Voices in the Underworld

In the depths of the Underworld, where the shadows were so dense they seemed to consume any trace of light, Draven moved cautiously. The failure of the attack on Elysiel still echoed in his mind, like an open wound. He had underestimated the strength of Seraphis, but he couldn't allow that mistake to weaken him. On the contrary, the failure only fueled his desire for revenge, and now he knew he would need to be more cunning, more ruthless, to bring down Seraphis and sever the bond the demon had created with Elysiel.

At his side, Arabella walked in silence. Her tense posture and look of distrust hadn't changed since Draven convinced her to venture into the Underworld. She had never fully trusted him, but she was convinced that saving Elysiel required a dangerous alliance. What she didn't know was how deeply Draven was manipulating the situation—and by extension, her.

— We're almost there. — Draven's voice cut through the oppressive silence, and Arabella nodded, her eyes wary as they tread the shadowy path.

They were searching for the one figure who could give Draven the advantage he needed: the sorceress Kaelyra, an ancient entity exiled to the farthest depths of the Underworld for practicing a magic even demons feared. Kaelyra was known for her mastery of forbidden rituals and powerful artifacts, and Draven believed she possessed what he needed to finally destroy the connection between Elysiel and Seraphis.

They arrived at a hidden cave, surrounded by a thick, heavy mist that seemed to hum with dark energy. Arabella shivered as Draven marched forward without hesitation toward the entrance. For her, the Underworld was a landscape of nightmares, but for Draven, it was a field of opportunities, a place where his ambition could flourish.

Inside the cave, Kaelyra awaited them. The sorceress had an imposing, enigmatic appearance—tall and slender, with long silver hair that flowed like water and eyes a deep crimson that seemed to capture the soul of anyone who dared look into them. Around her neck hung necklaces of bones and ancient stones, relics from times long past. Her presence was almost suffocating.

— I see you've returned, Draven. — Kaelyra said with a cold, calculated voice, her gaze never leaving Arabella, as if studying her. — And I see you've brought company. I hope she's prepared for what's to come.

Arabella felt the sorceress's gaze pierce her like a blade, but before she could respond, Draven took charge.

— She's not important. — he said, diverting Kaelyra's attention. — We need to continue what we started. The attack on the castle failed, but we haven't been defeated. Seraphis showed that his connection to Elysiel makes him vulnerable. We can use that.

Kaelyra moved closer, her eyes gleaming with interest.

— You want more than just to destroy their bond. — she said, a faint smile forming on her lips. — You want the power he shares with her.

Draven didn't answer immediately, but the silence that followed was enough of a response. Kaelyra chuckled softly, her gaze now fixed on Arabella.

— Did you know he's using you? — she asked, her voice sharp. — He's not here to save your friend. He's here to take Seraphis's place, to destroy everything Elysiel holds dear.

Arabella turned to Draven, surprised, but the look in his eyes offered no comfort. There was something relentless in his gaze, an ambition without limits that made her wonder how far he was willing to go. Deep down, she had known Draven was manipulating her from the beginning, but now the truth was being revealed in a cruel manner.

— Is this true, Draven? — Arabella asked, struggling to keep her composure.

Draven sighed, his expression dark and direct.

— Elysiel is already lost. She's given herself to Seraphis. If we do nothing, Elandor will fall to the shadows. I will stop Seraphis and save what's left of our world, but to do that, we must be ruthless. — he said, looking directly at Kaelyra. — Now, let's talk about the plan. The next attack must be final.

Kaelyra smiled again, pleased. She began to circle around them, her long, delicate fingers tracing symbols in the air that glowed faintly before fading away.

— You're right, Draven. The previous attack was just a test. The bond between Seraphis and Elysiel is strong, but not unbreakable. I managed to fake your death during the battle, exactly as you requested, so they believe you're out of the game. This has given us time to prepare the next move.

Arabella's stomach churned. Draven had planned everything from the beginning, from the previous attack to now, using each step to get closer to his ultimate goal. He had never intended to save Elysiel.

— And now? — Draven asked, impatience creeping into his voice. — What else can we use against Seraphis?

Kaelyra stopped her pacing and turned to him, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of fascination and malice.

— There is an artifact. — she began, her voice barely above a whisper. — Ancient, powerful, forged in the deepest parts of the Underworld long ago. It was created to sever immortal bonds, to destroy connections that transcend life and death. If you want to break the bond between Seraphis and Elysiel, this is the only way.

Draven fell silent for a moment, absorbing what she had just said. The artifact she spoke of sounded like the perfect weapon. Something that could cut the connection between Seraphis and Elysiel, leaving the demon vulnerable and allowing Draven to seize control.

— Where is this artifact? — Draven asked, his eyes narrowing with determination.

Kaelyra smiled, knowing she had his full attention.

— I know where it is. — she replied, her fingers tracing a path in the air that vanished in a faint glow. — But it's not easy to obtain. There is a price to be paid to access it. A sacrifice.

Draven didn't hesitate.

— I'll pay the price. — he said firmly. — I want that artifact. The bond between them must be broken.

Kaelyra chuckled softly, a sound that echoed through the cave walls.

— You have no idea what you're asking for, Draven. — she said, her eyes gleaming. — But if you're willing to go to the end, then I will help you. The artifact will be yours. And when the bond between Elysiel and Seraphis is broken, the chaos that follows will be the real test for all of us.

Arabella watched the exchange with a mix of shock and disbelief. She no longer knew whom to trust. Draven was willing to destroy Elysiel and Seraphis, and Kaelyra, with her dark knowledge, was aiding him for her own pleasure. The conspiracy was deeper than she had ever imagined, and now she was trapped in the middle of a power play far beyond her control.

As they left the cave, Draven's plan became clear: he would use the artifact to destroy the bond between Seraphis and Elysiel. It was his final card—and the only chance to finally overthrow the demon king and seize control of the Underworld.