Chapter 52 – Hot Date (3)

Rain watches as the lights dim and the movie starts, trying to pace himself with the popcorn. A beautiful woman, about eighteen or nineteen, appears on the screen, her hair blowing majestically despite being indoors. Her eyes turn towards a handsome young man across the room, who Rain recognizes as the male lead, and her face turns into a scowl. She proceeds with some inner dialogue about how she detests him the most out of everyone at the Academy. 

'Oh...alright...tsundere on deck...'

To absolutely nobody's surprise, when they're thrown into the Crucible, they somehow end up alone together in an isolated region of Asphodel. Of course, they have some spats at first, some enjoyable sexual tension that they pretend doesn't exist, and they make a few immature attempts to spite one another that harm their chances of survival. But ultimately, they realize that...again, to nobody's surprise...they have to trust each other and work together to survive. 

Over the next hour, the two face many hardships, and are met with numerous terrifying Fel. To give the movie credit, it does a wonderful job of creating a tense atmosphere, with startling horror scenes that elicit cries from the audience. Even Rain jumps a few times, though he notices that Tess seems completely unfazed by any of the terrifying scenery. 

Rather, the most reliable reactions from Tess – latched onto his arm so that she can safely access the delicious popcorn – are when anything romantic happens on screen. It doesn't matter how cliché. Every time the female lead inexplicably falls on top of the male lead, the male lead pauses with their faces a bit too close together, or either of them accidentally starts to say something flirtatious towards the other, he feels Tess grip his arm excitedly. 

Eventually, near the end of the movie, the two Champions' passion culminates in an uncomfortably long...intimate scene. As soft moans escape from the speakers in the room, he feels his body get progressively more tense. Similarly, he can feel Tess's grip on him tighten. Eventually, however, the producers relent, and the two leads share an affectionate morning together before setting out on the final leg of their journey. 

It goes about how you'd expect from there. The two share one final discussion about their hopes a dreams after the Crucible, both admitting that they want one another to be a part of that future, then they go to face the final challenge. It's gritty, and it seems like the male lead is going to die for a moment, but the female lead's resilience saves his life and they escape the Crucible.

After that, they start a lovely life together, continuing to fight for humanity against the Fel, always having each other to rely on. The movie ends with their first child being born, and a prophecy about a great protector destined to save the Earth in twenty years; clearly a completely unnecessary sequel plot that will be less successful than the original. 

The screen goes black, the lights returning, and there's a series of pained groans as people rise from their seats and stretch out any muscle cramps from the two hour showtime. Rain glances over at Tess, and sees that she's already looking at him, wearing a strange expression. Before he can inquire about its meaning, she smiles at him pleasantly, her voice becoming excited.

"So...thoughts? I mean, obviously you could see the plot coming from a mile away, and the sex scene was kind of gratuitous. But I still thought it was good, you know? I mean, that's part of what makes it feel so good, knowing that they'll both be okay at the end...that they'll get to be together. Ugh...wish fulfillment at it's best! know, what did you think?"

If Rain had to describe the was boring. Truthfully, while some of the action scenes were good, the cinematography and the charisma of the actors really carried it. The writing for the love and character felt lazy. There was nothing personal at all about the leads falling in love...they just took two attractive people and shoved them in a life or death situation, where they were forced to trust each other.

Sure, that's realistic,'s not very satisfying. You cast two straight, hot men instead, and there's a good chance the first ninety percent of the movie won't change. Ah, but Rain isn't going to say any of that to Tess. Still, that doesn't mean that he has to lie.

After acting like he gave it serious thought, he looks at Tess and gives her a pleasant smile. 

" know, yeah... I really enjoyed this. I'm happy that you invited me, Tess, thanks."

She smiles widely, obviously pleased with the answer. Then, something seems to occur to her, and she gives him a curious look. 

"You know, this did get me thinking, though. What do you plan to do after the Crucible? What are your goals?"

Rain's eyes widen a bit in's the first time anyone has asked him that. He's just been so focused on planning and surviving, he hasn't thought too much about specifics for afterwards. Contemplating it for a bit, he decides that he kind of wants what the movie leads had. He smiles at Tess, his voice a touch uncertain. 

"I mean...truthfully, I've never gotten to just enjoy my life before being Marked. Now that I have, I...cherish it...a lot. I'm not in a desperate search for power, so I don't think I want to do any of the Rites. Paragons are strong enough, and they have plenty of job opportunities. It may sound selfish, but...I just want to do my part with the Rifts and Asphodel, get rich off all the Egos and Relics I collect, and find someone I love to enjoy my life with. I think the movie got that right. What about big plans for once you return?"

A pleased smile on her face, Tess shakes her head, and her expression becomes serious. 

"No, I'm not set on Ascending for more power either. Besides, my Talents are better suited for something white collar on Earth. I like your idea – get rich, live life. Paragons can do that easily, and they get the highest rank of citizenship! I'm going to give my parents a nice house of their own in a safe part of the city, to pay them back for taking care of me so well despite how poor we were. Then, I'll settle down myself...with the right guy."

Rain chuckles and gives her an encouraging smile. 

"Someone as determined as you...I'm sure that's exactly what will happen. Worst case, you could make a killing as a model, and I'm sure you'll have no trouble attracting the right guy."

Tess gives him a subtly annoyed look and mumbles something he can't quite make out, but he hears the words 'obvious' and 'clueless'. However, he doesn't read much into them...this conversation has brought something else to the surface of his mind. Something that he's currently having trouble processing. 

