Chapter 90: Infiltrating the Stronghold

Under the cover of the chaos on the battlefield, Nyla and her team made their way to the edge of Solas's stronghold. The structure loomed over them, heavily fortified with guards patrolling every corner. The stronghold was the nerve center of Solas's operations, and if they could disrupt his control from within, the battle could still be won.

Using Nyla's expertise in hacking, they bypassed the stronghold's perimeter defenses, sneaking through service tunnels and maintenance shafts that Solas's forces had overlooked. Every second was tense, the risk of discovery ever-present. But they moved with precision, following the plan Nyla had carefully mapped out.

Inside the stronghold, the tension mounted. Solas's command center was located deep within the building, where he coordinated his forces through a sophisticated network of communication systems. If Nyla and her team could take it offline, they could cut off his ability to direct the battle.

As they reached the inner sanctum of the stronghold, Nyla felt her pulse quicken. They were almost there.

But just as they breached the final security door, alarms blared.

They had been discovered.

Solas's elite guards rushed toward them, and Nyla's team was forced into a firefight. She ducked behind cover as bullets whizzed past her, heart pounding in her chest. They were close—so close to ending Solas's reign.

"We need to move now!" Nyla shouted, her voice barely audible over the gunfire.

With no other option, they pushed forward, fighting their way toward Solas's command center. The final confrontation was coming, and Nyla knew that everything hinged on this moment.