
The relative quiet of the Trost streets was shattered by the sharp crack of gunfire. Aaron's head snapped up, his emerald eyes narrowing as he scanned the surroundings. The acrid scent of gunpowder hung in the air, mingling with the ever-present undercurrent of fear that permeated the city.

"The carriage," Aaron barked, his voice carrying the unmistakable tone of command. "We need to check on Eren and Historia. Move out!"

In an instant, the squad was in motion. The familiar hiss of ODM gear filled the air as they launched themselves skyward, cables shooting out to anchor in the weathered stone of Trost's buildings. They moved with practiced precision, their bodies twisting and turning in midair as they navigated the urban landscape.

Connie's voice cut through the rush of wind. "Look! Over there!"

Following his gesture, the squad's eyes locked onto a familiar carriage rattling down the street below. But something was wrong. Through the carriage's windows, they could see the slumped forms of Eren and Historia, clearly unconscious. At the reins sat an unfamiliar figure, hunched and purposeful.

"Shit," Aaron muttered, his mind racing to adjust their strategy.

Before he could issue new orders, movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention. His breath caught in his throat as he took in the scene unfolding nearby.

Captain Levi, humanity's strongest soldier, was in full flight. But he wasn't pursuing - he was being chased. A group of figures followed close behind, their movements unnervingly skillful as they used what appeared to be ODM gear to keep pace with the captain.

'Damn it all,' Aaron thought, his jaw clenching. 'For them to have Levi on the run, they must be incredibly skilled. But Eren and Historia...'

He knew he had to make a choice, and quickly. The lives of his comrades, the fate of humanity itself, hung in the balance. With a deep breath, Aaron made his decision.

"Mikasa," he called out, his voice carrying over the rush of wind. "You and the others go after Eren and Historia. I'll assist the Captain."

A chorus of "Understood!" rang out from the squad. But Aaron wasn't finished.

"One more thing," he added, his voice dropping to a grim tone. "Be prepared to kill if necessary. We can't afford to hold back now."

With those ominous words hanging in the air, Aaron broke away from the group. He angled his trajectory towards Levi and his pursuers, his muscles coiling with tension as he prepared for the fight ahead.

As he closed in on the chase, Aaron's keen eyes picked out one figure among Levi's pursuers who moved with particular skill and purpose. A wide-brimmed hat sat atop the figure's head, somehow staying in place despite the wild aerial maneuvers.

'That must be their leader,' Aaron thought, his eyes narrowing in determination.

With a burst of gas, Aaron accelerated. He twisted in midair, adjusting his angle of approach. Then, with perfect timing, he slammed into the hat-wearing figure at full speed.

The impact sent them both crashing through a nearby window. Glass shattered around them as they tumbled into the room beyond, a chaotic tangle of limbs and shards.

As the dust settled, Aaron found himself in what appeared to be an abandoned apartment. Faded wallpaper peeled from the walls, and a thick layer of dust covered every surface. A single, rickety table stood in the center of the room, flanked by two chairs that had seen better days. Weak sunlight filtered through the broken window, casting long shadows across the worn floorboards.

The man in the hat picked himself up, brushing glass from his coat with a casual air that belied the violence of their entrance. "Well," he said, his voice rough but tinged with amusement, "that was quite the introduction."

Aaron said nothing, instead falling into a familiar boxing stance. His hands came up, fists clenched, as he balanced his weight on the balls of his feet.

Recognition flickered in the man's eyes. A slow, dangerous smile spread across his face. "Well, well," he drawled. "That stance... I'd recognize old Marko's style anywhere. You must be Aaron Mustang."

Aaron's eyebrow arched in surprise. "And you are?" he asked, his voice wary.

The man's grin widened, taking on a predatory edge. "Oh, I'm sure you've heard of me. Whether from the streets of the capital, from old Marko, or from that pint-sized Levi... The name's Kenny the Ripper. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

A flicker of recognition passed through Aaron's eyes. Kenny the Ripper - a name whispered in fear throughout the Underground and beyond. But there was no time to dwell on reputations. This was a fight for survival.

Kenny's hand twitched towards his belt, where his pistols hung. 'Damn,' he thought. 'No time to reload. Guess we're doing this the old-fashioned way.'

Aaron didn't wait for Kenny to make the first move. He launched forward, his left fist snapping out in a lightning-fast jab. Kenny jerked his head to the side, the punch whistling past his ear.

'Fast,' Kenny thought, a spark of excitement igniting in his eyes.

But Aaron was already following up. His right hand came up in a vicious uppercut, aimed squarely at Kenny's chin. The older man managed to get his arms up just in time, catching the blow on his forearms. The force of the punch lifted Kenny off his feet for a moment.

'And he hits like a damn cannon,' Kenny added mentally, feeling the ache spreading through his arms.

