[Day 5]
Ostensibly as a result of the routine they had established during the previous Tower cycle, Vahn was pleasantly surprised that Korra came to him at the end of each day to have sex and relax. The presence of other women made her especially keen to show off, but Vahn didn't mind in the slightest as he was the principal beneficiary, and everyone made sure to remind her she was in a relationship with him, not them. Sisterhood was simply one of the many benefits of being in his harem...
"Devils are amazing..." remarked Korra, seated naked to Vahn's right atop his bed and watching with a shimmering, focused gaze as Venelana very skillfully deepthroated him, accepting more than half his cock despite the difficult angle.
"Though you're not the first, you're one of one as the Avatar...I'd say that makes you pretty amazing yourself, Korra..." hummed Rias, causing Korra to briefly startle as she wrapped her arms around her neck and shoulders from behind while on her knees, resulting in her breasts squishing against the brown-skinned Avatar's neck and the sides of the back of her head.
"Maybe...but I'm definitely closer to the bottom than the top in terms of physical appearance and sexuality in Vahn's harem..." sighed Korra, closing her eyes and rubbing her cheek against Rias's smooth right bicep.
"Silly girl...don't you realize that makes you even more unique...?" asked Rias, turning her head to the side and biting the upper part of Korra's left ear, causing her to bite her bottom lip as the ruddiness in her complexion deepened. She already batted for both teams inherently, but the sensual and erotic nature of Devils ensured she would remain deeply entrenched in Vahn's harem...
[Kunou is requesting a telepathic link]
Though he felt the timing was more than a little awkward, Vahn, who had been enjoying Venelana's service and the sight of Korra being assailed by Rias and then Akeno jointly, promptly accepted the telepathic request and asked [How can I help you, Kunou-chan?]
Leaving Vahn feeling at even more of a loss, Kunou, sounding incredibly pitiable, stated, [I miss Hahaue. Can Chichiue come and stay with me...?]
'Something feels off...' thought Vahn, his suspicions confirmed when Sis revealed that Kunou was having a sleepover with several of the younger Ascendee girls. More accurately, they were playing a game similar to truth or dare, with Kunou being challenged to trick him into rushing over by the cheeky little thief girl from Re: Zero, Felt.
Despite knowing it was a trap, Vahn affirmed [I'll be there shortly] before explaining the situation to the five women accompanying him. Korra was a little flummoxed by his willingness to rush over despite knowing he wasn't needed, but Venelana convinced her easily by explaining there were times when a parent or guardian had to play along with their children's antics to reinforce the sentiment they would be there when needed...
"Are you really a Dragon God...?" asked Felt, a short girl with fair skin, medium-length golden hair, and distinctive red eyes, currently focused on Vahn with a suspicious look as she modeled Subaru's stolen windbreaker and black hose as pajamas.
"What makes you question it...?" asked Vahn, sporting a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes as he permitted Fran to style his hair using multiple scrunchies and let Kunou and Riko paint his finger and toenails.
"I mean, where's your majesty?" asked Felt, contending, "You look more like a stupid doting father that lets his daughters get away with anything than some great and powerful Dragon God."
"Majesty isn't demanded in every situation..." responded Vahn, his smile cramping when Fran held a hand mirror up in front of his face and asked him to evaluate her newest creation.
"I don't know...I kind of agree with Felt..." said Mikoto, sporting a slight blush as she felt uneasy being in Vahn's presence in nothing but vanilla-colored silk pajamas with frilly shorts and thigh-high socks. She felt an indescribable sense of gratitude toward Vahn and the Dragon's Pavilion for accepting her request to provide refuge to her little sisters, but since he was absurdly handsome, she felt strangely exposed in anything short of a winter coat.
"Vahn-sama's godliness isn't up for contention..." contended Tanya, her expression and tone serious as she appended, "You should never mistake patience and forbearance for lack of capability. It is because he is sure of himself that he can submit to situations like this. Those who feign majesty even among friends, allies, and children are just being pretentious for the sake of their egos..."
"If you say so..." muttered Mikoto, narrowing her eyes and staring at Tanya from their corner as she questioned, "More importantly...do you have to do that here and now?"
"I've told you before...I find it therapeutic..." responded Tanya, sporting a thin white dress identical to Riko's as she found it both cute and practical. As for what Mikoto was complaining about, it was the rifle she had resting across her lap, half-assembled as she dutifully cleaned and maintained its various parts despite their Inventories having an auto-repair function that made it moot.
"Now, now, let's not get in a tiff~" hummed Colette, who Vahn felt was beginning to become a bad influence on the group as she often spoke to them about her relationship with her childhood friend turned lover, a boy named Lloyd Irving. She was usually spurred to do so by girls like Felt, but she didn't hold back on the details, securing her status as a big sister within the group.
"Well, what do you think...?" asked Riko, drawing Vahn's attention to the nails of his left hand, which had been painted with black fingernail polish. Instead of painting the entire nail, however, she had carefully drawn five runic characters from her world, symbolizing love, protection, and good fortune.
