a purple scroll and opened up Amity's post. It was selfie of Amity and her friends posing.

"It's conjuring night! No dorks allowed?" Luz read angrily. "What a jerk! What's a moonlight conjuring?" she asked Willow and Gus in confusion. "You spend the night at someone's house. Telling stories, playing games," Willow explained.

"Like a slumber party! We have those!" Luz said excitedly

"Then you bring something to life using moon magic," Willow finished explaining as she pulled out a book with a picture of three witches sitting in a circle.

"Like a weird slumber party!" Luz said after a short pause

"Sometimes we have those too," said Cruz with a chuckle.

"Gus and I have never been to one. You need at least three people and-" Willow said before getting interrupted by Luz cutting in. "I'm three people! I mean, we're three people! Actually four people with Cruz," she said pointing to her brother.

"Oh gee, thanks for remembering about me," he said, rolling his eyes in a joking manner.

"Sorry about that hermano, but now we have more than enough people, plus we're way better than them," Luz said as Amity and her friends walked by with a witch with three eyes and violet pink hair laughing at the lead. "Sorry you couldn't get an invite to the conjuring Willow. Only real witches are allowed," the three-eyed witch said. "Ugh, leave her alone Boscha. It's not her fault she was born without talent," said Amity as she began to walk away with the group.

Willow growls with her hands made into a fist as several vines grow from the ground reaching around Luz's waist. "Whoa," said Luz as she slapped the vine back down.

"Don't waste your time getting thorny over them. 'Cause we're going to have our own moonlight conjuring," she said as she wrapped her arm around Willow's shoulder.

"Are you serious? This is on my bucket list. After owning an actual human bucket," said Gus as he pulled out a paper with the words bucket list at the top. "That's a really weird thing to want, but I appreciate the enthusiasm. I'll go tell Eda," said Luz but before she was able to walk away Cruz grabbed her arm.

"What's up hermano?" she asked

"Just wanted you to see this too," he said as he pointed over towards Amity and her friends who were looking at a stand as they were buying things from it. Cruz pulled out his notebook and opened it to the page with his newest glyph combo, before taking out the cylinder with the marbles, with a now added trigger for it, and placing the glyph on the barrel.

"What are you going to do?" asked Willow

"Just watch," said Cruz tapping the glyph before sparks of electricity came out of the paper and began to go into the marble shooter. Everyone's eyes widened at the lightning coming from the glyph. Cruz aimed the shooter towards the stand where the girls were and fired it off. The marble hit the stand before bouncing off of it and hitting a wall and repeating the process on multiple stands and walls. The four followed the marble as it flew from wall to wall before finally stopping and hitting its mark, the back of Boscha's head as they were walking away.

"Ow! What hit me!" she cried out looking around before spotting the marble on the floor. "Where the heck did this stupid thing even come from?" she asked, holding it up. "No idea, but let's just go, we have everything we need," said Amity as she began to walk away with the other girls following after her.

Luz, Cruz, Willow, and Gus watched as the group walked before they burst out laughing. "I've got to admit, that was pretty funny," said Willow in between her laugh. "Yeah seriously, I've gotta say she deserved that," said Gus.

"That went so much better than I thought. I didn't expect it to ricochet, but that made it so much better," Cruz said holding his gut.

"Okay. Okay, I've gotta admit she deserved that, but how'd you do the lightning?" asked Luz. "Oh it's the new glyph combo I was working on," Cruz explained, holding up a paper with the combo he'd been working on earlier when they'd gotten to the market. "So it's lightning magic!" Luz said with a sparkle in her eyes. "It is, I thought adding lightning might make the marble go a bit further than just shooting it out. Still, I've got to work on it first since it's pretty hard to control. I'll need a conductor so I don't electrocute myself," he said, putting the paper away. "But more importantly, let's go ask Eda about the conjuring," reminded Cruz. "Oh yeah you're right! Let's go, give us a second you guys," Luz said, running off with Cruz following after her.

Back at the stand Morton had come back up after looking in his supplies for a bit. "I've got bad news and good news. Bad news is, I'm all out 'til next week. Good news is, feathers a good look for you," he said, trying to break the news to her best he could. Unfortunately it didn't work as a feather from her hair. "Morton!" she exclaimed angrily.

"Well gee E, why'd you wait to re-up til now?" he asked

"I've been very busy," she said looking away

"Yeah busy playing hexes hold'em. She's obsessed with it," accused King from the bench.

