Chapter 51 – Hot Date (2)

Rain glances around the subway car, feeling a bit more self-conscious with every second. Tess is standing next to him, their shoulders touching as they share one of the support rails. However, that part doesn't bother him...he's quite comfortable with Tess. Once, during survival class, they had to practice carrying one another through the man-made lake – he spent twenty minutes swimming with her on his back. So, this is fine. 

No, the thing that's freaking him the people. So many people are staring at them. Well, mainly at Tess. Still, it's a level of attention that he's unaccustomed to. He leans over to whisper in Tess's ear, his voice a bit flustered. 

" it always like this for you? The number of stares is...uncomfortable...I can only imagine how it is for the person on the receiving end of them."

He watches her turn her head slightly to look at him, her emerald green eyes studying his face with a hint of surprise. After a moment, she chuckles quietly and responds in an amused tone.

" this your first time around a crowd of normal people since your Trial?"

He blinks in confusion, thinking back on his government-supervised ride straight to the Academy.

"Well...yeah...I guess so. What does that have to do with my question?"

A small smile finds its way onto her face and she shakes her head in amusement.

"Well, you should get used to it...even if I'm not around. It's true that the majority of these people are staring at me, but...not all of them..."

He watches as her eyes dart off to the side, as if trying to subtly direct his gaze. Following her line of sight, his eyes lock with a couple of young women in their early twenties. As soon as his gaze falls on them, however, their eyes widen and they look away hurriedly. Sometimes dense but not a complete idiot, Rain recognizes the sight of someone plainly caught doing something embarrassing. They're wearing the same expression that he likely was when Bright caught him admiring her in her dress earlier today. His eyes widen in shock at the connection.

'Wait...were they seriously checking me out just now?'

Confused initially, he quickly remembers the face he saw in the mirror after first arriving at the Academy. The one whose reflection he's come to mostly ignore. 

'Right...I keep forgetting...I'm not creepy-looking anymore.'

Rain shakes his head in amusement...he's not sure how long it will take him to get used to the idea of people finding him attractive. It basically never crosses his mind without sufficient context that someone might be checking him out like those girls. 

'Wait...have I been missing signs of this kind of stuff at the Academy, too? Could I have had a girlfriend already!? I should ask Nik, I bet he'd know...handsome bastard...'


Sometime later, Rain is following Tess into a large, colorfully decorated building...still aware of countless stares. As he enters the building, though, an aroma hits him that makes him forget all about the persistent onlookers. Enthralled by it, he absentmindedly reaches in front of him to grab Tess's hand, getting her attention. Her gaze snaps back to him, a bit flustered, and she raises her eyebrows expectantly. 


He stares at her in bewilderment, his eyes flashing erratically. 

"Tess...what is that smell? Is that food? Can we eat it?"

Her expression goes blank, blinking in confusion, and she remains silent for a moment. However, realization seems to dawn on her soon, and her tone becomes incredulous. 

"Wait...Rain...have you never had popcorn?"

His eyes widen in surprise, recognizing the word from some movies that he has seen. 

"So, that's what popcorn smells like, huh? Oh,, I've never been around it before. I just know what it is from movies."

She continues to stare at him in shock for several seconds, then a blinding smile flashes across her face. 

"Oh, yeah? Well...would you like to try it? You're allowed to take it with you into the movie and eat it...encouraged even. I think they'll let us have some since we're with the Academy."

An excited grin creeps onto Rain's face, his eyes studying Tess intently. 

"You kidding? Sign me up!"

Tess chuckles lightly, covering her mouth with her hand as she does. After, she reveals an amused smile and nods at Rain. 

"Okay, got it. Let's go get our tickets first, then we can try and get some popcorn to share. Just stick with me, and I can do all the talking."

Rain doesn't need to be told twice...he's happy to let his more socially adept friend do exactly that. He smiles at her gratefully and nods, then falls in step beside her as she navigates them to a small line in front of a booth. When they're in front of the booth, the man inside asks them how he can assist.

Tess flashes a smile that could very well kill the guy, offering her wrist with the omniwatch, and she speaks in a charmingly sweet voice. 

"Two tickets to Lovers' Crucible, please. Oh, and we're with the's my ID."

Becoming a bit more nervous, the booth man smiles politely and nods, gingerly moving to scan Tess's omniwatch. There's a beep, he checks the machine, then he nods at Tess and tells them to enjoy the movie. 

Without delay, Tess thanks the man and begins leading Rain deeper into the building. As she does, he's realizing that he never even asked her what movie she wanted to see before they came. 

'Lovers' Crucible sounds like a romance...I guess she fits some stereotypes after all.'

Directing a curios gaze at Tess, he sees that she seems to be focused on locating something in the building, her eyebrows knit together in concentration. Smiling softly at the sight, his voice comes out lighthearted. 

"So, Tess, I never asked. What's the premise of this movie?"

She spares him a blank glance, as though taking a second to refocus, then her smile becomes a bit embarrassed. 

"Oh,'s a romance, but it's got a fair amount of action and adventure, too. It's about two Marked surviving their Crucible together. I know Asphodel adventures are a common trope in movies nowadays, and it's a bit strange since we're Champions, but...I'm a sucker for clichés. Is that...okay? I'm sorry...I just assumed since you didn't ask..."

Rain shrugs nonchalantly and gives her a reassuring smile. 

