After discussing the matter with Venelana, who promptly gave him a blowjob for clarity, Vahn decided against entering the world of Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple. Instead, he spent the rest of the afternoon with the flaxen-haired beauty before bringing up the matter of entering the Corridor with the present members of his harem after dinner.
"What's this Corridor you keep referring to...?" asked Korra, sitting like a thug in pale blue, nearly white lingerie with Xenovia positioned behind her on her knees, massaging her shoulders.
"It refers to a place that is both an expression of and the source of my power," answered Vahn, expanding, "Basically, it's a special Dungeon with various rules, restrictions, and trials that I can overcome to become more powerful."
"It's also a veritable trove of rare items and resources," appended Rias, seated with Koneko in her lap, allowing her to massage the cat-like girl's cheeks as she explained, "Before the advent of the Tower and Invirtua, it was where we trained, explored, and collected materials to convert into a currency called Origin Points."
"If possible, I would like to accompany you into the Corridor," expressed Ravel, modeling bright, vanilla-colored lace lingerie with prominent frills, stockings, and a garter belt as she pointed out, "I have yet to be allowed to explore it, so as one of your official fiancees, I would like to rectify that as soon as possible."
"It has been some time since many of us entered...perhaps that should be our focus rather than the Tower?" proposed Sona, a faint blush tinting her cheeks as she found herself sandwiched between the very handsy Akeno and her dutiful Queen, Tsubaki.
"That's not a bad idea," affirmed Rias, nodding approvingly as she added, "The Corridor still has many secrets waiting to be discovered. Uncovering them could serve as the primary goal of the Dragon's Pavilion, second to serving alongside and being with Vahn, of course."
"I certainly wouldn't mind," chimed in Xenovia, sporting her usual sapphire blue lingerie as she leaned forward, snaked her hands under Korra's arms, and slipped them into the latter's bra from below. She had sought to enter the Corridor ever since learning of its existence, but since she didn't want to impose upon Vahn or come across as impatient or needy, she refrained from asking.
"If everyone wants to enter and explore together, I have no reason not to allow it," supplied Vahn, enjoying the warmth, weight, aroma, and softness of Grayfia's and Venelana's bodies snuggled against him as he appended, "But I also feel I need room to grow and develop on my own. My authority aside, I'm still weak. And when I'm with everyone, I tend to focus more on showing off and pacing myself to account for your feelings and comfort. I don't mind doing so—rather, I enjoy it immensely—but I can't help feeling certain secrets within the Corridor can only be discovered if I'm exploring it alone..."
"The Corridor is an extension of your existence and will...who explores it and how is entirely up to you..." hummed Grayfia, resting her head against Vahn's right shoulder and staring at the other girls present with narrowed eyes.
"Indeed..." appended Venelana, her expression and tone sensual as she nuzzled Vahn's left shoulder and whispered, "But you're not the only one who enjoys showing off in front of the people you have feelings for. Even if it's only occasionally, I would like to demonstrate my power and growth before you...just the two of us..."
"There you go...always trying to steal a lead on the rest of us..." sighed Rias, crossing her arms under her breasts and exhaling from her nose as she wondered where the mother she once feared and respected in equal measure had disappeared to. Their relationship was closer than ever, but in place of her mother, she increasingly felt like Venelana was playing the role of an older sister.
"All's fair in love and war..." hummed Venelana, caressing Vahn's abdomen with her left hand as she asserted, "And I'm confident my love for Vahn is deeper than anyone else's..."
"I can't disagree more...!" exclaimed Asia, pumping her fists in her white, blue-ribboned lingerie. She couldn't contest that Venelana was closer to Vahn, but she was certain no one who adored, cherished, and loved him more than herself.
"Ara ara...such spirit..." hummed Akeno, causing the slight blush tinting Sona's cheeks to deepen as she slipped the fingers of her left hand into the front of the inky-haired Devil's pale lavender panties. From there, the situation rapidly devolved, with Vahn playing the leading role in the orgy that followed...
[Day 12]
'I had forgotten how beautiful this place is...' mused Vahn, gazing up at the star and Borealis-filled sky of the First Floor of the Frozen Abyss with a nostalgic smile. One notable change from his previous visits was that he was wearing the same black, grey, and white-belted gi he debuted at the Tenkaichi Budokai, but since he was there to push his limits, he felt it was essential to discard the overpowered, resistance-boosting equipment that allowed him to weather the Corridor's environmental hazards with ease.
In place of protective equipment, Vahn's only protection from the Frozen Abyss's frigid temperatures was a veil of pale golden Touki, exuding and rising from his body like an illusory flame. Fortunately, so long as he didn't exert himself too much, the flames would burn endlessly. Furthermore, as he was still an Otaku at his core, a monkey-like tail that matched the color of his hair swayed behind him, the result of him emulating Goku's adaptive Saiyan physiology.
"Well, I guess I should get started..." muttered Vahn, taking a moment to loosen his joints and stretch before rising to his feet, leaning forward at a slight angle, and abruptly leaping into the air with considerable force, his vertical ascent nearly two hundred meters as he covered over a kilometer of distance in a single bound.
Reacting to Vahn's landing, ghostly blue flames appeared within the snow and ice encircling him. Moments later, twelve Draugr Warriors, one Draugr Shaman, and a Berserker appeared, weapons ready.
Moving like a blur, Vahn caused the upper body of one Draugr to explode with a simple leading punch with his left hand. Two of the closer Draugrs lunged at him with a battleax and a two-handed mace, but he effortlessly weaved between both before landing a kick that split one in half, allowing him to transition into a swift, acrobatic, back-flipping flash kick that parted the second Draugr's head from its shoulders.
