Chapter 108: The Global Offensive

The resistance launched a coordinated strike against the remaining nodes. Teams were sent across the globe, each tasked with disabling one of Solas's hidden bunkers before it could be reactivated. Nyla and Zane led the team assigned to the largest node, located in a remote section of Siberia, where the cold wilderness concealed a sprawling underground complex.

As their transport flew low over the snow-covered plains, Zane reviewed the mission details one last time. "This node is the most heavily fortified one we've found yet. Solas must have known how important it was—there are automated defenses all around it."

Nyla peered out the window, watching the frozen landscape pass below. "We'll make it work. We've faced worse."

But as they approached the landing zone, the team's communications crackled to life with a warning from the other strike groups. "We've got a problem," came the voice of one of their allied commanders. "The loyalists have moved faster than we anticipated. They've already taken control of two nodes in South America and Europe."

Zane's face darkened. "If they activate those nodes, they could reboot the entire system."

Nyla's grip on her weapon tightened. "We stick to the plan. If we take down the Siberian node, we cut off a major part of their network. It'll cripple their operations. We can't let them gain the upper hand."

The transport landed with a soft thud in the snow, and the team disembarked, ready to begin the assault.