Chapter 44 – Ronin's Request (3)

Rain stares at Ronin for several moments, the weight of what he's just been dragged into finally bearing down on his mind. He's scared, because of the danger it poses, but also...relieved. He's surprised to feel that way, but at the same time he understands why. 

No matter how ridiculous the notion of punishing the clans is, the idea of tormenting those who strip others of the choices that make life worth living fills Rain with a sinister, dark glee. It's the same way he felt about ensuring the suffering of that Curse, because it threatened inescapable control over his cornered him like a rat. Yet, he'd forcibly ignore that desire for dark justice out of fear if he could. And so, he's relieved that he can't. 

It's a strange sensation, to feel like something which restricts his actions is actually freeing. He's enraged at the thought of others having their choices stolen from them, yet glad that Unhinged is doing something similar to him. 

'It's because it's still my vision for my life. It's just hidden under the fear and the rationality. But deep down...all I want to do...I want to see that kind of oppressive force ripped out by the roots, watch it ironically whither and die by a taste of its own medicine.'


He's snapped from his dark thoughts by the sound of Ronin's confused voice...she's staring at him with a puzzled expression. Clearing his mind as best he can, he tries to direct a lighthearted response to her. 

"Oh, sorry, did you say something?"

She stares at him for several seconds, her expression thoughtful and her eyes studying him intensely. Then, she shakes her head. 

"No, you just seemed...different. Your gaze was rather ominous, and that smile on your face was...unnerving...even to me."

Rain's eyes widen in surprise. 

'Was I really smiling?'

He quickly flashes Ronin a smile and waves dismissively. 

"Ah, no, don't worry about it. I got told by adoptive families all the time that I have a creepy face, so...uhm...that was probably just normal."

Skepticism washes over Ronin's expression, and she looks like she's about to speak on the matter again, but Rain quickly cuts her off. 

"Anyway, where were we? Oh, right...I was about to agree to an alliance with you! Still interested?"

Surprise flashes briefly in Ronin's eyes, but it quickly turns into a conflicted expression. She studies him for a few moments, then seems to make up her mind, and her face regains its normal calm. She nods at him politely, her voice...pleased. 

"Yes...that was the whole point of this meeting, after all. I'm glad to hear that it wasn't a waste of time."

He gives her an amused smile, his mirrored eyes seeming to shimmer a bit more brightly than normal. 

"Err, right then. Well, all that's left is terms. So, it's finally time to tell me what you want, Ronin."

She glances away from briefly, pursing her lips thoughtfully as she does. All the while, Rain feels his curiosity and anticipation building. Eventually, she meets his gaze again with a relaxed expression and speaks in a serious tone. 


In an instant, every bit of tension he felt evaporates. He blinks at her several times in confusion, as she just maintains a straight face. His tone comes out incredulous. 

"'re really going to have to elaborate on that one. There's free tea in the cafeteria, so I'm guessing that's code for something else?"

A light smile threatening her expression, Ronin just shakes her head and continues in a confident tone. 

"No, I want to have tea...with you, specifically."

He stares at her in exasperation, repeatedly opening his mouth to speak but finding no words prepared. Eventually, he just shakes his head and chuckles, then looks back at her with a bewildered expression. 

"Ronin, I really need you to start making sense, because if this is a joke, I don't get it. I fail to see how all the trouble you just went through would be just so you can have tea with me. Your actual life is in danger, you went through all the trouble of calling what you wanted from me an alliance, and now you're saying that all you want is...a tea party?"

Ronin's mouth twitches again, as though she wants to smirk, but her voice remains resolute. 

"That's correct...a recurring tea party. Every night, sometime between sunset and when you'd normally go to bed, I want you to join me here alone for a cup of tea. It's not a joke, and I assure you that, while it may seem inconsequential to you, it's quite helpful to me. If you agree to it, I'll consider this whole, painful conversation worth it."

Rain glares at her, studying her face for quite some time. He knows what he should say...yes, no question. He's past the point of worrying that she's trying to harm him, and this seems like it'd be a very ineffective method of getting information from him. So, he has absolutely nothing to lose and plenty to gain by agreeing to her request. Hell, given how beautiful Ronin is, tomboyish figure aside, some people would consider this arrangement to be a reward. And yet...he's not going to be satisfied with that arrangement...not one bit. 


An unprecedentedly shocked expression flashes across Ronin's face, her pale blue irises dwarfed by the whites of her eyes, and she stutters out a response in confusion. 

"'s just tea. I's not a ploy to harm or interrogate you, Rain..."

He shrugs nonchalantly, directing a calm look back at her. 

"I know."

