Chapter 96: Echoes of War

The battlefield lay silent, a stark contrast to the chaos that had enveloped it just hours before. The stronghold that once housed Solas's iron grip over the world was now in ruins, its forces in retreat. Nyla walked through the debris, her steps heavy with exhaustion, but her mind sharp with the knowledge that this was only the beginning.

General Aria's forces were gathering what was left of Solas's command, capturing those who hadn't fled, and securing weapons to prevent future use. The resistance had won, but the scars of war lingered in every corner.

Nyla found Zane sitting by the remains of the command center's entrance, wiping the blood from a gash on his forehead. He gave her a weary smile. "So... what now?"

"We rebuild," Nyla replied, her tone firm but weary. "But first, we secure the algorithm. Without it, there's no guarantee someone else won't try to finish what Solas started."

Zane nodded, standing up. "We should head back to HQ, regroup with the others. There's still the matter of Solas's remaining forces... the ones loyal enough to stay underground."

"Let's hope they fall in line now that their leader's gone," Nyla said, though she knew better than to believe it would be that easy.

She looked out at the horizon where smoke still rose in thin plumes from distant battles. The war wasn't truly over yet. Solas had fallen, but the world remained vulnerable. His followers, scattered and desperate, would undoubtedly seek vengeance.