"I am not obsessed!" Eda defended herself

"You're playing it right now," King pointed out to her as hexes hold'em cards were laid out on the counter as she held up a card. "Am I winning?" she asked.

"You know, I wouldn't suggest this to just anybody, but if you need your elixir you could try your luck later this evening," Morton said ominously. "In the night market?" asked Eda knowing the dangers of the night market being a place where more unsavory characters made their money in sales. "There's a guy with a stand, goes by grimhammer. If anyone has what you need, it's him," he explained, narrowing his eyes.

"Eda, Gus and Willow and Cruz and I are going to do a moonlight conjuring and stick it to Amity. So can we-" began Luz as she and Cruz approached her before being interrupted. "Not tonight, I'm going out. I need you to watch the house, I have many precious objects in there," Eda said as she grabbed Owlbert and began to walk towards King.

"Like me! Whoa!" exclaimed King as Eda picked him up by the scruff.

"You're coming with me. I need an extra pair of eyes looking out for pickpockets, and an extra pair of hands in case I want to pickpocket," she said slyly to Luz and Cruz.

"Pickpocket!" both Eda and King exclaimed happily. "Then maybe, they can come to the house," suggested Luz. "No! Besides conjurings are dumb, sitting in a circle holding hands. Pfft. It's like magic for babies," Eda said walking away.

"Luz! Cruz! What did Eda say?" asked Willow as she and Gus ran up to the two Noceda. "So…guys…" Luz began to say before Gus interrupted her pointing towards the sky. "Oh look! The moon is rising into place, and the celestial powers only align once a year," he said.

"Oh, I can't believe I finally have enough friends for a moonlight conjuring! Thank you, you two! Did Eda say it was okay?" Willow asked them. "Uhm...yes. She said yes. We can do it at the Owl House. As long as we don't make a mess or touch anything and never bring up that we did it!" Luz said laughing nervously.

"Yeah she said that as long as we're careful with her precious objects then we'll be fine," said Cruz playing along with his sister. "Oh you two are the best," said Willow cheered as she and Gus celebrated.

"We're gonna do a conjuring! We're gonna do a conjuring! Conjuring! Conjuring!" Willow and Gus said in a sing-song fashion. Cruz and Luz looked up towards the moon with a nervous look trying to figure out the best way to not get caught.

Back at the Owl House Cruz was tinkering with a pair of boots in the living room as Luz sat on the couch watching Eda as she put on a cloak. "Cruz, you're in charge while I'm out. Make sure your sister and Hooty don't get in trouble," she said. "Hoot hoot! I don't need a babysitter, I'm a big boy house," Hooty said, opening the door.

"How come Cruz is in charge? We're the same age," Luz protested.

"True, but he'll get into less trouble than you would," Eda said.

"That's for sure, don't worry Eda I'll make sure nothing happens tonight," Cruz said looking up from his boots. "Yep, no worries here we'd never do anything to betray your hard earned trust," said Luz laughing nervously.

"You're acting suspicious. You're doing that thing where you hide in your hoodie," Eda said. "Meow I'm not," Luz said, pulling the strings on her hood to better close the hood before pulling it off. "Uh…where's King?" Luz asked, trying to change the subject.

"He's right here," Eda answered as she pulled her cloak open to show King snoring in a pink baby carrier. "His little body just conks out when he's weightless. Look at this," Eda said as she swayed from side to side moving King like a rag doll.

"Aww, he's so dangly," Luz cooed as she played with his feet. "Ladies and bird tube, the King of demons," Cruz said while chuckling.

"Anyway, really going now," Eda said walking out of the house. "And if you two do anything to mess up the house, I will never trust you again. No pressure! Byeeeeee!" she called out as she flew off on Owlbert.

"Ay, should we really be doing this?" asked Luz nervously. "I mean, as long as we're careful and she never finds out we'll be fine. Plus, we're doing this so we can help out Willow and Gus," Cruz said reassuringly.

"You're right, Willow is counting on us. Okay, she's gone," Luz said towards a pair of bushes near the house. "Release!" exclaimed Willow as the bushes glowed blue before exploding as she and Gus were standing there wearing casual clothes.

"I'm a sneaky sneakster!" she said proudly

"I've got leaves in my pants, and I like it," Gus said in a whispered voice as Luz and Cruz lead the two inside of the house.