Her confusion only intensifies at first, but then it becomes mixed with annoyance, and she glares at him in disapproval. She leans forward slightly on the bed, her blue eyes narrowing at him in frustration. When she speaks, her tone is mixed with a touch of anger. 

"W-...well then why!? You gave me your word that you'd seriously consider my request, but I've made a very reasonable one, and you're dismissing it immediately!"

By the time she's done, her voice is slightly raised, and her tone rich with anger. But Rain just calmly maintains her gaze, looking her directly in the eye. 

"Actually, I gave you my word that I'd seriously consider an alliance with you, but I have yet to be offered one of those. You obviously want something else from me, and the tea party is just your way to get it without me knowing. If you can't even be honest about what I'm offering, then I don't consider this an alliance. So, tell me what you actually expect to gain, and you'll find me more responsive. Until then, I think we're done here."

Rain rises from the chair as Ronin stares at him with a mix of resentment and confusion, then he turns and starts walking towards the door. Before he can leave, her voice echoes from behind him, anger and resignation in her tone. 

"Wait...don't go."

Rain turns around to face her, patiently waiting as she stares at him with a conflicted expression, obviously trying to reach a decision. Eventually, her tone becomes accusatory, and her eyes narrow at him. 

"I'll tell you the real reason I asked for us to have nightly tea together, but only if you tell me the real reason you refused. I don't believe that me hiding exactly what I get out of it was the deal breaker for you."

Rain's eyes widen in surprise. 

'So...she could tell. I guess I'm not as stoic and unreadable as I'd like to think...'

He flashes her an amused grin and shrugs nonchalantly. 

"Okay, you caught me. I wasn't put off by that blatant subterfuge of yours...not directly, at least."

Her expression becomes annoyed, and her voice impatient. 

"What then?"

He purses his lips thoughtfully for a moment, then smirks as he looks back at her. 

"I guess it was what your subterfuge represented, as opposed to the actual secret. It just felt like you wanted to keep me at arms length, ignorant to what was actually troubling you. Truthfully, that's exactly what I wanted beforehand, but talking with you today changed my mind. I'm not content to just exchange favors and part ways anymore. I've decided that I'm going to help you...your situation...all of it. I want to be partners in your unfortunate predicament."

Ronin stares at him for several seconds, her expression conflicted. It's clear to Rain that she can't decide whether to be confused...or annoyed. Eventually, she settles on exasperation, her tone carrying that decision as she responds. Her eyes peering into Rain's incredulously. 

"I just...there's so much to say to that. First, it's foolish to want to share in my situation, especially when I'm practically a stranger to you. A couple of hours ago, you didn't even trust me, and you still don't really know me. Second, I'm not some damsel in distress...I didn't ask for your help, I don't need it, and I'm not sure where you got the impression that I'd even want it."

He just shrugs again, his expression turning serious as he walks back towards her, meeting her gaze. 

"I don't care about any of that, Ronin, because this isn't all about you."

Ronin gives him an expression that's equal parts annoyed and skeptical, and she responds in a flat tone. 

"How is your insistence to help me not about me?"

Closing the remaining distance between them, until they're within arm's reach, Rain leans over to look Ronin in the eyes at her level. His expression becomes dark and resolute, and she becomes warier of him in return. His lips form a thin, humorless smile as his eyes study hers. 

"Well...let's just say that your story...your reminded of some experiences of my own. So, hearing about what the clans have taken from they're cornering you like an animal...stripping away all the freedom that makes life worth living...well, that really pissed me off, Ronin. That's why I'm going to help you. Not because you need it, not because you asked, not because you want me to, and not even because of the sympathy I feel for you.

" reasons are selfish. It's because the very nature of your situation repulses me. I want to see it and everyone responsible for it suffer horrendously, and I want to revel in the fact that I was a part of that suffering. I don't fancy myself to be your savior, Ronin, I'm just a petty, twisted, damaged person who has lost the ability to ignore the things that truly disgust him. And if you can live with that...if you can stomach what I am deep down...then that person can also be your ally."

Rain finishes his rant, unaware that his irises have darkened into two swirling black holes, his Ichor radiating a sinister aura. He watches Ronin with an unnerving smile playing on his lips. She stares back at him, her face pale and her blue eyes long since cold as ice. As Rain studies her...patiently...expectantly...her body tenses as her lip quivers in fear. Then...her mouth parts, as though she wants to say something.

Instead of words, though, her expression twists...until there's a wide, chilling smile on her face. Her cold, blue eyes narrow, scanning Rain's face with an approving light. Her voice resounds in the room, a darkly amused tone to it. 

"I've already been living with that for years, Rain..."