Title: "A Man of God or A Man of Gold"
Subtitle: "Unmasking the Dark Truth Behind the Pulpit"
Genre: Fiction, Thriller, Mystery
Plot: The story follows Ava Morales, a determined and resourceful journalist who sets out to expose the truth behind the Church of Eternal Bliss, a powerful and wealthy institution led by the charismatic Pastor Certain. As Ava digs deeper, she uncovers a web of deceit and corruption that goes all the way to the top of the church. With the help of Rachel, a former member of the church, Ava takes a huge risk to gather evidence and build a case against the church. But as they get closer to the truth, they realize that the church will stop at nothing to silence them. Will Ava and Rachel be able to bring down the church and expose the truth, or will they become the church's next victims?
Themes: Corruption, power, greed, faith, morality, and the struggle for truth and justice.
Ava Morales: The protagonist of the story, a determined and resourceful journalist who sets out to expose the truth behind the Church of Eternal Bliss.
Pastor Certain: The leader of the Church of Eternal Bliss, a charismatic and powerful figure who will stop at nothing to protect his institution.
Rachel: A former member of the Church of Eternal Bliss who becomes Ava's ally in her quest for the truth.