The Kingdom in Shadows

Since Elysiel chose the path alongside Seraphis, the kingdom seemed to breathe differently. Nature, though still beautiful and alive, now seemed to reflect the subtle darkness spreading through the heart of its princess. It was as if the trees, rivers, and even the wind carried an invisible weight, a shadowy presence that had never been there before.

Elysiel, now firmly by Seraphis' side, felt the power coursing through her veins every moment. The bond between them wasn't just symbolic; it was physical and spiritual. She could feel the connection between their souls pulsing with each beat of her heart, a force that made her feel invincible. But at the same time, something inside her still fought—a faint and distant voice, reminding her of whom she once was.

However, as the days passed, that voice grew weaker. Seraphis' power consumed her, and with each moment they spent together, she found herself more drawn to him, more entangled in his darkness. There was no more room for doubt. Elysiel had made her choice, and now she had to embrace the consequences of that decision.

That morning, Elysiel sat in the great hall, seated on Elandor's throne, which now felt like a relic of a distant past. The presence of Seraphis by her side made her feel secure, strong, yet also aware that her kingdom was changing. The fairies, who once admired her, now looked at her with fear and hesitation. There was a growing division among her people—some still followed her blindly, believing she would save them, while others began to pull away, whispering about the darkness taking root in the heart of the kingdom.

Elysiel was aware of this division, but she no longer cared in the same way. The power she now possessed was greater than any fragile loyalty. And with Seraphis by her side, the future seemed firmly in her hands.

— The kingdom is changing. — Seraphis' deep voice broke the silence of the hall. He stood next to the throne, his red eyes gleaming with dark satisfaction. — They feel the power. They know something greater is happening. And eventually, they will have to accept that this is best for everyone.

Elysiel looked at him, her thoughts distant. Though part of her was disturbed by the growing distance between her and her people, the feeling of power that came from Seraphis overshadowed that unease.

— They will understand. — She replied, her voice soft but confident. — Elandor is destined for something greater. Our reign will be remembered, not for the light that once guided this kingdom, but for the power we now bring.

Seraphis smiled, pleased with Elysiel's words. He knew she was surrendering more and more to the darkness, and the control he had over her was complete. — You are finally accepting your true nature. — He whispered, leaning closer to her. — We are only beginning, my queen. The underworld awaits, and with it, power beyond your imagination.

A shiver ran down Elysiel's spine. The idea of ruling not only Elandor but the underworld alongside Seraphis fascinated her. But even now, a part of her wondered how much that power would cost. What would she have to sacrifice to maintain that control?

Before she could respond, the sound of footsteps echoed through the hall. Arabella appeared at the entrance, still visibly weakened from the previous attack, but determined. Her eyes burned with a mixture of pain and anger, and Elysiel could feel the tension rise instantly.

— I won't let this continue. — Arabella said, her voice firm but filled with emotion. — You are dragging Elandor into the shadows, Elysiel. And I won't stand by and watch it happen.

Elysiel stood slowly, feeling the weight of Arabella's words. Though she knew her choice was made, something about her friend's presence still unsettled her. Arabella was a living reminder of who Elysiel once was, and that disturbed her deeply.

— Arabella… — Elysiel began, her voice calmer than before. — I've already made my choice. What is happening now is necessary. There is no turning back.

Arabella took a few steps closer to the throne, the pain clear on her face. — You can still come back, Elysiel. — Once again, she insisted, her voice almost pleading. — I know there's still a part of you in there that wants to resist. Seraphis doesn't control you completely. You can fight this.

Elysiel stared at Arabella for a long moment, feeling the tension between them grow. Part of her wanted to believe Arabella was right, that she could still return, but the truth was that the bond between her and Seraphis was already deeply rooted. There was no turning back.

— This is no longer a fight you can win, Arabella. — Seraphis intervened, his voice dripping with disdain. — Elysiel has already chosen her path. You are trying to save something that is already lost.

Arabella clenched her fists, her frustration evident. — I will not give up on her. — She said, her voice filled with determination. — If you think you can push me away, you are mistaken, Seraphis. Elysiel can still be saved. And I will fight for her until the end.

Seraphis chuckled softly, his expression one of clear disdain. — You don't understand, do you? Elysiel is already where she belongs. The more you resist, the harder it will be for you to accept the truth. She is mine now, and there is nothing you can do to change that.

Arabella looked at Elysiel, her gaze pleading. — Please, Elysiel. Don't let him take you completely. I've seen you fight this before. You can still fight now.

The silence between them was overwhelming. Elysiel felt the weight of Arabella's pain and responsibility, but also the power of Seraphis, coursing through her like an inescapable current.

She took a deep breath, her heart racing, but when she spoke, her voice was firm, almost cold. — I can't go back, Arabella. I've chosen this path. What I'm doing now is for the good of Elandor… and for my own destiny.

Arabella felt the impact of those words like a blow. Tears filled her eyes, but she held them back. She knew Elysiel was being consumed by the darkness, but she also knew she couldn't give up on her.

— Then I will keep fighting. — Arabella whispered, her voice low but filled with determination. — For you. For what remains of who you are.

Without another word, Arabella turned and left the hall, leaving Elysiel and Seraphis alone.

Seraphis watched Arabella's departure with a cold smile. — She is stubborn, isn't she? — He murmured, turning to Elysiel. — But don't worry. She will soon understand. There is nothing more she can do.

Elysiel nodded, feeling the pain of the growing rift between her and Arabella, but at the same time, accepting that this was the price she had to pay. The future of Elandor was now in her hands and Seraphis', and there was no turning back.