"Company! Hooray! Finally someone to listen to my stories! Okay, one time, a sparrow flew into my mouth and then I-" Hooty began to tell his story before everyone walked into the house shutting the door ignoring him. "Hey…" Hooty pouted before he coughed and a sparrow, possibly the same one he mentioned before, flew out of his mouth.

"Welcome to…the living room," Luz said in a grand gesture to Willow and Gus. "We call it that because it's technically living! The walls are breathing, look," she gestured towards a wall that was moving with heavy breaths. "Yeah, I don't even want to begin to question how this place works too much," Cruz said with a disturbed look on his face.

"Enchanting," Willow said, looking at the wall and house in awe. "And look at all of these human treasures. And actual humans!" Gus said as he pulled out a skull from a chest that Eda had in her living room.

"We've got snacks. We've got weird music," Luz said, holding up a bowl of eyeballs before pulling down the needle on a gramophone making an evil cackle come out of it. "We've got a bucket!" Gus said in excitement with a blue bucket on his head.

"Gus, my man!" Luz said with finger guns. "And best of all, we've got actual friends to do the conjuring with! This is so exciting!" Willow said, clasping her hands together. "I say we get this conjuring underway," said Cruz wearing his newly made boots. "Did you finish working on whatever you were making hermano?" asked Luz looking at the boots covered in a shiny silver metal coating with circuit lines heading towards the top.

"Yep, I made these boots. Back at the Covention I used a glyph combo to turn my shoes into a rocket boost, but it just ended up ruining my shoes. So I thought, why not make some boots specifically for the rocket boost. And these were the results," Cruz said proudly showing off his rocket shoes.

"Ooh, show us how they work," Luz said with excitement. "I'd love to, but I can't right now. I have to practice using them first, last time I just got lucky in my duel that it even worked. If I had to maneuver using them I would've crashed for sure. Still I've got to ask how exactly does this conjuring work?" he asked looking towards Willow.

"Well first, we find an object to animate. Since it's our first time we should pick something meaningful. Something beautiful," she explained walking up to a green flower pot with three purple and pink flowers coming out of it before Gus burst out from the other side moving the flowers holding up an action figure with a red shirt with ripped sleeves and blue tights.

"Like this strangely buff little man?" he asked before pressing the red shirt on it. "I'm half beef, half bob!" said the action figure. "Yes! He's perfect!" said Luz pointing to the action figure.

"I remember that thing. It should've stayed in the trash," said Cruz with a slightly annoyed look towards the toy. "That's not exactly what I meant by beautiful," Willow began as she noticed Gus whimpering giving her puppy dog eyes.

"Okay, buff boy it is," Willow said, accepting the decision.

"Yes!" Luz exclaimed hugging Willow

"Tonight he shall be risen!" exclaimed Gus in a dramatic fashion.

"I'm blowing that thing up after tonight," Cruz decided to never see that toy again.

The quartet sat in a circle with the toy sitting in the middle and candles surrounding them. "According to the conjuring books I've read, we say the incantation and make a connection to the doll," Willow explained as they all held hands. "Figurine," corrected Gus as he and Willow closed their eyes.

"Moonlight, we call, we sing. Moonlight take this chance. Moonlight come tie the string. Moonlight start the dance!" Gus and Willow chanted as they all began to glow blue.

"Moonlight tie... string... and we don't know the words!" chanted Luz and Cruz looking around to Gus and Willow. As the moon rose into place Hooty had a surprised look on his face while looking up. As the moon stopped moving a burst of blue light came from it. Another burst of light came from inside of the circle coming from Willow, Gus, Luz, and Cruz spreading through the house extinguishing the candles. The four open their eyes to look at the action figure still sitting in the middle.

"That's your cue little man," Gus said as the house began to rumble. On the outside, Hooty closed his eyes before opening them again with a blue light filling them letting out a ghastly howl. The foundation of the house cracks with the house lifting itself from the ground. The house stands in the air being held up by giant owl legs.

Inside of the house the four kids fell over as everything in the living room was thrown in a mess with Gus landing on the couch upside down. "Guys, did the entire house just hiccup?" asked Luz as a boom landed on her head. "Little buff guy, what did you do?" asked Gus, pressing the button on the toy.

"A real man never takes accountability!" the toy said.

"That's not a good message," said Cruz, grabbing the toy and throwing it away.

"No. I think-I think we might've animated the house by accident!" Willow said with alarm.

"The house!"

"How's that even possible!" exclaimed Cruz as he and Luz ran out the door, nearly falling over when they reached the edge as most of the ground was now gone with the house being in the air. Gus and Willow join the two as Hooty begins to walk away before closing the door.

