The Price of Salvation

The darkness in Elandor felt thicker with each passing day. Elysiel could feel the growing weight of the shadows surrounding her, as if the kingdom itself was transforming, reflecting the choices she had made. Beside Seraphis, she felt the power coursing through her every move, every decision. The castle, once a symbol of light and hope, now seemed a reflection of her soul—immersed in shadows, with a dark beauty that both fascinated and unsettled her.

But even with all the strength Seraphis gave her, something within Elysiel remained disturbed. Arabella's words echoed in her mind, especially the promise to fight for her. "I will keep fighting… for you." Elysiel wanted to believe she had fully surrendered to the darkness, but something deep in her soul still resisted—a small spark of doubt.

Seraphis seemed to sense this occasional hesitation. He moved with his usual predatory grace through the hall, watching Elysiel as if studying her every movement. His red eyes, always full of power and seduction, gleamed faintly in the dim light of the torches.

— You seem distracted, my queen. — He said softly, his words laced with curiosity. — Does doubt still haunt you?

Elysiel met Seraphis' gaze, trying to hide any trace of uncertainty. She knew that now, any sign of weakness would be exploited. The bond between them was deep, but Seraphis always knew how to manipulate the emotions of those around him.

— I am merely reflecting on Elandor's future. — Elysiel replied, her voice calm and controlled. — The kingdom is changing, and that cannot be ignored.

Seraphis smiled faintly, stepping closer. He touched Elysiel's face gently, a gesture that made her feel his power mingling with hers. — These changes are necessary. The power we are bringing goes beyond their comprehension now, but soon enough, they will understand. Resistance, whether from Arabella or anyone else, won't last. They will either accept the new order or perish.

Elysiel nodded, but the mention of Arabella tightened something in her chest. Even now, knowing how deeply she was entangled with Seraphis, the thought of her friend—her loyal guardian—being destroyed by this darkness troubled her deeply. — And if Arabella does not give up? — Elysiel asked, almost without realizing the question had left her lips.

Seraphis raised an eyebrow, surprised by the question, but the smile on his lips only widened. — She stands no chance against us, Elysiel. You know that. — He murmured. — Arabella clings to a futile hope. In the end, she cannot save you. And if she continues to fight us… well, you will have to decide whether she is worth keeping alive.

A chill ran down Elysiel's spine. The power Seraphis gave her made her feel invincible, but the idea of Arabella being eliminated because of her resistance was something Elysiel still couldn't accept. I've already made my choice, she thought, trying to convince herself. Arabella's fate is a consequence of her decisions, not mine.

But as much as she wanted to believe it, part of Elysiel still refused to accept it completely.

Meanwhile, Arabella pushed through the ancient forest, her wings still aching, but her determination unwavering. She knew that Elysiel was drifting further away with each passing day, and that every moment lost brought her closer to losing her forever. But Arabella would not give up. She had a mission, and now she was heading to a place where only the bravest—or the most desperate—dared to go: the underworld.

Beside Arabella walked Draven, a fallen demon who had once fought alongside Seraphis. He was a mysterious figure, scarred both in body and soul, someone who had been banished from the underworld and now wandered between worlds, a shadow of what he once was. Draven had joined Arabella not out of loyalty to Elysiel, but because of a burning desire for revenge against Seraphis.

— Are you sure you're ready for this? — Draven asked, his voice raspy and filled with caution. — Once we cross the threshold of the underworld, there's no guarantee we'll come back. And the price you'll have to pay… may be higher than you think.

Arabella glanced at him, her eyes full of determination. — I've already lost so much. If I lose Elysiel too, then nothing else matters. — She replied firmly. — If there's even a chance to break the bond between her and Seraphis, I'm willing to pay any price.

Draven shook his head slightly, admiring Arabella's resolve, but fully aware of the danger she was about to face. The underworld was not a place for those with hope. It was a place of shadows, where souls were lost, and where pacts were sealed with blood and suffering.

— There is someone who can help. — Draven continued. — But she is dangerous. An ancient sorceress, older than Seraphis, with powers even he dares not challenge. If we can find her, maybe—just maybe—she will have the power needed to break the bond between Elysiel and Seraphis.

Arabella nodded. She knew she was stepping into unknown territory, but there was no more time for hesitation. Every moment that passed, Elysiel slipped further away, and the time to save her was running out.

Back in the castle, Elysiel walked silently through the corridors. Her mind was restless, disturbed by thoughts of Arabella and everything she had left behind when she accepted the pact with Seraphis. As much as she tried to push away her doubts, Arabella's presence in her thoughts haunted her.

When Elysiel reached the great hall of the castle, she felt something different in the air. It was as if an invisible, yet powerful presence was watching her. She stopped in the middle of the hall, her heart racing. It was a familiar sensation, but at the same time strange, as if someone was trying to communicate with their from the depths of the shadows.

Suddenly, the room seemed to darken, and Seraphis' voice echoed, but this time with a different intensity, almost threatening. — You still feel doubt, Elysiel. I can sense it. You must understand that if you do not accept me completely, if you allow that doubt to grow… the price will be higher.

Elysiel felt her chest tighten, but she tried to remain calm. — I have already accepted you, Seraphis. My destiny is with you.

Seraphis emerged from the shadows, his eyes burning with an almost suffocating intensity. — Then prove it. Prove that you are willing to do whatever is necessary to maintain our power. Arabella is a threat to what we are building. If she is not eliminated, the kingdom will fall into ruin.

Elysiel stopped, feeling the weight of Seraphis' demand. Eliminate Arabella? The idea of destroying her friend, someone who had always been by her side, was something she had never seriously considered. But now, with Seraphis demanding proof of her loyalty, what was she supposed to do?

The doubt inside her grew, and for the first time, Elysiel felt the bond between her and Seraphis waver.