Chapter 29: The Belated Christmas Gift

As for why Eisen decided to work on the recorder, it actually stemmed from an earlier idea. That was to modify the recorder through alchemy and magic, turning it into a magical artifact that could record sounds.

This way, it could record the deadly cry of the Mandrake. Through this method, Eisen might be able to gain a deadly attack ability.

The next day, Eisen continued working in his office. In fact, aside from still borrowing some books on alchemy from the library for study and research, he was still practicing Occlumency.

Perhaps it was due to Eisen's efforts in the meditation, but he truly found a knack for it and could finally achieve a basic state of clearing his mind without thinking about anything.

In this state, Eisen could control his emotions and prevent others from judging his thoughts through his expressions. Of course, it also had a certain defensive effect against mind-penetrating spells like Legilimency.

However, Eisen could not easily enter the Occlumency state. If he wanted to hide his thoughts from a master Legilimens, he would need to keep practicing.

As for fabricating a memory in his own mind, that was an even more advanced skill.

However, after delving deeper into the study of alchemy, Eisen discovered a problem - his knowledge base was somewhat lacking. Initially, when he was learning some more superficial alchemical knowledge, he didn't notice any issues. But as he went deeper, he realized that alchemy also involved knowledge of ancient magical languages and potions.

On one hand, much of the profound alchemical knowledge was recorded in ancient magical texts, or at least some of the key points were. On the other hand, some advanced alchemical techniques required the aid of specific potions.

If Eisen only wanted to learn a little and not study it in-depth, then he didn't need to learn the ancient magical languages or potions. But if he wanted to go deeper, he would have to reach a certain level of proficiency in ancient magical languages and potions.

Knock knock -

The sudden knocking at the door interrupted Eisen's thoughts.

"Come in!" Eisen said, waving his hand to open the door. He found it odd that his office had become so busy lately, with people coming in one after another.

"Professor Eisen -" A petite figure darted in, quickly closing the door behind her. When she saw Eisen sitting behind his desk and the surprised expression on his face, her own face immediately reddened.

"Hermione, did you come here for something?" Based on Eisen's understanding, the trio should have already known what was under the trapdoor by now. However, Hermione's sneaky behavior in coming to his office made Eisen quite curious.

"Yes, Professor Eisen -" Hermione nodded her little head, pondering how to say it.

"Relax a bit, no need to be so tense. Have a seat!" Eisen smiled, waving his hand to toss out a playing card that transformed into a chair in front of Hermione.

"Thank you, Professor Eisen, this is your Christmas present!" Perhaps infected by Eisen's smile, Hermione let out a breath, then took out a long box and placed it in front of Eisen before sitting down.

"Christmas present?" Eisen blinked, surprised. He had previously given Hermione, Harry, and Ron each a ring of storage, but he hadn't expected to receive a Christmas present himself.

However, it seemed Christmas had already passed, didn't it? Sending a Christmas present at this time? Eisen's eyes revealed a dubious look as he glanced at Hermione's finger, confirming she was wearing the ring he had given her on her right middle finger.

"Yes, Professor Eisen, I didn't know your home address, so I'm only giving it to you now. I hope you don't mind." Noticing Eisen's gaze, Hermione felt a bit embarrassed again but explained why she was giving a Christmas present so late.

"Oh, not at all? I should thank you for remembering to give me a Christmas present." Although it was a belated Christmas gift, Eisen wouldn't blame her. He reached out and opened the box, inside which lay a quill pen. "Wow, I actually need a quill pen to write scripts! Thank you, Hermione!"

Well, Eisen did need a quill pen because he planned to write some scripts to send to his father. However, he had been planning to check if Fred and George had invented a self-writing quill pen and buy one of those to use. He hadn't expected Hermione to give him a quill pen already.

"Write scripts?" Hermione thought she had misheard and looked at Eisen with a surprised open mouth.

"That's right. Well, you may not believe it, but I actually own a Muggle film company in London, so I write scripts to send to the company sometimes." Eisen looked at Hermione with a smiling, self-satisfied expression.

However, as he said this, Eisen had a sudden idea - what if he wrote Harry Potter's story as a script and made it into a movie? Or, if he was worried about attracting Voldemort's attention, he could change the perspective and make Hermione the main character for the movie.

Of course, due to the wizarding world's secrecy laws, Eisen's idea was likely impossible to implement. If the movie was produced and screened, it would probably attract the Ministry of Magic's attention, and they would come knocking. However, just because he couldn't reveal information about the wizarding world in the Muggle world didn't mean he couldn't do it the other way around.

What if he opened a magical movie theater in the wizarding world, specifically to adapt Muggle movies? He thought it could make money because many wizards were quite curious about what the Muggle world was like. If movies could allow wizards to understand how Muggles lived, it might be a good idea.

Perhaps he could open an Eisen Magical Film Company in Diagon Alley. That way, when the wizarding world inevitably became exposed to the Muggle world in the future, films could help more wizards understand how Muggles think, reducing unnecessary conflicts.

Previously, Eisen had believed that the wizarding world would definitely be exposed. Based on the rate of technological advancement in his previous life, the internet had developed so rapidly that it had already reached the era of mobile internet within just twenty years.

Before the internet era, if an ordinary person discovered a wizard performing magic, the Ministry might find them and erase their memory before the incident spread, thus containing the exposure of the wizarding world.

But in the future, when everyone had a mobile phone, if someone discovered a wizard using magic, it could instantly spread across the entire internet, letting tens or even hundreds of millions of people know.

How would the Ministry handle that?

If the Ministry didn't prepare for this potential situation in advance, the sudden encounter between these two unfamiliar groups would inevitably lead to conflict. Eisen couldn't predict the severe consequences that might arise.

So, using a film company as a bridge to connect the wizarding and Muggle worlds might be the most effective solution Eisen could currently implement.

"A Muggle film company? But Professor Eisen, you're a wizard, why would you run a film company in the Muggle world?" Hearing Eisen's explanation, Hermione first looked surprised, then doubtful.

"Well, Hermione, you know I'm a Muggle-born wizard, and I even lived in the Muggle world for a while. And you're a Muggle-born witch yourself!" Eisen didn't answer directly but instead mentioned his and Hermione's backgrounds.

"Yes, Professor Eisen, I know film companies can make a lot of money, but we're wizards, aren't we?" Clearly, in Hermione's view, wizards earning too much money in the Muggle world didn't serve much purpose.

To read up to 10 chapters ahead:

(end of chapter)