Chapter 41 – So I'm an Orphan, So What?

'What the hell is she doing here? She's like a bad cough...'

Rain is more than a little surprised to see Ronin, in no small part because it's already relatively late. Him and Nik normally have this place to themselves. However, he looks nowhere near as flustered as Nik, who quickly tries to give a bow to the aloof blonde girl and winces in pain over his efforts. 

"Agh...uhm...Lady Ronin, it's a pleasure to officially meet you. Err, may I ask how long you've been standing there?"

'Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Also, what's with this "Lady" nonsense?'

Nik watches Ronin expectantly, but she just ignores him entirely, her eyes fixed intently on Rain. She slides off the door frame and begins walking towards them. When she speaks, her tone is full of skepticism. 

"Tell me, Rain, why do you seem so familiar with a Legacy? Legacies consider even normal citizens beneath them, much less an orphan from the Rim like you claim to be."

Rain groans internally. Though he doubts that Nick thought he was anyone important, he also hasn't told Nik that he's an orphan. Glancing over at his sparring parter, he sees Nik giving him a bewildered expression. 

" that really true? I mean, I knew you weren't more than a middle-class citizen, orphan from the Rim..."

Rain directs an annoyed glance at Ronin. Then, he lets out a sigh and shrugs apologetically towards Nik, flashing him a relaxed smile. 

"Yeah, it's true. I haven't been publicizing it because people like me have a reputation for being useless, and I didn't want to hurt my chances of acquiring allies. So, I apologize for not telling you, be fair, you didn't ask either. Is that going to be a problem for our little arrangement going forward?"

Nik stares at Rain in shock for a moment following the confession, then his face becomes thoughtful for several seconds. Eventually, he looks back at Rain with a sad smile and shakes his head. 

"No, it won't be a problem, and I understand the reasons for your actions. Most of the citizens and especially the Legacies would have written you off...that much, you and Lady Ronin are right about. Personally, I've never agreed with the Legacies' elitist attitudes, and I'd already decided our alliance was worth continuing based on its current benefits. I see no reason to change my mind now...if anything I'm a bit impressed."

Rain flashes Nik a good-natured smirk, and is preparing to tease him for being a silver-tongued softie, but then Ronin interrupts. She has closed the distance to them, and she's almost within arm's reach of Rain. As before, she's just staring at him intensely...he doesn't think that she has even spared a glance at Nik. 

"What about this alliance is so beneficial to you Rain? What do you gain from it?"


He flashes her a puzzled look, traces of confusion finding their way into his tone. 

"The same as anyone here, I suppose. Nik has shared information on the other students with me, so I know who can be reasoned with and who can't be trusted in the Crucible. As a bonus, he agreed to start training me with a sword a couple of weeks ago. Since I'd never even held one before then, it was pretty appealing. Plus, I like Nik...he's funny."

He sees a rare flash of surprise in Ronin's eyes, and she finally turns to Nik. Her tone is incredulous. 

"He really managed to land a blow like that on you with only two weeks of training?"

Nik's expression turns bitter, and he casts an admonishing glance at Rain, but he sighs and nods reluctantly. 

"He used an underhanded tactic to distract me, but...yes, I'm afraid so. Honor aside, and considering that he didn't even know how to hold the sword properly at first, I'd say his growth has been impressive."

Rain swears that the corner of Ronin's mouth twitches upward briefly. Her voice even sounds a little amused when she responds, but perhaps he's imagining it. 

"Combat's only honor is victory, and its only dishonor, death. You were distracted by your opponent and courted dishonor."

Nik's expression grows sullen and he gives a light bow to Ronin. 

"Of course, Lady're correct. It was foolish of me to lose focus so easily."

Rain's eyes widen, and he stares at Nik in open disbelief.

'What the hell!? That's basically the same thing that I said! Does it only count as wisdom if it's from some sexy celebrity!? That's crap!'

Seemingly disinterested in Nik again, Ronin returns her gaze to Rain, any imagined amusement gone from it. She seems to be studying him intensely again...thoughtfully. After a few moments, she speaks with a confident tone. 

"Rain...I'd like to form an alliance with you."

Rain hears Nik start coughing in surprise, and he's not fairing much better himself.

'An alliance!? She threatened to kill me two days ago!'

He directs an incredulous stare at Ronin, and his tone comes out borderline sarcastic. 

"Ronin, how could we possibly have an alliance? Last time I checked, those require some basic level of trust. In case you're forgotten, you've done nothing but be incredibly distrustful of me, up until this very evening."

Seemingly unfazed, Ronin shrugs indifferently and responds in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I've reevaluated my reasons for distrusting you and found them lacking, so I see no issue."

Rain blinks at her in confusion, staring blankly for several seconds before he can organize a response. 

"Uhm...okay...that's great, but...I'm not sure that I trust you. Also, what exactly would an alliance mean to you...what do I stand to gain? You're strong, I'm sure, but the chances of you being able to physically assist me in the Crucible are virtually zero. I also haven't seen you speaking to a single other student, so I doubt that you can help me learn more about them. Finally, what do you stand to gain? Again, you don't act like someone who wants to accrue allies."

Ronin patiently listens to his semi-exasperated rant, then purses her lips thoughtfully before responding.

"I can answer all of those questions, and I'm willing to try and assuage your distrust towards me, but not here. If you want to discuss the terms of our alliance, we must do so in private."

Rain directs an incredulous look at Ronin, but she just maintains her cool gaze at him, unperturbed. He glances at Nik, who's wearing a conflicted expression. Rain turns his attention back to Ronin and sighs regretfully. 

"Sorry, Ronin, it doesn't sound like your proposal is going to work. Distrusting you aside, Nik is still my ally, and unlike you he's been pretty reliable. I'm not going to hide whatever it is you offer from him."

Out of the corner of his eye, Rain sees Nik's head snap to him in surprise. Ronin frowns in disapproval for a moment, then seems to make up her mind, shrugging at Rain. 

"You're welcome to use whatever I offer you however you see fit. That includes sharing it with other allies. However, I'm not making an alliance with them, just you. So, I won't be discussing terms with anyone else either."

He stares back at her with a blank expression, a little confused by the insistence. 

'If she wants an alliance so badly, and she's not going to insist that I keep its benefits from Nik, then why is she so determined that he not be around when we discuss the terms of the alliance?'

As Rain mulls over the situation, Nik's voice breaks through his thoughts. 

"I think you should hear her out, Rain. I don't see any harm in that, and I don't mind being left out of the conversation. Besides, Lady Ronin has even told you that I can benefit indirectly. At the end of the day, you need all the allies you can get, and...this isn't one you should pass on."

Glancing over at Nik in surprise, Rain studies his ally's face. The Legacy is staring at Ronin, however, and his expression is unreadable. The only thing Rain can say for sure is...Nik's taking Ronin's offer quite seriously. Turning back to face Ronin, who is still staring at him patiently, Rain studies her with a troubled expression, Nik's advice on his mind. 

Eventually, he sighs nervously and nods at Ronin. She raises her eyebrows expectantly, while he responds in a resigned tone. 

"Okay, Ronin...let's talk."