"When do I get one of those?" Ava asked Yui, looking at the wrist attachment that everyone else had been wearing, since she was also at th ewoman's side while she was out in the morning she had realised that even the regular civilians had one, only babies seemed to be free from them.
"When you've earned it," Yui answered, leaned against the hallway walls in the building where their dorms were located. "It's a pity that I didn't get to finish classes today, this just means you all will have twice the amount of work until we make up for an entire day of missed classes."
"Huh, me too?" Ava sighed, she already had so much to catch up to, but now she was bein told that she was going to get more work on top of that; Yui let out an amused sigh after seeing the girl's expression and then stood upright and gestured to the door before them.