
A few days after the owl beast incident, Cruz, Luz, Eda, and King were standing outside of the house with Luz sitting near a tree and Cruz standing across from Eda. "Are you sure we have to do this right now kid?" Eda asked, crossing her arms. "You did promise to show us a fire spell for me making more of your elixir" reminded Cruz.

"Ugh, fine but I'm only showing you once. I don't want to pass out again," she said as she began to draw a red spell circle. Luz sat up with attention as the spell circle grew larger. From the middle of the circle a large fireball formed and launched at the tree beside Cruz. After the fire ball hit the tree broke in two leaving a burn mark on the bark.

"That was amazing Eda, if we can learn that spell it's going to be great" said Luz with excitement. Cruz walked over to the tree to examine how hot the fire from the spell was and to see if there was anything he could get that would lead to magic. He looked closer at the burn mark before he noticed a symbol on the bark. It looked like a circle with a dot and a tear drop over it and another smaller tear drop over lapping it. "I found something!" Cruz exclaimed happily.

Luz ran over as fast as she could to see what new glyph her brother had found. "Hand me a piece of paper Luz," Cruz said, as Luz reached into her pocket and pulled out a notepad and ripped out a piece of paper. Cruz placed the paper on the glyph letting it brand the paper, when tapped the glyph a burst of flame came out of the paper in a fireball that shot up straight into the air making the twins jump back in surprise.

"Fire magic!" yelled our Luz in excitement. "That's so cool, we've got two spells now!" yelled out Cruz equally excited. Eda and King walked over to the two and saw them tracing the glyph over multiple papers and tapping them. "Alright you two, I think that's enough for now. I don't need you two accidentally setting my house on fire. You two don't have enough control over that spell to keep throwing it around for now," Eda said. "Yeah you're right, although, I'm wondering now. What would happen if we put the two glyphs together. Would it even work? Or would we be able to use a unique spell from it?" Cruz pondered. "We definitely have to try it out, who knows how many combos we can make," Luz said, bouncing in excitement.

"But for now, we're heading to the market. We've got some sales to make and suckers to take money from," said Eda, as she grabbed her stuff and hopped on Owlbert. Luz and Cruz climbed on the staff with King riding on Cruz's shoulder. "You're right Luz, we definitely have to make some new combos. I'm thinking we try it out at the stand if there's no customers. Let me try first though, I'm used to experiments like this," explained Cruz. "No problem, as long as you let me use the spells too," Luz responded. "No worries there hermana, we'll have so many spells when I'm done" he said with a devious smirk.

Some time later at the human collectible stand, Eda was cleaning the stand while Luz was reading her book and Cruz was drawing out what he thought might be a good glyph combo. He placed a light glyph and a fire glyph on the same paper connecting the circles with a much larger circle. Luz was reading her good witch Azura book to King. "Emboldened by the dishonor Hecate had shown, Azura lifted her staff to the cotton-candy skies and shouted, "I challenge you to a Witch's Duel!" And look! I drew a flip book," she said as she flipped the corner of the page over and over again showing the duel.

"Show me the picture," said King, holding the book trying to look over it. "What?" asked Luz, "Show me the picture," stated King again. Luz turned the book around to show him the drawing that she'd made. "Ha! I can draw better than that. You know, they once called me the King of artists," King stated. "Wait, I thought you were the King of demons. Are you just making this up now?" asked Luz with an amused smile. "Now that seems more likely," said Cruz with a chuckle.

"Doesn't matter, what's important is that my followers would leave me offerings in fear of me!" King said, trying to look intimidating. "Well, I can offer you more of this tantalizing book," said Luz, holding up her good witch Azura book. "Ugh! Please stop reading that. Its flowery language is an insult to witches, and drives away all of our serious customers," said Eda waving a feather duster in Luz's face.

"Um, Eda? What customer? There aren't even any other stands. What's going on?" asked Luz as they saw that the entire market was completely empty. "Yeah seriously, this place looks abandoned. That's why I've got time for a new glyph combo" said Cruz, holding up his new combo. He'd drawn a large circle with a light glyph and a fire glyph on either side of the circle. "Making a combo wasn't easy at first but then I figured out a method that works for me," he explained to Luz. "How'd you do it?" she asked. "Well, think about it like glyphs being different parts in a program. By themselves they can make a certain action, good but limited. With more parts the program gets more complex, to put it simply a new spell is made with more parts in the program," he said while pointing at the paper.