Cruz and Luz run up to the door as they try to gain his attention. "Hooty? Hooty! Hooty, you have to stop!" Luz exclaimed.

"Wake up Hooty! We need to go back!" Cruz began to slam his fist on the door trying to knock Hooty out of whatever trance he was in.

"By the power of moonlight, I have risen. Hoot! Hoot!" Hooty said ignoring the two.

"He's in some kind of trance!" Gus said as the house stepped through a pair of trees making them lose their balance as Gus nearly fell before Luz and Willow grabbed onto his hands. "Gus!" they both exclaim as Luz grabbed onto Cruz's hand to try and pull them up. "Our magic must've spread through the house instead of the doll!" Willow figured.

"Figurine!" Gus exclaimed, trying to defend it.

"Not the time for that! Hold on, I've got you!" Cruz called out as he grabbed onto Willow's free hand trying to pull them up as a blue light surrounded the four.

"Hooty, stop!" shouted out Luz in desperation as Hooty was about to walk off a cliff. Before he could walk off of it, the house stopped in place with Luz and Willow pulling Gus back up to the ground before they all let go of their hands.

"How'd we do that?" asked Gus in confusion as they all looked up towards the moon and Luz came to a realization. "You guys, hold hands again," she said as they all held hands with the blue glow returning. When the glow returned the house began to walk backwards away from the cliff.

"We're controlling it with the power of friendship. Uh, and the moon. Probably the moon," said Willow knowing the moon was a more likely answer.

"This is amazing! What do we do now?" Gus asked as they all let go of their hands. "On the one hand, we should probably stay put," said Luz as Gus leaned up to her in excitement. "On the other hand, we've got a giant walking house and should totally take it on a joyride!" he exclaimed. Luz and Cruz looked up towards the moon to see it descending from the sky.

"I mean if we're really careful we should be fine," Cruz shrugged as he looked over towards Luz. "He's right, but we've got to be back before the moon sets or Eda will kill us," Luz said, agreeing with her brother. They all hold hands letting them control the house heading towards Bonesborough, none of them noticing that they'd been spied on by the demon hunter with the eyepatch from earlier at the market.

The house was walking around before they stopped it, noticing a familiar three eyed witch walking away holding a crow in one hand and a duffel bag over her shoulder.

"Hey, is that…" began Willow

"It's Boscha. That girl that made fun of us," finished Gus.

"Oh yeah, the same girl I hit with the marble," Cruz remembered.

"Ugh! Yes, mom. I'm going to a moonlight conjuring. No, Mom. You can't come. And yes, Mom, it's sad that you're asking," she said into the crow before letting it go, letting it fly away. She turned around and noticed the Owl House.

"She noticed us. What do we do?" asked Willow, turning to Luz. "Hmm," she looked towards Boscha with a smirk. "That's a face that I've seen too many times," Cruz grinned with a smirk that matched hers.

"Hey. H-Hey you. You should, uh, stop being so mean to people. You're kind of a jerk," Luz said through a megaphone that Gus had conjured up with all of them laughing.

"Ew, a talking house is giving me a lecture? Whatever. I'll just TP you like I did with the rest of the neighborhood," she declared.

"But don't you see? I am no mere house," she said as the house rose from the ground with Luz letting out a roar. Boscha screamed out in fear before running away with the four laughing as she ran away.

"I've never pranked anyone before, now I have a taste for it," Gus said with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"We should follow her to Amity's house to show off our conjuring. That will show her who's got no talent," Willow said happily.

Luz and Cruz looked up towards the moon noticing how the moon had begun to sink further down. "Actually, I'm starting to think we should head back," Luz said with worry.

"She's right, we did have fun but we don't know when Eda will be back," Cruz said, trying to reason with the two. "Amity's updating her Penstagram," Gus said, showing the post on his scroll.

"Shout out to my fellow witches. #Humans can bite it," Luz read with a gasp. "Okay now that's just petty, we can be even more petty," Cruz said with a smirk. "Let's do this," Luz declared as they began to head towards Amity's house cheering on the way. Unnoticed by them, several shadows began to follow them quickly using the tree tops.

In Bonesborough the house is walking through town with several people running away trying not to get crushed underneath. The house arrives outside of a large purple manor resembling an English castle with a gate that reads "Blight manor" on the front.