'A perfect memory combined with a Saiyan's combat instincts...this feels incredible...' thought Vahn, excitement swelling within his chest as he defeated the remaining Draugr using moves from the fighting games Issei had gotten him to play. In retrospect, he realized he could probably use VR to pick up and master various techniques by pitting himself against the martial artists from Street Fighter, Tekken, Blaz Blue, and Guilty Gear, but that was something he could concern himself with later.
Following his brief encounter with the fourteen Draugr, Vahn decided to pick up the pace by darting around at high speeds, triggering hundreds more to rouse from their icy slumber. He had confirmed through Sirzechs, Grayfia, and Vali that unleashing wide-range attacks was pointless, as the Draugr's bodies were functionally indestructible until awakened. So, if he wanted to make good on his commitment to free the frozen warriors from their icy torment, he would need to travel around, trigger, and defeat each of them.
"Oh? That's new..." muttered Vahn, watching as the roused Draugr formed ranks instead of charging him recklessly. Several Draugr Shamans even collaborated to conjure a nearly twenty-meter-tall monstrosity of ice and snow, denoted as an A-Rank Titanic Frost Golem.
Since conjured creatures sadly afforded no stat bonuses or Drop Items, Vahn unleashed a golden Ki blast from his left hand, impacting the titan's head with hypersonic velocity. The result was its entire upper body being destroyed as, even in their base states, Ki and Touki ignored conventional physical and magical defenses. With his being formed from Source, these effects were amplified to the extent he could even inflict wear and tear on objects and equipment that were supposed to be indestructible.
In response to something moving swiftly through his domain, Vahn's body turned near-autonomously, allowing a large, fierce-looking, jagged-edged arrow to pass where his torso had been. Its approximate length was more than four meters, and when it impacted the ice and snow several tens of meters behind him, it created a large explosion from the impact alone.
Looking in the direction the arrow had originated, Vahn discovered what he correctly presumed to be the descendent of a Frost Giant, standing nine, maybe ten meters tall with ice-blue, rune-carved skin, crimson eyes, and a stout, muscular body adorned in intricate metal armor and furs. The bow in its hands was nearly as tall as it was, and when drawn, it produced a strained, unnerving sound akin to a rope on the cusp of snapping.
Staring down the giant's second arrow, Vahn's expression hardened as he struck out with his left palm, producing luminous white cracks that spread with a sound akin to an ice sheet fracturing, causing the arrow to freeze a few centimeters from his palm. Kizaru's light-based power wasn't the only Devil Fruit he could emulate, so as the muscles in his arm became notably more defined, Vahn pushed forward with all his might, causing the cracks to grow in size and the ground to tremble violently before a scene straight out of Ragnarok ensued. The Devil Fruit he was emulating was none other than Whitebeard's fearsome Gura Gura no Mi(Quake-Quake Fruit), and the longer the cracks were maintained, the greater the resonant force that rippled through the air, ground, and space itself, producing an intensifying tremor. Unfortunately, it was nearly impossible to control.
Feeling his entire body trembling to the point he could barely move, Vahn forcibly retracted his palm with substantial effort. Fortunately, he was the only person on the Floor as, even after he ceased powering it, a tremor on par with a magnitude 9.5 earthquake persisted for nine full minutes before finally ceasing.
'It's no wonder the World Government believes the Gura Gura no Mi can destroy the world...' thought Vahn, hovering in the air and caked in sweat despite the sub-forty-degree temperatures. The feedback from the Gura Gura no Mi was intense, leaving him vulnerable for the duration the power was active. Its destructive potential more than made up for this, however, as his system dutifully informed him that he had vanquished more than six hundred Draugr, awarding him 145,466 Origin Points with a single attack...
[Heaven...or Hell...] announced a deep, masculine voice only Vahn could hear. At the same time, his opponent, a slender woman with fair skin, red eyes, and long red hair that was red on the outside and white underneath, abruptly lowered her upper body to the ground, anchored by her forearms with her feet spread wide and ass in the air. Her slim yet curvaceous body was garbed in a predominately white, skin-tight one-piece that slackened around the sleeves and had slits at the forearms and calves, and a broken but still very prominent halo with four protruding spikes hovered over her head as she wiggled her butt in a very tantalizing manner, all while staring up at him in a steel-gry, jack-o-lantern-themed mask that emitted glowing green flames from the mouth and eyes.
Though he couldn't help but imagine himself standing behind the woman, allowing him to benefit from her undulating movement, Vahn remained on high alert, and for good reason. He was currently in the virtual setting of a famous fighting game franchise called Guilty Gear, specifically playing on the immersive and punishing Hell difficulty, which allowed the fighters to exhibit their true power. The woman before him, Jack-O Valentine, was a fan-favorite character due to her appearance, but in terms of speed and strength, she was on par or even superior to Grayfia, resulting in his near-immediate loss in seventeen consecutive matches.
Reacting to Vahn shifting his stance, Jack-O moved like a red and white blur, creating a large explosion where she had kicked off from the ground. This time, Vahn was able to dodge her initial, blindingly swift, scythe-like ball-and-chain kick, but when she abruptly leaped at him crotch first, his baser instincts as a man compelled him to stand firm as he got a face full of something warm, soft, and fragrant before his head was unceremoniously separated from his body by Jack-O's fleetingly pliant and then unrelentingly crushing thighs...