"So with the commands on the paper, we get something like this," he said as he tapped the paper and a small cone shaped flame came out of the paper. "Ooh, looks like this combo is a jet engine like combo. Wonder what happens if I add more fire, or more light," he said, drawing out a new combo. "You better not burn my stand down kid, but more importantly you're right. This isn't good, this is a bad omen. There must be something horrible happening today" said Eda, narrowing her eyes.

"Luz, Cruz! Something amazing is happening today!" called our Gus as he walked up to the stand with Willow. "Eda says horrible and Gus says amazing, let's see who's right folks," said Cruz acting like an announcer. "Gus! Willow! Hey," Luz greeted the two with a wave. "It's the annual Covention. Student witches get to see all the types of covens before they're placed in one. There's even a mystery guest this year," she said holding up the poster.

"A job fair for witches! Eda, can we go?" asked Luz hopeful. "Absolutely not," Eda said, making Luz slide down in disappointment. "Oh come one Eda, it sounds like it could be fun. Plus it's something for me and Luz to learn about," said Cruz trying to convince her.

"You won't be able to find anything there that'll be good for you. I never joined a coven for a reason. Sure it's like a fun club for witches, but you're also giving up your magical independence to be a part of a crooked system," she explained.

Willow groaned, looking offended by Eda's response. "Eh, but you know, no judgment. In any case, I haven't been to one since we were girls" she said. "We?" asked Luz standing up.

"I-I mean" Eda began

"Who's 'we'? You have a mysterious past! Now we have to go!" Luz said, pointing at Eda.

"No," said Eda, making the matter clear. "Telling us not to go is just going to make us want to go more. You do know that right?" Cruz asked. "Nice try kid, but nothing can make me budge" said Eda crossing her arms. "Well, you heard her Luz. You know what to do" he said with a smirk.

Luz handed her Azura book to King and had him start reading. "You shall not shan't doeth no more harm," Azura callethed out" he began to read. "So flowery, so awful" Eda said as she opened the portal door and stepped through it. "Hecate could only screech, screecheth did she, for the screeching did worseneth" he kept reading as Luz grabbed him and tossed him through the portal before it closed.

"And three, two, one" counted down Cruz with a knowing smirk as the portal door opened back up with Eda marching out of it with King sitting on her head still reading.

"Stop it! Stop it! I will literally do anything to stop this!" she exclaimed exasperated. "One Covention please" said Cruz with Luz snickering beside him.

They all stood outside of the Covention center, Eda groaned as she pinched her nose. Luz was bouncing on the heels of her feet while Cruz was admiring the building.

Inside of the Covention center Eda struggled to put her hair inside of a cowl with King hanging on it. "Gotta keep a low profile" she said, struggling with her hair. Luz and Cruz tried to help her by pushing her locks inside of it. "Is this cowl really necessary?" asked Luz as Willow and Gus looked at her.

"Do you think that all my wanted posters are for petty theft?" asked Eda as she managed to put up her hood when an assortment of objects fell out of it. "Partly," she said in acknowledgment to her theft. "But the big whammy is that I disobeyed the law and refused to join a coven. If I'm seen I could go to jail. Again," she said as she picked up all the items and put them in her hair.

"Maybe this informative event will inspire you to join a coven" said Willow holding up Eda's wanted poster. Eda's only response was to make a magic circle and pull Willow's hood over her head. She quickly fixed her hood but didn't look angry at her.

"Let's just get this over with," said Eda as she lead them inside. As they walked inside Luz looked on in amazement as they saw all of the flags representing all of the covens. "Was I even alive before now?" she asked herself. "Those are the main nine covens, but there are hundreds of other ones you can join," explained Gus.

"There's flower coven, artist coven, big dog coven, small cat coven, tiniest cat coven" said Willow as she was interrupted from explaining further by Eda's groan of annoyance. "Also the grumpy coven" whispered Willow. "Sounds like Eda fits right in with them" snickered Cruz.

"What was that?" asked Eda angrily, scaring them off in a hurry. "Um, excuse me ma'am but you look rather familiar" said a witch as he looked to the side and saw Eda's wanted poster on a pillar. "Uh, no I don't. Distraction spell!" she yelled out before he could make a connection throwing down a bag of hex mix and running off. As the witch began to reach for the bag, Eda came back and pulled his hood over his head and grabbed the hex mix before running off again to catch up to the others.

"Ooh, what's that?" asked Luz pointing towards a witch wearing a hard hat standing next to pallets of bricks and planks. The witch grabbed both pallets before throwing them in the air creating a house. "That's the construction coven, one of the main nine. They use power glyphs to increase their strength," explained Willow as the witch took out a little sticker with a fist from under his hat and placed it on tiny nose. Her pupils became more focused before she yelled with a roar. "I am the destroyer of worlds!" she yelled out grabbing the witch and tossing him in the air, before she proceeded to rip apart the panel.