'What about...Ronin? I told her I'd be a partner in her ally.'

Rain meant what he told Tess about wanting a quiet life with someone he loves, not seeking strength. As he looks inward, he's sure that's truly something that he desires. At the same time, when he recalls his assertion to Ronin that he wants to see the oppressive things she's facing tortured and expunged from the world...he desires that just as much. That dark fury burning in his chest, it hasn't dimmed one bit, though he may not keep it on display.

How can he dream of peace but crave sinister, murderous justice? How can he have no interest in power, but strive to subdue the strongest Titans in existence? Those dreams of his, peaceful and vile, passive and harrowing, they're so seemingly incompatible. Yet, they are both what he truly desires, his dreams chaotic to their very core. 

In the end, he doesn't know what that means for his future. 


'My gods...kill me now. I'm so screwed...'

Tess is walking alongside Rain through the hallways of the her surprise, he's keeping her company on the walk back to her room. Apparently, it's on the way to his own, so he said he doesn't mind. But alas, yes, Tess feels that she's screwed. 

There are two things she wanted to achieve today, aside from just enjoying the movie and her time with Rain. First, she wanted to probe her own feelings a bit more. Does she have chemistry with Rain, something of substance, or is she just feeling some kind of way about a cute guy that was supportive during a crappy phase of her life? Well, she no longer has any doubts about the nature of her own feelings. 

'I'm desperately crushing on that dumbass...'

Sure, he was sweet, his excitement over the popcorn was adorable, and his little comments here and there about enjoying her company made her melt. But that's not what really makes her sure about her feelings. It's all his little, out-of-nowhere, inappropriately deep comments that he seemed to share at random. His completely unashamed comment about wanting to love someone because he's never had it before. Or how he doesn't feel like he owes everyone putting his life on the line, and doesn't need power and fame.

She feels the same way...she really does. There were her parents, growing up, but that was it...nobody else ever prioritized her. She was kind of unattractive before her Nature activated too, in addition to being poor, so boys weren't interested. She gets the same impression from Rain. Out of all the Marked in the world, he's one of the few that can understand a lot of her prior life's struggles on a visceral level. She...wants that. 

As the icing on the metaphorical cake, she was...very pleased...with getting to cozy against him at the movie. She was taking a risk with that half-assed popcorn excuse, was so worth it. Being so close to him, having her arm wrapped around him...

'Gods, I could barely focus on the movie...'

She was worried that he was going to say something about all her arm-squeezing during the steamy scenes. It was really too easy to self-insert, and the added tension of being next to him while watching them was...a struggle. 

Tess lets out a deep, regretful sigh, making sure to keep it out of Rain's earshot as they walk. While that first goal of her day – deciding about her own feelings – was a success, her second was less so. The other goal she had was to try and get some inkling of how Rain feels about her.

Is he having these same thoughts? Does he wish that was an actual date? Did he...

'Did he think about kissing me while we were together at any point?'

Normally, this would be a very easy thing to determine. A guy enjoys hanging around her, he smiles a lot, she catches him eyeing her body's not hard. If he's seeking out her company, he's single, and he thinks she's hot, it's all but given that a guy is interested in a more romantic relationship. That's how she operates, that's how all normal people operate. 

'That moron though...'

For anyone else except Rain, flattering her with compliments about desiring her company and repeatedly confessing how beautiful he finds her, to her face no less...that'd be one step short of asking her to be his girlfriend. Both critical elements of their relationship would be present. Rain seems to think there's some third element though...she doesn't see how he'd be acting this way if he thinks the same way that she does. 

Thus, part two of her goals remains frustratingly uncertain. Rain clearly likes her, he clearly finds her attractive, but it's unclear if he's interested in acting on both of those things in their relationship. Beyond that, there's a certain facet her alleged friendship with Rain. 

While she's sure that he likes her company, and he says they're friends, it's hard to conclude what that means to him. To her, it seems pretty surface level. Unlike Nik, she doesn't hang out with Rain outside of survival class, except today, and they don't do anything together typical of allies or close friends. More importantly, she knows nothing about his Lineage, Bloodline, Talents...all she knows is that his Nature makes him immune to her abilities. Meanwhile, he knows her Lineage, her Talent, and one aspect of her Nature. 

In essence, she's not just constantly wondering whether Rain might have romantic feelings for her, she's not even sure how substantial he considers their supposed friendship. She groans internally at the questions raging in circles in her head. 

'I have way too much going on for him to be occupying my thoughts this much...I need answers...'

Indeed, the situation with Rain is far from her only concern. She is going into the Crucible in a matter of weeks. She feels pretty confident in her survival skills, so she's been spending all her other time on combat training and Ichor management. Her Talent will be useful if she encounters hostile Champions, but otherwise her Ichor is best spent on direct, physical reinforcement. To supplement that, she's been practicing heavily with a bow and spear...she has absolutely zero intention of dying easily in that gods-forsaken hellscape. 

There's also the matter of acquiring allies, or at least repairing her reputation at the school enough to not become a target in Asphodel. As much as she'd love to just work with Rain, you don't get to choose allies in the Crucible. So, it's essential that she makes progress on that front. 

That gives her two major goals remaining. First, find out if Rain and her are sharing the same intrusive thoughts about each other. Second, better her reputation with other students. Regardless, she wants her and Rain to have a generally closer relationship. Even if he's not romantically interested, she still likes and trusts him enough to put aside the sting of rejection. If he is interested though...

'Well, patience has never been a strength of mine...'