Chapter 40 – Debts Owed

Ronin stares down the edge of her blade, addressing Rain with a cold tone full of barely suppressed fury. 

"Don't...ever...touch me..."

Feeling his entire body go cold, Rain lifts his hands slowly, trying to avoid sudden movements or looking as scared as he is.

'Gods...why is she so mad!? I barely even grazed her!'

He does his best to direct an apologetic expression at Ronin, and keep his voice calm as he responds. 

"I apologize...I'll keep that in mind from now on, I promise. And...uhm...can we maybe finish this conversation without the sword? I just want to know if you're planning to start telling people that the score was mine."

She glares at him for several seconds, the rage in her eyes slowly dimming, before lowering her sword to her side. Then, her voice comes out, low and terse. 

"No...I agree that it benefits me...for now. Are we done here?"

Rain's mind goes blank with the shock of how easy that was, and he merely nods his acknowledgement. In a matter of seconds, Ronin nods in return, dismisses her sword, and walks through the door behind her, leaving Rain alone in his room. He blinks repeatedly, staring at the door in bewilderment. 

'What the hell just happened...'


A couple days later, Rain is sitting on a log at the campground after his survival class, reflecting on the meeting with Ronin. True to her word, he hasn't heard a single rumor spreading that he was responsible for her impact machine score. However, he's also pondering what she said about the two clans...

'So, she's really convinced that someone from one of the two clans, or maybe both, is trying to kill her...even infiltrating the Academy. Why, though? Also, could that actually be true? Who'd want to kill the teenage daughter of the Fated Blade?'

Lost in his thoughts, Rain doesn't hear Tess arrive beside him. They just spent the morning learning first aid from Chosen Sarge, using one another as mock victims. For some reason, she's been in a particularly good mood today, and she was cracking jokes at his expense the entire time. Not that he really minds it, since it's good-natured. Actually, he outright enjoys her company, hard as it is for him to believe after the way they met. 

Tess's voice breaks his focus, a teasing undertone to it. 

"What's got you so looking so glum, Mr. short, dark, and broody? If it's anything I can help with, I'm happy to bank another favor."

Rain hangs his head with a sigh for several seconds, before cutting his eyes annoyedly up at the smirking Tessa. 

"No, not unless you happen to know Godfrey of clan Veyron or Klaus of clan Abel. Also, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm not short!? I'm barely below average for a guy, and I'm definitely taller than you!"

Tess just gives him a puzzled look, as if ignoring his indignant retorts. 

"I mean, I'm aware of the founders of those clans, Godfrey Veyron and Klaus Abel, like every other person not living under a rock the past twenty years. I don't know them,'d struggle to find someone that does. What do you need them for?"

Rain's gaze snaps to Tess in shock. 

"Wait...Godfrey and Klaus are the names of the clan founders? Seriously?"

Tess stares at him incredulously. 

"Uhm...obviously...even I know that. Just how clueless are you?"

After a moment, Rain smirks humorlessly, shaking his head in exasperation as he finally puts two and two together. He mumbles sardonically, as if answering Tess's rhetorical question for himself. 

"Apparently, enough to qualify as a clueless idiot..."

Seemingly not overhearing, Tess moves and takes a seat next to him. It's as though she's already in thought about something else. She's quiet for a couple of moments, then she speaks softly, her voice more hesitant than before. 

"Hey, remember that favor you owe me? I'd like to collect on it..."

Abruptly thrown from his contemplation, he stares over at her curiously. Her emerald eyes aren't quite able to meet his, aimed down and obscured by her dark brown hair, and her expression seems apprehensive. Fighting the mild urge to complain that having lunch together shouldn't put him in debt to her, he instead gives her an amused smile and responds calmly.

"I recall you mentioning something of the sort, yeah. You have something you want from me?"

She briefly turns her gaze to meet his and nods, a light smile twinged with nervousness evident on her face. 

" see...I found out that Academy students get free access to the movie theater in the city on our off days. Growing up, I always wanted to go, but...we could never afford it. Anyway, I checked the showings, and there's a movie I'd like to see that is playing there in two days. I was wondering...uhm, would you go with me to see it...maybe?"

He blinks in confusion several times...he thought for sure that she was going to ask him for something annoying. 

'She just wants someone to keep her company on a childhood wish-fulfillment trip? Can't say I expected that...'

Happy that his expectations were subverted, he just grins at her and nods. 

"Yeah, I'll join you...obviously I've never been to the movies before. It might be fun."

A pleasantly surprised expression washes over her face, and she smiles as she locks eyes with him. 

"Really, you'll go with me? I was expecting you to complain about how it was too much time out of your day, and that you shouldn't have really owed me a favor, or something like that."

Feeling suddenly a little too understood, Rain scratches his cheek nervously, his voice becoming a bit flustered. 

", I wouldn't do something that tactless. Really, it's like you don't know me at all, Tess. Of course I'll go with you."

Just then, he remembers something else. 

'She said in a couple of days...that's when Bright is supposed to visit.'

He quickly follows up, his voice slightly apologetic. 

"Oh, but can we do it in the afternoon? I have plans in the morning."

She gives him a curious expression, her eyes studying his face. 

"Sure, I don't see why not. I'd ask what your plans are, but...I'm guessing you'll just tell me that you have a hot date?"