"Hey! That's the opposite of construction!" yelled a construction coven member, as he and another member tried to stop her as she grabbed a hammer. "Man, some of those power glyphs would really come in handy back home," said Cruz wondering how he could replicate the power glyph with the spells they already had.

"Yowza-wowza!" said Luz looking in awe. "Yowza-wowza!" said a pale blue Luz from behind her.

"Yowza-wa-a-a" she said as the pale Luz walked away towards another panel before disappearing in a puff of blue smoke. "Ah, I see you've been lured in by the illusionist coven. We like to do magic with a hint…" he began to explain before disappearing in a puff of smoke "….of showmanship" he finished as he reappeared next to the other illusionist witches and bowed along with them.

"Wow! Acceptance? Comradery? A sense of belonging? Covens sound incredible! Eda, why haven't you joined one?" asked Luz. "Watch closely Luz" said Eda as she turned Luz to face a young witch with curly hair as an illusionist coven member placed a hand over their wrist. A picture of a hand mirror was placed on their wrist with light blue lines going over their arm before disappearing. "When you join a coven all your other magic is sealed away. From now on that kid will only be able to use illusion magic," she said, showing off a flame and water spells before making them disappear. "Since I never joined a coven, I can do every kind of magic. That's why I'm the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles," she explained.

"Yeah that's a pretty reasonable reason to not want to join a coven. I mean think about it, wouldn't you feel weird if someone told you that you can only use certain parts of your body for the rest of your life. It would feel extremely restrictive," explained Cruz. "That might be the best way to explain it kiddo. Sure feels that way to me anyway," said Eda as she walked away with everyone following her. As King began to follow them a witch wearing a hood with purple eyes grabbed his shoulder to get his attention. "The tea leaves foretell that this will lead you to your destiny" she said holding up a pen.

"Destiny?" he asked skeptically. "I'm not paying for-"

"It's free~" she said, walking away slowly.

"Are you bestowing gifts upon me? Yes! I accept your offering! The King of demons is back!" he shouted, gaining the attention of everyone around him.

As the group continued their tour, they stopped in front of a display with a large gold banner with a sword and shield with wings. Lining the entrance were many mannequins all wearing the same white uniform with gray pointed masks.

"That panel looks popular," said Luz

"It looks all fancy. Wonder what makes it special?" asked Cruz

"It's the emperor's coven! Do you think they'll sign my forehead?" Gus asked enthusiastically. "Only one way to find out!" said Willow as she and Gus ran in to see the panel.

"Aren't you coming Eda?" asked Luz

"No way. Out of all the covens they're the worst. I'll wait out here," dismissed Eda. "I get it, Eda. Covens: bad, individualism: good. But, I'm still figuring this world out, so I'm gonna go in there to make up my own mind," said Luz as she walked into the panel. "She's right you know, I don't really like to make big decisions like that without knowing all the facts. So I'm gonna go in and see what this is about, come join us if you want to," said Cruz as he followed after his sister.

"I'm telling you I just saw her," said the same witch who's hood Eda had pulled down, gaining Eda's attention. "She's over there, I think that's her" said the witch to a guard, holding up her wanted poster as they both turned to look at her. "Uh-oh. Luz, Cruz, wait up," called out Eda following them into the panel.

The inside of the panel looked like a stadium much larger than any of the others with rows of bleachers lining all the sides. Eda walked in and sat down next to Cruz and Luz.

"Look who decided to join us," said Cruz with a smirk. "Don't start with me kid, let's just see this mess" she said with a scowl as the lights dimmed down. At the center of the stadium from a puff of green smoke principal Bump appeared as he made a spell circle summoning a microphone.

"Hello Bonesborough! Students ask me all the time, 'principal Bump, what's the height of magical achievement?'' he said to the crowd. "Is it this?" asked a student spinning a spell circle making his head grow much larger, making the weight too much for him as his head fell to the side crushing another student.

"Wow, I failed you as a principal," he said with a grimace as he grabbed the microphone. "It's being selected to join the best of the best. And there are none better than the jewel of the coven system and the enforcers of his will, the Emperor's coven," he said as three members appeared from the ground in lights.

"Whoa," said Luz in awe. "Luz! Cruz!" called out Willow gaining their attention. As the two turned they saw that Willow and Gus were pointing to Gus' forehead where he managed to get his autograph that he wanted.

"Feast your eyes on this elite force, each member handpicked to usher in a new age of controlled magic," said Bump as the three members created spell circles releasing a fire, water, and lightning spell into the air, which collided creating fireworks and confetti. "When does that elite force get here?" asked Eda to a demon sitting next to her while laughing. The demon slid away from her feeling uncomfortable.

