Chapter 28: The Surprise from Fred and George

After understanding his current situation, Eisen realized that if he didn't care, his only way to improve his strength would be through his miracle traits and the daily growth of his magic.

However, it was clear that although Eisen felt he had a golden finger that would make the path of magic easier for him than others, he didn't want to just give up. So, after careful consideration, Eisen felt that the reason he had encountered a bottleneck was probably because his foundation was too shallow.

If he wanted to play with Transfiguration to the level of transforming between elements, such as fire into water, water into lightning, lightning into storms, and so on, he would have to delve deeper into the study of magic and gain a more profound understanding of Transfiguration in order to continue progressing.

Currently, Eisen's strength appeared impressive on the surface. On one hand, his magic was constantly growing within him. On the other hand, after learning the Disillusionment Charm, he could combine it more effectively with the Disarming Charm, the Shield Charm, and Transfiguration. With Eisen's overall physical abilities being nearly triple that of an average person, his combat strength was undoubtedly outstanding.

However, it was clear that he was still far behind Dumbledore. At the very least, Dumbledore not only had immense magic power but also possessed extremely skilled spellcasting abilities. Additionally, his close friendship with Nicolas Flamel suggested that his mastery of alchemy was also top-notch.

Furthermore, Dumbledore's ability to defeat Grindelwald and Voldemort implied that he must have had profound knowledge of the Dark Arts, which could not be denied. Finally, Dumbledore was also a master of Transfiguration. While his level was difficult to gauge, Eisen speculated that it was no less than that of Minerva McGonagall.

Looking at Dumbledore's résumé, one would find that he could be said to be proficient in all classifications of magic, without exception.

In contrast, although Eisen's strength was decent, he lacked sufficient means to deal with unexpected situations. For instance, various strange curses, poisons, magical artifacts, and fantastic beasts, among others. If an enemy happened to possess abilities that could exploit Eisen's blind spots, he would be in trouble.

However, despite recognizing his deficiencies, Eisen admitted that mastering all classifications of magic like Dumbledore would be too difficult for him.

After all, although he had always been a top student in the Muggle world, he was only a fake prodigy, relying on his previous life's memories to surpass other children. At the very least, he knew that he couldn't match Hermione's aptitude for learning.

It was for this reason that when he first encountered magic, he focused most of his efforts on Charms and Transfiguration to develop some self-defense capabilities.

Aware of his weaknesses, Eisen came up with a not-quite-perfect solution. He would devote part of his efforts to the study of alchemy and delve into the creation of magical artifacts.

On one hand, this approach might make it easier for him to gain a deeper understanding of magical knowledge through a related field. On the other hand, it would serve his golden finger abilities. Eisen believed that the more powerful supernatural traits he possessed, the safer he would be. At the very least, he was already immune to the Disarming Charm.

Knock, knock!

As Eisen was lost in thought, a sudden knocking on the door interrupted him.

"Come in!" With a mental command, Eisen dismissed the virtual panel and waved his hand, opening the door.

The Weasley twins, Fred and George, entered with mischievous grins, exchanging knowing looks with each other.

"Is the telescope ready?" Whether it was his imagination or not, Eisen always felt that Fred and George had a peculiar aura that seemed to bring joy whenever they were present. As a result, a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, Professor Turner!" Fred replied, nodding at George as a signal.

"Professor Turner, would you like to try it out and see if it meets your satisfaction?" Following the cue, George retrieved a telescope from his pocket and placed it on the table in front of Eisen.

Strange, the two brothers seemed much more serious than usual. Although Eisen was slightly suspicious, he didn't dwell on it. With a wave of his right hand, the telescope on the table flew silently towards him.

However, the moment he grabbed the telescope, a puzzled expression appeared on Eisen's face. He hadn't received the prompt to replicate any golden finger traits from the telescope.

Was it broken? Or were second-hand magical artifacts useless? For a moment, Eisen considered various possibilities. But upon noticing the hint of anticipation on George's face, he suddenly realized something. Could this be the Punching Telescope? With that thought, Eisen examined the seemingly ordinary telescope carefully.

Observing the unchanged appearance of the telescope, Eisen couldn't help but admire the Weasley twins' innate talent for alchemy once again.

"Is this the Punching Telescope? Come on, George, show me how to use it?" Realizing that Fred and George were trying to prank him, Eisen wore an amused expression and tossed the telescope back to George.

"Oh, no, Professor Turner, that's too cruel—" George held the telescope with a mournful expression.

"This is the first time our prank hasn't succeeded!" Fred also looked crestfallen. It seemed that failing to successfully prank Eisen was an unforgivable offense for the two of them.

However, upon seeing Eisen's unchanged demeanor, Fred gave an awkward smile and handed over another telescope.

"Discovered Supernatural Trait - Masterwork Extended Vision Trait. Do you wish to expend a Miracle Trait to replicate it?" A line of text popped up in front of Eisen, but instead of the original Extended Vision Trait, it had changed to the Extended Vision Trait. The variation was subtle, but Eisen guessed it was related to the telescope becoming a Telescopic Sight.

Subsequently, a satisfied smile appeared on Eisen's face as he pocketed the Telescopic Sight. Observing the mischievous twin brothers, Eisen was surprised by the great surprise they had given him.

Should he open a Wizarding Joke Shop and have the brothers work for him? Or perhaps invest in their future shop? At that moment, Eisen had this idea. After all, their talent was truly outstanding.

Eisen stood up from behind his desk and handed each of the brothers two Galleons. Seeing their hesitation, Eisen cut them off: "Oh, don't refuse, consider it your processing fee. You know, I'm very satisfied with the product you've modified!"

"But, Professor Turner, we agreed that this was part of the authorization?" Although the Weasley twins enjoyed pranks, they wouldn't take advantage of others.

"Of course, but I believe it's reasonable to charge a processing fee, and I'll be commissioning your help again in the future!" To be honest, this was Eisen's genuine thought. He knew that the Weasley family's financial situation wasn't great, so there was no need to be overly concerned about a small amount of money.

"Wow, so, Professor Turner, do you have any new ideas?" The two brothers relaxed and smiled again, with Fred eagerly asking.

"I'm sure it's going to be a really great idea, just like the Punching Telescope!" George also became interested and complimented Eisen.

"Do you know about tape recorders?" Eisen shook his head, but a peculiar grin appeared on his face.

"Tape recorder?" Fred looked puzzled.

"It's a Muggle product that can record and play back sound, a very amazing Muggle machine," George explained.

"I know, but—" Fred glared at George and then looked at Eisen with a confused expression. Of course, he didn't understand why Eisen had brought up the Muggle tape recorder.

Ah, it seems their imagination still falls short. Eisen inwardly lamented before offering them a hint: "Tape recorders, these Muggle machines, can record and play back sound, but they're electronic devices that can't be used at Hogwarts. However, if they're modified with magic, they can be used at the school.

For example, certain sounds could be recorded and played back while wizards are sleeping—"

At this point, Eisen noticed the twins' expressions shift from surprise to delight. It seemed their repertoire of pranks was about to become even more diverse.


"I can't wait to pull off a prank with this!"

"Professor Turner, we must go now. We need to start working on this idea right away!"

The two brothers cheered, even high-fiving each other, before excitedly bidding farewell and rushing out. Watching their spirited behavior, Eisen couldn't help but shake his head.

As for the psychological trauma the little wizards might experience once the magical tape recorders were created, well, that was none of Eisen's concern.

To read up to 10 chapters ahead:

(end of chapter)