"Look, Amity's house. Time to show Amity what a real conjuring looks like," Willow said as the house began to move forward. Before they could make it too far a large rope lands over the roof stopping it.

"What happened?" asked Willow

"Is that a…giant crossbow?" asked Luz pointing ahead where a large crossbow was pointing directly at the house. The demon hunter with the eye patch gives a signal for the crossbow to be shot as a second bolt and rope is shot over the house securing it further. The demon hunter jumps up towards the house landing in front of the four. "Knock, knock," he said ominously. "Who's there?" asked Cruz instantly before he realized what he said and facepalming.

The house was being carried away on a large cart as one of the demon hunters blew a horn. As Hooty was hooting ominously the door was being kicked at by Luz. She along with the others were tied up together as Gus tried to bite his way through the rope and Cruz was trying to reach his boots to try and burn through the ropes.

"Hooty! Hooty! You have to wake up!" Luz exclaimed, still trying to get him out of his daze. "If you want this to end as you say, four must hold hands. It's the only way," he recited.

"Oye! ¡No me hable así!" Luz said angrily in Spanish

"Óigame búho, despierta!" Cruz said, ignoring the ropes for a second. "Willow, will you help me out with Hooty?" Luz asked, looking over at her friend who had been quiet for a while. "I'm sorry you two, you shouldn't ask me to help with anything," she said sadly looking at the ground.

"Willow," Luz began to say before the house stopped moving with the four rolling onto the ground. "Did the house stop moving?" Luz asked. "Ugh, my insides didn't," said Gus with a groan before the door opened to reveal the demon hunter with the eye patch and two others. He laughed as he loomed over the four before tossing them out of the house.

"Take the house and rip out the house demon. We can sell it to restaurants as exotic meat," the eye patch hunter ordered. "No! Hooty would taste terrible," Luz said, trying to dissuade the hunters. "Hey, I'm a refined taste. Hoot! Hoot!" Hooty said, defending himself.

"What do we do with the worms?" asked a green skinned demon with fangs poking out from his lower jaw. The eye patch hunter looked at the four before coming to a decision. "Throw them over the cliff," the green demon chuckled as he approached the four and dragged them towards the cliff.

"All righty, kids. Here's the end of your short little lives," the demon said, shoving them closer towards the cliff. "Wait! Wait! Wait! Is this really what you wanna be doing with your life?" Tossing kids from cliffs?" Gus asked, trying to reason with him. "Actually, yes. It's been my dream since I was a boy," he said, smiling happily while holding his cheeks. The four gave him a blank look not believing their ears. "I was a strange child. Whee!" he exclaimed happily pushing them off of the cliff while laughing.

As they fall they scream before they're saved luckily by getting caught on a branch. "If we're not killed now, we will be when Eda finds out about the house," Luz said looking down towards the water. "Luz, Cruz, I'm so sorry. You two wanted to turn back but I just wanted to show off to Amity. The truth is, she and I used to be friends," Willow confessed.

"Whaaat?" Luz asked, turning her head toward Willow as the branch above started to crack. "It's hard to imagine you two ever being friends with how she acts towards you. How'd things change?" asked Cruz as he tried to reach for a switch on his boots. "We played together as kids. But when she got magical powers and I didn't, she stopped hanging out with me," Willow said.

"Guys, is now the best time?" Gus asked more concerned about the branch that was getting closer to breaking. "I just wanted to prove to her that I was a powerful witch, too," Willow said downcast.

"That's ridiculous. You helped bring a house to life. Amity doesn't know what she's talking about. Next to Eda you're the most powerful witch I know. No offense Gus," Luz said looking down at her friend. "No, not at all. I know what I'm about," Gus said confidently before the branch cracked more and the four yelped in surprise.

"This tree can't hold us much longer," Gus said with alarm. Willow grunted before freeing her arm. "There. Now, if I could just reach that root," Willow said, reaching towards a root near her hand. "Gus, can you reach that button on the side of my boot?" asked Cruz, wiggling his left foot towards Gus. "Lemme try," Gus said as he began to reach before he managed to touch it with his hand.

"I've got it," he said triumphantly. "Press it, Willow should be able to reach the branch," Cruz said, adjusting his leg to shoot towards the branch. Gus pressed the button sending a signal to the bottom of the boots that flipped a little switch pressing the booster glyphs on his boot. A cone popped up from the bottom boosting them towards the branch letting Willow grab it. "Gotcha!" Willow exclaimed triumphantly with her hands glowing green when she grabbed it.