"Members of the Emperor's coven have access to all, yes all, forms of magic. Ooh, ahh," said Bump as the crowd copied him. "But, only the best can ascend these ranks. Someday, that could be one of you!" he exclaimed pointing towards Amity in the crowd who squealed in response.

"Hey look, it's boots" said Cruz pointing her out to Luz. The members of the coven flapped their capes before disappearing. "And now, I am pleased to introduce to you the esteemed leader of this coven and this years mystery guest. You know her, you love her! Lilith!" Bump said before a large blue crow made of magic formed in the air and came down to the stage. The crow landed and burst into light with a witch of similar height to Eda with black hair and a black dress along with a white cloak appeared in the center. She waved her finger as her cloak floated off of her and was flung back landing on Bump who walked away with it.

When Eda saw Lilith she looked on with a frozen expression. "You know her?" asked Luz as she and Cruz looked at Eda. "You could say that," Eda responded.

"Mysterious past," Luz said quickly. Cruz looked at Lilith and back towards Eda before looking between the two and coming to a realization. "I get it," mumbled quietly.

"Thank you all, it wasn't easy for me to rise to the top. I also started from humble beginnings," she said

"Like me?" asked the large headed witch to himself.

"Now I have the highest honor of enforcing the Empero's will. So be more! The Emperor's coven awaits you!" she said as she released blue magic and a large crow appeared and turned into lights, while Eda glared at her.

Eda stormed out of the panel with Cruz and Luz following close behind her. "Eda! Where are you going?" asked Luz as she tugged on Eda's arm. "I'm gonna head home and wash the con funk off my skin," she responded as she pulled Luz's hands from her arm. "But we haven't taken the quiz to determine our coven type!" said Luz holding up a magazine in the air. Eda's only response was to make a spell circle making a small light laser go through it. "Well, someone's still touchy about covens," deadpanned Cruz.

"Ooh, a punky potionist," said Luz not being bothered by Eda's attitude. As she walked away looking down at the magazine she bumped into Amity with both grunting.

"Watch where you're-" began Amity before she saw who bumped into her. "Oh, it's you. Willow's….abomination thing. And the fake gnome," said Amity with annoyance looking at the two siblings. "Uh, hey Amity. So funny story, not an abomination. Sorry for the confusion last week. I'm Luz, and this is my brother Cruz. We're humans. Hi!" she explained, holding out her hand. Amity simply smacked it away in annoyance. "Ugh, put that away. You two are the ones that got me in trouble with principal Bump, and I never get in trouble," she said storming off as the twins followed after her.

"Well, to be fair, you were okay with him trying to dissect me so…." said Luz

"Yeah, plus you did kinda drag yourself into it by basically stalking Willow after class that day. Wouldn't have happened if you just left it alone, miss bossy boots" said Cruz with a smirk.

Amity stopped in her tracks and turned around hearing this. "You two can't be here! This Covention is for witches in training only," she said pointing to the stands around her. "Well, we're learning to be witches. We're receiving magic lessons from a powerful witch and a ferocious demon," said Luz proudly.

"Is that your 'ferocious demon' there?" asked Amity looking behind Luz. As Luz and Cruz turned around they saw King approaching them holding a cupcake while wearing a shirt, hat, and scarf all from different covens that he got free samples from.

"Cupcakes in my tummy-tum makes a King say yummy-yum!" he said happily while two bakers followed after him closely. "So will you join the baker's coven?" asked one of them hopeful. King turned around to look at her before eating the cupcake in one bite. "Hmm, nope!" he said before grabbing another cupcake and running off to Luz and Cruz.

"Oh, hey. Luz, Cruz, look at all these offerings-" he said before he tripped on his scarf dropping his cupcake. "And that's why you don't wear scarfs that are longer than your body," said Cruz as he helped King up. Luz reached for the cupcake on the ground, but before she could grab it Amity stepped on it completely crushing it into mush.

"Oops, that was an accident," said Amity in a mocking tone. "Why are you being so mean Amity?" asked Luz, glaring at her. "Because you, your brother and your pet are giving witches in training a bad name," she said.

"I am not a pet," said King, scratching himself with his back leg.

"You really aren't helping your case by doing that buddy," said Cruz matter-of-factly.

"He's a very good boy, and the King of demons! I'll tell you what Amity, it's one thing to say we can't be witches," said Luz standing up.

"Because you can't," Amity pointed out.