"You have a real talent for drawing and writing characters..." remarked Vahn, his smile softening as he used the hand to gently ruffle Riko's hair, causing the rosiness tinting her cheeks to intensify. Ever since her abrupt confession a few days prior, at least from her perspective, she had been a lot more attentive and prone to flushing at the slightest flattering word or action on his part. However, much like Kunou, Vahn regarded her and the other young girls present more as daughters than prospective lovers. This resulted in him bathing with them periodically, but he took care to behave like the adult he was and made sure nothing remiss happened...
[Day 11]
With more than a day passing since his last client, Vahn was beginning to think it was time for him to enter the Corridor. He had delayed doing so to make himself accessible to the newest batch of Ascendees, but if no one was coming, he was effectively sitting in his office, binge-watching anime as everyone else worked hard to improve themselves.
'I could train in preparation for my spars with Sairaorg...' supposed Vahn, closing his eyes, reclining in his chair, and considering possible Masters and training partners. Grayfia could theoretically teach him whatever he wanted to know, but he felt that if they trained together, he would be too distracted by her body and scent to focus. She still periodically sat on his face in a diverse range of undergarments and hose, and the mere thought of it was enough to make him feel a sense of anxious longing...
'Actually, I wonder what Ruijerd is up to...' mused Vahn, prompting Sis to open a transparent display depicting the emerald-haired Superd sitting on a large boulder in the 7th Floor's Overworld, eating lunch while watching a herd of elephantine creatures with speckled and striped fur reminiscent of a young boar.
'I guess that's not an option...' concluded Vahn, closing the display and resuming his deliberation. In truth, there were many powerful fighters and martial artists among the Ascendees who would presumably be willing to teach him, including Sairaorg. However, whether it be because of his pride as a man or his Innate, Will of the Emperor, he couldn't abide the notion of being trained by someone similar to him in age or younger.
'There's always the Masters of Ryozanpaku...' considered Vahn. However, instead of the six Masters, the image that formed in his mind was that of a strikingly beautiful, fair-skinned girl with hip-length blonde hair, blue eyes, and an exceedingly well-developed and voluptuous figure scarcely veiled in a glossy purple combat leotard. Her name was Furinji Miu, and when he previously peered into the world of Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple to see what she looked like as a real person, Vahn immediately understood why she was regarded as one of the most beautiful girls in the world by many of its inhabitants.
'Too bad she's only fifteen...' thought Vahn, exhaling faintly from his nose. The setting of Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple was extremely perverse, but as he had recently turned twenty-eight, he felt he was past the stage in his life where it was acceptable to date High Schoolers, even if there were no laws forbidding it. Rather, in many older anime and manga settings, the age of consent was a startling thirteen, leading to scenarios where Middle Schoolers dated their teachers or engaged in compensated dating to earn spending money.
'There's always Kisara or, better yet, that Mikumo woman...' thought Vahn, prompting Sis to remind him that the buxom Jujutsu Grandmistress was at least ninety years old. That was inconsequential to most supernatural and long-lived species, but it was startlingly old for a relatively normal human. More importantly, she was an unrepentant villain, so unless he reached an accord with the organization she was a part of, Yami, the likelihood of her teaching him was slim...
'Hayato and Akisame are probably my best options...' concluded Vahn. At the same time, he imagined himself entering Ryozanpaku as a challenger, surprising the renowned Masters with his paradoxical lack of skill and, at least from their perspective, his absolute strength. Hayato might be able to blitz and damage him if he didn't employ his Aura of Karmic Protection, but with one of the most significant feats in the verse being the same man stopping and flipping a tank, the damage would be superficial at best.
With such thoughts in his mind, Vahn had Sis open a display to the world of Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple. The world was effectively frozen due to time in the Tower flowing more than twenty-five hundred times faster, but he could reconcile the difference or even accelerate time within the verse, allowing him to fast-forward but not rewind.
'It's things like this that really make me feel like a God...' mused Vahn, his gaze focused on the time and date reflected in the System interface. He reasoned that the best time to appear was on a Friday afternoon or during the weekend, so he fast-forwarded through two days, eventually stopping at 3:47 PM on a Friday. By then, the series' titular protagonist, Shirahama Kenichi, was already in the thick of the tortuous training that would allow him to endure and overcome the many hardships thrust upon him as he was effectively forced to become a Disciple and eventually a Master. As for Miu, she was hard at work completing various chores, notably while wearing nothing but her skin-tight purple combat suit and a beige-yellow apron.
While observing the scene of Kenichi's training for several minutes, Vahn seriously considered whether he wanted to involve himself in the lives of the residents of Ryozanpaku or leave the world be. There were both ups and downs to learning of the existence of a multiverse, but it couldn't be denied that introducing a comparably mundane world to things like Gods and the supernatural was fundamentally destructive...
'I could always limit my capabilities to those of the verse and keep the existence of the Tower and the multiverse a secret...' thought Vahn, but, as everyone who knew him could attest, he wasn't particularly good with keeping secrets or deceiving people. Even if it was objectively the correct thing to do, it just didn't feel right...