Back on the top of the cliff the demon hunters stood around as the demon who threw the four off the cliff told his story. "Yeah, they tried to fight back and they nearly got me. But you know, I handled it," he said, flexing his arm. "They were children, Tom," deadpanned the eyepatch demon before a large shadow loomed over them.

Willow had grown the branch into a large plant with the four standing on top of the leaf before Willow moved a thorn to cut the rope. "We may be children, but we're also witches. Powerful ones," she said as sent the plant to attack. One of the roots sent Tom flying before the leader cut the root using his sword. Another root sent a demon hunter into a pile of rubble. The four run towards the house while the plant roots grab all of the demon hunters holding them at bay. Luz, Cruz, Willow, and Gus run inside of the house as Luz closes the door.

"Everyone, quick," Luz says as they all hold hands glowing with blue light. The demon hunter leader frees himself from the branch before making a spell circle creating lightning and slicing the root. He turned around towards the Owl House noticing that it was now free and standing at the ready. "Uh…" he began lifting his eyepatch as the house stepped forward crushing him.

"Oh no," Luz said, looking towards the water as the moon was getting dangerously close to setting. "I don't mean to step on this victory but we gotta get home before Eda does," she said.

"Let's book it quick," said Cruz as they headed towards Bonesborough. Back on the ground the demon hunters were picking themselves back up as the leader was groaning. "They're just children Tom," said Tom mocking his leader.

As they were walking through the market the four were paying more attention to speed than trying to be careful before Cruz noticed something. "Hey Luz, not to be a backseat driver but we're getting way too close to that-'' he was interrupted as one of the feet stepped on a stand, crushing it completely with a little yellow pig demon covering himself from the debris. "Sorry, mister," called out Luz from the window as the house continued to make its way down the street.

Back at the place where the Owl House originally was at, the house managed to make it with no problems sitting down on the crater that it had made. Back inside of the living room Luz and Cruz opened their eyes looking around.

"Did we do it?" she asked as the door opened with Hooty being back to normal but looking a bit woozy. "Is the room spinning or is it just me? Ah. Just a little house humor. Ooh," he said, still feeling groggy. "Sorry about all that Hooty," Luz apologized, rubbing the back of her neck. "It's okay. I'm just glad I was included," Hooty said before the door slammed close revealing Eda and King.

"Oh, boy" said Luz in slight fear

"We're so dead," said Cruz in a whimper

"You are so busted," Eda said angrily

"Oh man,"

"You two held a moonlight conjuring,"

"We did," Luz said closing her eyes

"And you animated my house. My house!"

"I mean it was an accident but we did," Cruz said, trying to plead a case.

"No, don't punish Luz and Cruz. We're the ones that pushed them to do the conjuring," Willow said, stepping forward. "If you're gonna eat, just do it now. Do it now!" Gus said, stepping in front of Willow, gaining a confused and disgusted look from Eda.

"Hey, you didn't have to do that," Luz said whispering to Willow. "Yes Luz, I did," Willow said with a smile. "Well, you're all guilty. So you'll all be punished by cleaning my house from top to bottom," Eda said as she summoned lots of cleaning supplies landing in their arms.

"And another thing…" Eda began ominously toward the kids as they all gulped in fear. "That was totally amazing. And I'm so joining you for next year's conjuring. Now get to work," Eda said as she laid down on the couch as they ran off to clean the house.

"I can't believe they animated a whole house," said King looking towards the kids. "Yeah you're right. That takes some powerful magic," Eda said wondering how much potential the children each held.

"You know, I still kinda wish we got to show up, Amity," said Luz as she got the mop ready to be used. "Yeah. Too bad no one will know of our daring adventures," Willow said as she sprayed the counters. "We made plenty of noise, I'm sure someone managed to take some pictures of us," Cruz said with a smirk as he dusted the shelves.

In Amity's room her friends, minus her, all sat in a circle with a pink stuffed rabbit sitting in the middle unmoving. "Ugh. So what if we couldn't move a doll. Now we have time for what really matters. Penstagram," Boscha said as she and the other girls all summoned their scrolls. At the window, Amity sat brooding looking out of the window as Boscha gasped, gaining her attention. She walks up to Boscha as she leans over to look at her scroll and sees that several people had taken, and posted, pictures of Willow, Gus, Luz, and Cruz along with the animated Owl House. "What?!" shouted out both Amity and Boscha in surprise and shock.