"But it's another thing to bully my friends. Just like the good witch Azura said when facing down her rival Hecate at the Bog of Immediate Regret... I challenge you to a Witch's-" Luz began to say before Cruz covered her mouth to shut her up.

"Hold up real quick there sis," he said, pulling her back a bit. "Excuse us one quick second bossy boots," he said, backing up and pulling Luz close to him.

"What the heck are you doing?" he asked in a whisper.

"I'm gonna challenge her to a witch's duel, she has to learn not to belittle other people like that. Aren't you angry at her too?" she asked.

"Of course I'm angry, but I can also think things through with some logic. We've got two spells and one combo, and news flash two of those three aren't meant for combat," he said, stating where they stood.

"So what should we do? Just let her get away with it?" asked Luz

"I didn't say that. Out of the two of us, the one that's got the better chance of winning this duel would be me, no offense"

"I mean none taken, but you said we don't have too many spells. So how are you going to win?"

"Just leave that to me and enjoy the show," he said with a smirk.

As the two turned around they saw that Amity was standing there impatiently. "So, are you two done with your little meeting or what?" she asked. "Yeah we are, and like my sister was going to say, I challenge you to a witch's duel!" Cruz declared, gaining gasps from everyone around them. Amity stepped forward, getting in his face. "I accept. Let's set the rules for this duel shall we?" she asked.

"One if I win this duel, you apologize to King for stepping on his cupcake and get him a new one," Cruz said as he turned to look at King.

"Goodnight sweet child," King said, holding his ruined cupcake.

"And two, you admit that humans can be witches too," he said pointing towards Luz.

"Fine by me. But when I win, not only do have to tell the whole Covention that you two aren't witches, you and your sister have to stop training forever," she said. When he heard her terms he backed up a bit knowing that if he messed up this, then Luz wouldn't ever be able to learn or practice magic anymore. She'd finally found her place and if he lost she would lose that forever, and he knew that would break her heart.

"Do it Cruz, for my honor," King called out from the ground.

Cruz looked back toward Luz to see what her reaction to the terms would be. Luz looked at King holding his cupcake, then back to Cruz with a determined look on her face. "Do it hermano, you've got this," she said confidently, earring a smile from Cruz.

"Fine, it's a deal. Let's shake on it," he said, holding out his hand. Amity made a spell circle surrounding Cruz hand before shaking it. "The everlasting oath is sealed," she said smugly as the circle disappeared. "Okay, well that's one way to make a contract," said Cruz looking at his wrist not noticing anything differently.

"Meet back inside the theater in one hour. Let's see what kind of witch you are," she said walking away.

"Well, I've got this right guys?" asked Cruz turning to Luz and King watching as King stuffed his face with the cupcake.

"Mmm? Oh yeah. No" he said before continuing to eat the cupcake. "Oh jeez, thanks for the vote of confidence," Cruz said, annoyed.

Near the entrance of the Covention Eda was trying to sneak away, but before she could leave someone called out to her. "Sister?" Eda turned around to see that Lilith was looking directly at her while handing out autographs to Hexside students. "It's been so long since I've seen you last! What are you wearing? You look like some kind of trash collector. Oh right, you are," she said walking towards Eda with the students following her.

"Oh Lily. I just had to see the leader of the Emperor's coven in action. You know, when we were kids, Lilith was so excited to see the Emperor's coven, she peed a little," said Eda, earning giggles from the students and causing Lilith to blush.

"That-that's all for today," Lilith said, sending the students on their way before turning back to Eda with a glare. "You shouldn't even be here, you're a wanted criminal! Unless….I don't believe it! You're here to join the Emperor's coven!" she said excitedly, holding onto Eda's hand. Eda simply laughed in her face earning a scowl from Lilith. "In your dreams," said Eda as she continued to laugh.

"You think being covenless makes you so much smarter than everyone else. But while you run from the law like a degenerate, I'm mentoring the next generation of powerful witch students into the world," said Lilith proudly.

"Well, I have a couple of students. And I bet either one of them could wipe the floor with any of your prissy little blue bloods," said Eda.

"Is that a challenge?" asked Lilith, stepping forward.

"Oh, it's a promise," Eda said, pointing towards her. Suddenly Luz popped up from in between them, startling the two. "Eda, we need your help! Cruz challenged Amity to a witch's duel because of me, and I think she's going to kill him all the way dead," she explained, rapidly slumping to the ground.

"I already told you Luz, I've got this in the bag," said Cruz, picking her up from the ground. "Mmm, it seems your students have met my strongest protégé. And look at those ears, are they human? Where did you even find these," said Lilith with a laugh as she reached for Cruz and Luz's ears. Cruz smacked her hand away in annoyance. "Oye, didn't you ever learn that it's rude to touch people without permission. Seriously don't you have any manners, lady," he said, earning a scoff from Lilith.