Rain flashes her a smug grin. 

"Well look at that...I guess you know me after all!"

Tess rolls her eyes at him, sighing deeply. 

"Whatever...I won't pry. So, I'll meet you outside your room an hour after noon...does that work?"

Rain nods nonchalantly. 

"Sure, that sou-...wait, you know where my room is?"

He stares at her in confusion. Seeming to register his surprise, her expression becomes flustered as her cheeks slowly gain color, and her voice's pitch quickly rises. 

"O-...of course I do, moron! You said your room number right in front of me, remember? Quit acting like it's weird!"

'Oh yeahhh...after our little...err, disagreement...when I told Nik my room number and left the table. She remembers that?'

Rain smiles apologetically, making a placating gesture. 

"Oh, right! I'd forgotten about that...sorry. Anyway, your plan works for me. Is there anything I need to bring with me, or that I should know? Going into the city is new to me; so is a movie."

Tess rests her cheek on her hand, an amused smile playing on her lips as she studies Rain thoughtfully. There seems to be a glint of mischief in her gaze.

"Oh, is that right? Well then, there are customs...that people will expect you to follow at the movies when you're there with me. But don't worry, I'll make sure to tell you about them when they come up..."

Rain can't help but think that there's something strange about her tone...the way she says it.

'Eh, I'm probably overthinking it.'


Later that evening, Rain is once again sparring with Nik. The young Legacy was unexpectedly busy yesterday, so this is the first time Rain's gotten to see him alone since his run-in with Ronin. Currently, he's focusing on trying to get Nik to drop his guard a bit so that he can finally smack the cocky bas-...err, so he can demonstrate his commitment to excellence with the sword. Rain...isn't above underhanded tactics. 

As he aims his sword at Nik, he asks him casually. 

"By the way, how was your date? I didn't see you the next morning in the cafeteria, so...did your date longer than expected?"

Rain sees Nik's mouth twitch and his sword waver slightly. 

'HAHAHAHAHA, he's mine!'

He immediately lunges at the Legacy as directly as he can. Alas, Nik's sword quickly moves to intercept Rain's. This time, however, Rain is ready – Nik has already used that move three times in the past two weeks to deflect his sword and then smack him on the head. Now, he can see what's coming. 

Without hesitation, he slams his forward foot into the mat, draining his body's momentum. At the same time, he propels his blade up on an altered arc that moves just under Nik's. Like a well orchestrated play, Nik's blade grazes past his face just before Rain's body and sword continue into striking range. The Legacy is left with no time to stop the momentum of his own sword strike and counter Rain's incoming blow. 

Rain watches with dark glee as his sword connects with Nik's abdomen, unimpeded, and he's launched back off the mat. Nik hits the ground with a thud, sliding a couple meters, and groans as he rolls over on the floor. Meanwhile, Rain erupts into maniacal laughter. 

"HAHAHAH! Oh yes, ohhhh yesss...gods, the sweet taste of victory, after weeks of getting knocked around by you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Nik sits up on the ground with another loud groan, and rubs his side with a wince. He glares at Rain disapprovingly. 

"What? You call that dishonorable tactic a victory? Have some shame, Rain!"

Rain's not having it though. He just smiles even wider and throws his practice sword over his shoulder, exuding smugness. 

"Who is more dishonorable, my venerated sensei...the one who never took his eye off the path to victory, or the man who dropped his guard while facing an opponent?"

Nik just shakes his head in exasperation for a while, then hangs it and sighs, as though giving up on debating with his lunatic protégée. The sigh makes him wince again, nursing his side, and he throws an incredulous glance at Rain. However, his tone is mostly good natured. 

"Well you may be a scheming little backstabber with no honor, but I've got to hand it to you...that was one hell of a strike. Not only did you outmaneuver me, but the force behind that was worse than any base-strength blow I've felt here. Honestly, you might have cracked one of my ribs. Did you use a physical enhancement Talent or infuse the strike with Ichor?"

'Crap...I got carried away...'

Rain didn't use Fickle Strength for their sparring, nor did he supplement his muscles with Ichor...he never does. He thinks it will take away from improving his sword technique, so he only ever practices those things alone. Never in a sparring match. However, his normal strength still seems to be higher than any other Champion at the Academy. Typically, he's wary not to let it show by swinging full-force. This time, though, he was too zealous. 

Rain scratches his cheek nervously and gives Nik a nonchalant response. 

"What? No way. I'm fresh out of physical enhancement Talents. I just did like you taught know...leverage, arcs, momentum, and stuff."

Nik throws him a skeptical glance, but seems to lose interest after a few seconds. He slowly rises to his feet with a grimace, and clicks his tongue in disapproval. 

"Regardless, I'm definitely out of commission for a bit, man. I can't fight properly like this, so I'll need to schedule some time to heal. So, just practice up and make your next goal to land a blow on me...a real one."

Rain is preparing to blow a raspberry at Nik over the implication that this victory of his doesn't count. However, he's suddenly interrupted by a woman's calm, humorless voice. 

"This is a rather interesting sight."

Rain and Nik both turn towards the source of the voice, and see a young woman leaning casually against the door of the training room. She's staring at Rain, an intense curiosity in her otherwise cold, blue eyes. Rain can't help but wonder...

Just how long has Ronin been standing there?