"That's not a problem at all. I like a well-executed romance, too. Besides, I'm here for a new experience and to hang out with you, so...I didn't care too much what genre you picked."

Tess's eyes widen, her voicing becoming surprised. She's also a bit flustered, but Rain doesn't pick up on that. 

"Really, you like them? I...didn't know you were such a romantic."

He looks her in the eyes with a puzzled expression, mildly surprised it wasn't obvious. His tone carries a matter-of-fact certainty. 

"Well, of course...why wouldn't I? I didn't have parents, I was only one of dozens of orphans the caretakers had to divide their attention between, no family wanted to adopt me, nobody ever lended me a hand in the, yeah. The idea of having someone I trust who cares about me as much as I do them...I guess I'm a sucker for that cliché. It sounds...nice."

Rain's tone becomes wistful as he finishes speaking. After a moment, he notices Tess giving him a strange stare. When his gaze meets hers, his eyebrows raised questioningly, she just clears her throat and responds in a subdued tone.

"Ehem...uhm, that makes sense...I guess. Oh look, there's where we get the popcorn. Let's go!"

Without waiting for a response from him, she grabs his hand and pulls him along beside her. Rain is about to question her about the strange behavior, but then that savory aroma from before hits his nose with fresh intensity, and all his other thoughts fade. 


Several minutes later, Rain and Tess are standing side-by-side in front of a separate room, deeper inside the building. It's dark, with a faint glow emanating from a large screen. Tess leads them in, carrying the yet-to-be-sampled popcorn and a soda that she wanted, and Rain follows closely behind. 

As they round the corner into the room, revealing numerous rows of tiered seats, Rain watches in surprise as Tess doesn't lead them into one of the rows near the screen. Instead, she begins ascending the stairs towards the top of the room. He gives her a confused expression, and remembering the signs warning him to remain quiet, he whispers over her shoulder.

"Hey Tess, where are you going? Won't you have trouble seeing from up there?"

Her shoulders seem to go momentarily stiff, and she remains silent for several seconds. Then, she casts him a sheepish smile over her shoulder and whispers back in a hesitant tone. 

"Oh...err, don't worry about it, we'll be able to see fine. Remember how I told you that there were social norms here? Well, one of them is that if you're with someone and you sit towards the top. I...uhm...kind of like to discuss things during that okay? We can sit closer and just be silent if you want..."

Rain purses his lips thoughtfully. He doesn't really mind talking during movies, personally. The only times he's ever watched movies was at the orphanage, surrounded by dozens of children. He's never watched a movie in anything remotely close to silence. However, he saw the signs saying to be quiet...are they really allowed to talk?

After a moment to reflect, he decides that whispering is probably fine. Plus, Tess seems to know what she's talking about, and she says that it's okay. Just then, something occurs to him. 

'Wait...I thought this was her first time at a movie theater as well? So, how does she know what's normal? Is this one of those things that's just common knowledge to citizens? Or maybe she just went once when she was little and didn't count that?'

Eventually, he shrugs internally, deciding it doesn't really matter. He directs a polite smile at Tess, who has been watching him think for a couple of seconds. 

"No, that's okay...I'm used to talking during movies. I'll follow you...just sit where you think is best."

Tess gives him a relieved smile and nods, then quickens her pace to the top rows of seats. She walks to the center of an empty row, and takes a seat in one of the chairs. Rain notes that the chairs are situated in pairs, the different pairs separated by armrests with cupholders. Overall, the seat row looks like a line of small, reclining couches. 

Tess pats the chair next to her, urging him to sit down, and he obliges. As he settles beside her, she leans over a bit so their shoulders are touching, and holds the bin of popcorn towards him. She directs an inviting smile at him, her tone becoming amused. 

"Ready to finally try some popcorn?"

He flashes her an eager grin and nods, then grabs a handful of the buttery, golden snack and pops a few pieces in his mouth. As he does, he feels an explosion of salty and savory flavors rush over his tongue as he chews, causing his eyes to widen in shock. 

'This is...fucking delicious...'

He directs a bewildered gaze at Tess, who only smiles more brightly upon seeing his expression. She chuckles briefly, covering her mouth, then says in a pleased tone. 

"So, I take it you enjoy it?"

Still finishing the handful of popcorn already in his mouth, Rain just nods enthusiastically. Tess's expression becomes amused, a satisfied smile on her face, and she tosses a few pieces of the popcorn into her mouth before transferring the bin into Rain's lap. 

"Good...I'm glad. Here, you can take this, then."

Swallowing his buttery treat, he directs a puzzled glance at Tess as he takes the bin of popcorn from her. He's preparing to ask her if she doesn't want anymore, questioning her sanity. However, in the next moment she slides over in their seats, pressing herself firmly against his side and wrapping her arm around his. As he feels the heat from her body start to seep into his, his body goes stiff and he turns a bewildered gaze towards her. 

"Uhm...Tess? What are you doing?"

Looking over at him, her emerald eyes shimmering in the pale light of the screen, she gives him an innocent expression as her free hand reaches over to grab a few pieces of popcorn. Before she pops them into her mouth, her voice comes out sweet and confused. 

"Hmm...oh, I just want to make sure we can share the popcorn. This is what most people do. this not okay?"

The tension leaves Rain's body and he gives her a relieved smile, shaking his head reassuringly. 

'That makes sense...for second I thought she'd lost it...who wouldn't want to eat this stuff?'