"Okay Edalyn," Lilith began as she spun a spell circle making all of Eda's wanted posters disappear. "For one day, you won't have to hide from the law, because I want to see how good a teacher you really are," she said smugly walking away.

"Yeah I can see where Amity gets her attitude if her teacher is like that," said Cruz as Eda put her hand on Cruz's shoulder. "Come on kid, time to prepare for bloodshed," she said with a glare. "But, who's blood?" asked Luz with worry.

"Anyone's guess," Eda said with a chuckle

"Oh yeah cause that fills me with so much confidence," said Cruz sarcastically rolling his eyes.

Eda put on a headband with a snap as she turned to look at Cruz. "Alright Cruz, time to start your training. Now, I'm coming at you with a fireball. What do you do?" she asked, waving her hands in his face.

"Well, I do have this," Cruz said as he pumped his arms making his gauntlets appear before putting his left arm up and releasing his shield. "Oh hey, you fixed it," said Luz.

"Yeah, and this time I made it out of some stronger metal too. Too bad it makes it heavier too," he said with a chuckle. "That's good and all but what happens when that shield of yours gets too hot?" asked Eda while Cruz only gave her a blank look. "Oh, yeah I can't believe I let that slip my mind," he said sheepishly.

"Well I hope you didn't make an everlasting oath to stop learning magic or anything. You'd be toast," Eda said with a chuckle. "It wouldn't happen to be a glowy hand thing, right?" asked Luz with worry.

"Abomination. Rise," Amity said from nearby. The three turned to see Lilith and Amity standing in the open as Amity created an abomination that stood up to her shoulder in height. The abomination twisted it's head off, before throwing it to the member from the bakers coven that King stole a cupcake from knocking him down. As he fell over onto his sign, tiny nose grabbed him from the hand before throwing him into the distance and screaming with power.

"Someone has to get that glyph off of her," Cruz said with a wince. "Ooh boy," said Eda with worry for the duel.

"I can't believe that we're gonna have to stop learning magic," said Luz in distress."It's gonna be okay hermana, I'm not going to lose," said Cruz as he looked over towards the construction coven booth. "Hey Eda, do you think that I could borrow some metal from the construction coven?" he asked. "I can probably grab some for you, guessing you've got something in mind?" Eda asked. "Absolutely, and trust me it's going to be enlightening," he said with a devious look in his eyes. "While you do that, I've got a plan too. We're not gonna let those snobs win that easily! We are not gonna let them win at all," she said as her headband snapped, not being able to hold her hair back.

In the theater, Lilith and Amity are standing on the stage. Across from them waiting for the duel to start, Cruz had strapped a belt that Eda was hiding in her hair, with multiple potions and metal orbs that he'd managed to sneak in with a bag from Eda.

"Beloved citizens, the Emperor's Coven proudly presents an impromptu demonstration of the sort of witch we seek every year. Introducing Amity Blight," Lilith said as she presented Amity to the crowd. The crowd cheered while one held up a foam finger that said "Amity #1" on the finger. "Versus…" Lilith gestured towards Eda who moved out the way to present Cruz with a proud wide open smile. "Some human child" said Lilith with no enthusiasm.

"A human?"

"Humans can't do magic"

"He's no Amity"

"Wow, you can really feel the love from the crowd can't you," Cruz said, rolling his eyes. "Not like I can't handle a little criticism though," he said. "Listen up Cruz, here's the plan. You see those mounds," Eda said gesturing towards multiple mounds popping up from the ground. "Get Amity to land on one of those she'll set off my magic traps," she said rubbing her hands together.

"Eda! That's cheating!" Luz protested. "Nobody will know. To all eyes up there it'll look like Cruz is performing magic. Just trust me," Eda said. "But we'll know, even if he wins, Cruz is still gonna lose. Come on Cruz you can't really agree with her plan right?" Luz asked, looking towards her brother. "So in other words just avoid the mounds and I can have a fair fight. I've got this, no worries," he said looking straight ahead. "Well, I mean you could. But then how would you win?" Eda asked.

"I can win just fine without your traps, I don't really like getting insulted this way. Your traps are telling me that you don't think I can win. I really don't appreciate that Eda, have some faith in your apprentice," he said, stepping forward. "Dang, I think he's mad," Eda said to Luz who simply nodded as the bell screamed for the duel to begin. Cruz and Amity both stepped forward, as Amity cracked her knuckles Cruz pumped his arms back getting his gauntlets ready for the fight.

