Chapter 97: Hidden Factions

Back at the resistance headquarters, the mood was one of cautious optimism. For the first time in years, they could breathe without the constant threat of Solas's forces bearing down on them. But Nyla's instincts told her it was too soon to relax.

Inside the war room, a map of the world spread out across the table, with red markers indicating Solas's remaining strongholds and factions that were still active. Nyla stood over it, deep in thought, as Zane, General Aria, and the other leaders gathered around.

"We've confirmed that Solas's elite guard has scattered, but we're getting reports of resistance from loyalist cells," General Aria said. "Some of these groups are well-armed and still dangerous. They believe in Solas's vision, even without him."

Nyla nodded, her eyes scanning the map. "If we let them regroup, they could re-emerge stronger than ever. We need to dismantle their operations before they get organized."

Zane frowned, leaning over the map. "There's also something else. We've detected strange activity in Solas's old network—encrypted messages being sent between some of his known allies. It's like they're still following orders..."

Nyla's eyes narrowed. "That's impossible. Solas is dead."

"Maybe," Zane said slowly. "But his algorithm isn't. What if..."

The implication hung in the air. What if the algorithm was still active, executing commands Solas had set in motion long before his death? If his loyalists had access to that kind of power, the world was still in danger.

"We need to find the source of these signals," Nyla said, her tone urgent. "If the algorithm is still operating, we need to shut it down for good."