Between Two Worlds

The meeting hall of Elandor's castle was gripped by a heavy silence, where even the faintest whisper seemed to echo through the cold stone walls. Elysiel sat at the head of the table, her posture firm, though her heart raced. The counselors around her were familiar figures, but now, all of them seemed different—their gazes, once filled with trust and respect, were now clouded with doubt and unrest.

The shadows around the castle felt almost tangible, and the air itself seemed heavier, as if an unseen presence was pressing down on everyone. Seraphis wasn't physically present, but Elysiel could feel his constant presence, like an invisible force surrounding her, empowering her, yet amplifying the tension.

The Fairy Council had convened to discuss urgent matters, but everyone knew the real reason for the meeting was the growing unease about Elysiel's pact with Seraphis. Murmurs of betrayal and distrust were no longer whispers. Now, the words were spoken openly.

Lirian, one of the oldest and most loyal counselors, was the first to speak, his voice steady but filled with apprehension.

— Princess, there is something we must discuss. — His eyes narrowed as they met Elysiel's, the shadow of an old friendship lingering in his gaze. — The people are worried. We are worried. This pact with Seraphis… it's leading us down a path many of us cannot understand. The darkness around the kingdom is intensifying, and we don't know whether it's because of the pact or because of his intentions.

Elysiel kept her expression calm, but inside, she felt torn. She knew the Council feared Seraphis's influence, but she also knew the power he gave her was essential to protect Elandor. Without him, her kingdom would have succumbed to the plague. But now, the criticism was sharper than ever.

Therion, another member of the Council, was more direct. He stood, his posture rigid.

— Princess Elysiel, we must speak frankly. — his voice cut through the air, laden with severity. — The people are pulling away from you. They fear you are being consumed by Seraphis, and many believe the pact is corrupting the very essence of the kingdom. We need you to reconsider your alliance with him before it's too late.

Elysiel narrowed her eyes. Therion's words, though harsh, struck a sensitive nerve. She knew the bond with Seraphis was deepening, and that connection was far more profound than she would ever admit. But the thought of breaking that bond seemed impossible. The power he gave her, the strength she felt by his side, were things she wasn't ready to relinquish.

— Do you think I can simply undo the pact? — Elysiel's voice came out harder than she intended. — Do you think without him, Elandor would survive? If it weren't for Seraphis, many of you wouldn't even be alive. The plague would have consumed our kingdom. He saved us. And now you come to me, asking me to betray him?

Silence fell over the room for a moment. The counselors exchanged nervous glances, but Therion did not back down.

— Princess, we are not denying that he helped us. — he replied firmly. — But at what cost? With each passing day, the darkness deepens. We see what is happening to you, to the kingdom. What was once necessary aid is becoming a threat. Elandor is changing, and not for the better.

Elysiel felt a pang of anger. Therion's words struck at a vulnerable place—the doubt she had been trying to suppress. The changes in Elandor were undeniable, and even she, who controlled the power of the shadows with Seraphis, felt something slipping out of control. But at the same time, the idea of losing Seraphis's power and protection terrified her.

— You think I don't see that? — Elysiel stood, her eyes gleaming with the intensity of her emotions. — I feel the changes just as you do. But do you know what else I feel? The threat that's coming. Something ancient is awakening. Without Seraphis, without the power he gives us, Elandor will fall before we even have a chance to fight. I will not betray my pact. And you need to trust my judgment.

The council fell silent again, but the tension was palpable. The trust between Elysiel and her counselors was eroding, and she knew it. Even the most loyal members seemed to question her leadership. She looked to Lirian, hoping for a conciliatory response, but he merely averted his gaze, resigned.

Lynore, a young counselor, finally broke the silence.

— If we continue down this path, princess… Elandor may never be the same again. — Lynore's voice was soft, but the fear in her eyes was clear. — But if you truly believe that Seraphis is the only solution… then we will follow your leadership. Just know that many have already lost hope.

Elysiel felt the weight of those words. "Lost hope." That struck her harder than any criticism or questioning. What would Elandor be without hope? She closed her eyes for a moment, trying to calm the storm within her.

— Hope or not, I will do whatever is necessary to protect this kingdom. — she finally replied, her voice firm.

But the truth was that even she was beginning to question how far this pact might take her.

After the meeting, Elysiel found herself alone in her chambers. The silence of the castle weighed on her like a cloak, and despite all the strength she projected, she felt vulnerable. Seraphis appeared from the shadows of the room, his presence dominating the space even before he spoke.

— I see your council no longer trusts you. — his voice was soft, but there was a hint of sarcasm that irritated her.

Elysiel sighed, feeling exhausted.

— They fear what they don't understand. — she replied, looking at him. — They fear you.

Seraphis smiled, slowly approaching her. His cold fingers slid down Elysiel's arm, and she felt his power seep into her skin, as it always did.

— It is natural for them to fear. Power always scares the weak. — he said, his voice laced with seduction. — But you, Elysiel, are not weak. And together, we are stronger than any threat. They cannot comprehend what we are building.

Elysiel looked at him, the conflict within her growing. The power he offered was undeniable, but the words of the council echoed in her mind. At what cost?

— You push me to continue, Seraphis, but even I am beginning to wonder how far this can go. What will happen if we lose control? — she asked, her eyes locking with his, showing a rare intensity.

Seraphis chuckled softly, his dark smile growing.

— Lose control? We are already in control, Elysiel. Nothing can stop us if you fully embrace what we are. Don't let the doubts of others poison what we are building. Your kingdom is safe, as long as we stay united.

Elysiel wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe that this power would be enough. But at the same time, there was something in the air, a sense of imminent danger, that made her question whether she was about to lose everything. Something was awakening in the shadows of Elandor, something ancient and powerful.

— Something is coming, Seraphis. — she whispered, gazing out at the dark horizon beyond the window. — Something that even our power might not be able to stop.

Seraphis didn't respond immediately, but the smile on his lips slowly faded as he, too, felt the shift in the air.