"Abomination. Rise," she said, making an abomination much larger than she had ever produced appear in between the two of them, earning gasps from the entire crowd and from Amity herself as well. "Whoa. Show me what you've got human," Amity said with confidence at her newest abomination, sending it towards Cruz.

"Oh come on what did you feed that thing," said Cruz as he rushed forward punching the abomination in the leg with a large explosion making it fall over. "Let's see what else you've got little miss bossy boots," he said with a taunt. "I've still got plenty," she said, making a spell circle making the abomination rise again.

Cruz jumped back and pulled out two pieces of paper from his back pocket before putting them on his feet. "Didn't think I'd have to use these so early," he said as the abomination walked forward stepping on one of Eda's magic traps. The trap set off a large fire geyser burning off its leg. "How did you do that?" asked Amity, surprised by the large spell. "Yeah, I really don't have time to explain right now," Cruz said as he grabbed a metal orb and pressed the button on top before throwing it. "Lights up!" he yelled before covering his eyes. As the metal orb landed on the center, the metal expanded with heat before a large flash of light burst out practically blinding everyone in the theater.

"What the heck kid! Couldn't you have warned us!" Eda yelled out in frustration. "Hey I yelled 'lights up!' What more did you want?" he asked as he faced towards Amity again. Seeing her staggering from the light he clapped his feet together in the air activating his boost glyph and shooting forwards towards her as if he had rockets on his feet.

Before he managed to reach her, Amity's vision returned just in time to see Cruz hurtling towards her. "Abomination! Defend!" she yelled out as the abomination blocked his path and knocked him away towards the ground. "Okay note to self, abomination can hit really hard, even if they're made of goop," Cruz said standing up from the ground.

Up in the stands King walked in wearing all sorts of free samples from all of the different covens. " Things that are free People are giving offerings to me! I love offering! What did I miss?" he asked after he'd found Willow and Gus in the stands.

"Cruz is in a witch's duel," Willow said with slight worry. "Yeah! And he can win it all! Yeah-yeah!" Gus said enthusiastically. "This I've gotta see!" said King as he made his way down the stands carefully before he noticed the student with the foam finger.

"Go Amity!" the student exclaimed

"Hey! You root for Cruz or nobody!" King said as he tried to run towards the student. Before he was able to take a single step forward he got caught in his scarf and fell toward the center of the ring.

"I really doubt that the flash popper is going to get her again, time for plan B," said Cruz as he grabbed one of his boom potions. As Amity and her abomination walked towards Cruz he noticed that they were getting closer to one of Eda's magic traps. "I wouldn't step on those if I were you," Cruz said, trying to direct her away from the mound. "Why Cruz? What happens if I step on them?" she asked with clear suspicion.

From the stands King fell forward as he lost some of his merchandise with it landing on some spectators. He fell in the ring on his back landing directly on the mound that Amity was going to step on. The magic activated releasing multiple spikes forcing Amity and Cruz to step back from them.

"Mmm, I'm okay!" King said happily. Cruz turned to face Eda, "Spikes! Are you crazy!" he yelled out in frustration. "I knew it! You were cheating!" Amity accused. "Oh come on! Like this was my idea!" Cruz retorted. Lilith stepped forward touching a spike as it turned to dust.

"Oh, Eda. I do believe this means you lose!" she said smugly, earning a groan from Eda. "Like cheating was my idea. When she told me about the mounds I made sure to avoid them to have a fair fight," Cruz said, trying to explain himself. "Who could believe anything you say?" Amity said as she began to walk away. As she walked away Eda noticed something sticking to Amity's neck. "Wait just a sec, Miss Protégé," she said, going towards Amity, causing Lilith's eyes to widen.

"Hey! What are you-" Amity began to say as Eda lifted the back of her hair and pulled off a power glyph from the construction coven.

After the glyph was removed Amity's abomination shrank to a much smaller size before it crumbled away from lack of magic. "A power glyph from the contraction coven," Eda said, holding it up for the crowd to see. The entire crowd gasped at this revelation. "She cheated!" Willow said to Gus in a hushed voice.

"Ah-ha! Yes, yes, yes-yes-yes! You cheated. Perfect, prissy Lilith cheated. Hot dang, I love coventions! La-la-la-" Eda began to mock her sister. "I only did that because I knew you would cheat!" Lilith said in her defense. "Still cheated! Welcome down to my level!" Eda continued to mock her.

"But, I didn't know…." Amity said, rubbing the back of her neck as she looked at the crowd in worry. Cruz noticed the look in her eyes and knew that she was telling the truth. As Amity saw Luz approach her she ran off.

"Amity, wait," Luz said as she was about to chase after her. "Luz! Cruz! Help me," exclaimed King struggling to get off of the spikes. "Go after her, I'll catch up after I free mister offerings here" said Cruz as he grabbed King and pulled him off the spikes ripping the shirts.

"My offering!" King yelled out with sadness.

"You'll get more offerings later King," Cruz said as he ran off to catch up with Luz and Amity.

Luz runs out of the theater looking around trying to spot Amity. She managed to spot her sulking in a corner next to the bathrooms. "Hey Amity, I'm sorry," she said walking up to her. "Ugh, seriously? Just leave me alone," Amity said in frustration. "Look, we didn't mean to embarrass you," Luz began.

"That's all you two ever do! First at school, and now this!" Amity responded. "I'll give you the thing at school was our fault, but this time definitely wasn't us," said Cruz as managed to catch up with the two. "Oh great and now you're here too," Amity said with a huff.

"Oh come on we're not that bad," Cruz said trying to defend himself and Luz.

"Not that bad?" Amity said standing up. "You made me look like a fool in front of the Emperor's Coven. My future! You think it's so easy to be a witch. I have been working my whole life to get to the top!" she said as her voice was full of frustration and anger. "You lost! You cheated! Say it! Say you're not a witch!" she said pointing at Cruz who simply looked down and letting out a sigh of remorse. "I'm not a witch," he said giving in. Luz came up from behind him and pulled out her notebook from her pocket.

Luz drew the light glyph on the notebook before she activated it creating the ball of light. "But we're training hard to be witches," she said, holding up the light ball towards Amity who gasps.

Amity turns away after staring at the light orb. "That's nothing, a child could do a light spell," Luz's expression fell due to Amity's words. "But, I've never seen it cast that way before," Amity said as she turned to the siblings. "Yeah well, to us this might be the only way to cast magic. We're not like you, it doesn't and can't come naturally, so we've had to improvise. Just like how I make up for it using my gadgets," said Cruz holding up a flash popper.

Amity sighed as she traced a magic circle and pulled Cruz's hand through it before their hands glowed and the circle disappeared. "The oath is unbound," she said as she began to walk away. "Did it work? Can we still do magic?" Cruz asked. "Humans have no magical ability. But I doubt that's going to stop either of you," she said walking away.

"You think she'll be cool with us now?" asked Cruz. Before Luz could answer her brother, King had managed to catch up to them. "Luz! Cruz! You left me behind!" he said.

"Yeah, sorry little guy. Your legs are just so small. Should we go get more offerings for you?" asked Cruz. "Nah. That stuff just weighed me down. But I have something for you two. And it's the best thing, because it's free, comes from my heart, and I always have more than I need," he said in earnest.

"Is it love?" Luz asked with a gasp.

"Ugh, no!" King said before reaching behind him and pulling out a bag. "Tote bags! And they have so many uses!" he said as he put the tote bag around Cruz's arms. "Away fair chariot! Away!" King said, climbing into the bag.

Luz was patting King on the head as Eda managed to catch up to them looking back towards the theater with worry. "We've gotta go," she said. "How'd you get away from Lilith?" asked Luz.

"Let's just say she had a real "snack attack." Hah! Wait, I got a better one," Eda began to say while snorting.

"Hey Eda," Luz said, gaining her attention. "Do you think that we'll ever be real witches?" she asked while looking down.

"What? I don't know. I mean who's a true witch? These suckers?" Eda asked, pointing towards some people behind her who walked away after hearing her. "According to them, that means being in a coven, but I never joined one and I'm better than all of them combined. You gotta be your own witch" she explained with a smile causing Luz and Cruz to smile back at her.

"Our own witch," Luz said brightly

"Yeah, you're right about that Eda," Cruz said in agreement. "Plus you've got those crazy gadgets of yours kid, that gives you an edge over a lot of witches," Eda said, patting Cruz on the head. "Now let's get out of here before my sister realizes I tied her pointy shoes together," Eda said before they heard someone scream out as they fell.

"And that's our cue," Eda said, pushing the twins towards the exit. "Sister? Now that's a mysterious past payoff!" Luz exclaimed in excitement. "I knew you two were related, I could see the resemblance," Cruz said happily, his hypothesis was right.

"Oh, you think that's all the mystery I got? Wait until you hear about my parents," Eda said as they left the Covention center.

"What? You've got parents? I need to know more!" Luz exclaimed

"Did you seriously just ask if she has parents? You know that Eda didn't just pop out of the ground right?" Cruz asked in amusement.

"He's right and trust me you very much don't want to know more," King said in exasperation.