Kenny retaliated with a kick, his boot aiming for Aaron's midsection. Aaron brought his arms down to block, absorbing the impact with a grunt.

'Strong kick,' Aaron thought, 'but not as powerful as Levi's.'

The fight escalated quickly, both men moving with a speed and precision that spoke of years of hard-won experience. Aaron's fists were a blur, alternating between quick jabs to keep Kenny at bay and powerful hooks when he saw an opening. Kenny, for his part, mixed kicks and knee strikes with his punches, trying to throw off Aaron's rhythm.

They danced around the small room, furniture splintering under the force of missed blows or bodies thrown against them. The air filled with the sound of impact - flesh against flesh, bone against bone.

Aaron's boxing training shone through in every movement. His footwork was impeccable, always keeping him balanced and ready to strike or defend. His guard was tight, his chin tucked, presenting as small a target as possible.

Kenny found himself being forced back, step by step. 'The brat's good,' he thought, a mixture of frustration and admiration coloring his internal monologue. 'Marko taught him well.'

As they neared the far wall of the room, Aaron saw his opportunity. Kenny's guard had dropped slightly, fatigue beginning to show in his movements. With perfect timing, Aaron unleashed a devastating left hook to Kenny's liver.

The impact was audible, a dull thud that seemed to echo in the small room. Kenny's eyes widened, the air driven from his lungs. He doubled over, his body instinctively trying to protect the injured area.

Aaron knew this was his chance to end it. He reached for the blade at his hip, prepared to strike the final blow. "This ends now," he growled, raising the weapon.

But Kenny the Ripper hadn't survived this long by being predictable. With a speed that belied his apparent injury, he whipped a knife from his boot. The blade flashed in the dim light before burying itself in Aaron's foot.

Pain exploded through Aaron's leg, throwing off his attack. Kenny used the moment of distraction to slip past Aaron's guard, driving his knife deep into the younger man's abdomen.

Aaron roared in pain and fury. He slammed his forehead into Kenny's face, feeling the crunch of cartilage as the man's nose broke under the impact.

Kenny staggered back, but he wasn't done. He spun, knife held high, aiming for Aaron's head. Aaron caught Kenny's wrist, but the tip of the blade still pierced his palm, driving through flesh and muscle.

They stood there for a moment, locked in a deadly embrace. Kenny's eyes widened in surprise as he felt himself being pushed back. Despite his injuries, Aaron's strength was overwhelming.

With a final surge of effort, Aaron shoved Kenny away. Before the older man could regain his balance, Aaron's right fist connected with his already broken nose. Blood sprayed as Kenny stumbled back.

Desperation fueling his movements, Kenny grabbed a nearby chair and hurled it at Aaron. The furniture shattered against Aaron's broad frame, but it bought Kenny the second he needed.

He lunged forward, knife leading the way. Aaron, still reeling from the impact of the chair, swung wildly. Kenny ducked under the punch and drove his knife into Aaron's thigh once more, targeting the already injured leg.

Aaron's leg buckled, and he fell to one knee. Kenny straightened up, a triumphant gleam in his eye. "It's over, kid," he said, reaching for his pistol.

But fate, it seemed, had other plans.

The window exploded inward as a familiar figure burst into the room. Levi, his face a mask of cold fury, slammed into Kenny with the force of a battering ram. Before the older man could react, Levi had him by the collar. With a grunt of effort, he hurled Kenny back out the window he'd just entered through.

Without missing a beat, Levi turned to Aaron. His steel-grey eyes took in the younger man's injuries in an instant. "We need to move," he said, his voice brooking no argument. He hauled Aaron to his feet, supporting his weight as they moved towards the window.

"Historia," Aaron gasped, his face pale from blood loss. "We need to go after her."

Levi's grip on Aaron tightened as he prepared to launch them both out of the building. "There'll be time for that later," he said grimly. "Right now, we need to regroup and tend to your wounds. You can't save anyone if you bleed out first."


The soft glow of candlelight flickered across the faces of the Survey Corps members as Historia recounted her past. Her blue eyes were distant, lost in memories that seemed to belong to another life entirely. The others listened in rapt silence, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air.

"I grew up on a farm," Historia began, her voice soft but steady. "It was just me and my mother. But she... she wasn't really there, not in the ways that mattered."

She described a childhood of loneliness, of a mother who spent her days reading, barely acknowledging her daughter's existence. Historia's small hands would trace the spines of books, desperate to understand what held her mother's attention so completely.

"I taught myself to read," she continued, a hint of pride coloring her voice. "I thought if I could do what she did, maybe she'd notice me. But when I read about how parents and children were supposed to interact... I realized how different my life was."

Her voice faltered as she recounted the day she'd finally worked up the courage to approach her mother, to seek the affection she'd been denied for so long. The sharp crack of the slap still echoed in her memory, along with her mother's anguished words: "If only I'd had the courage to kill you..."

"But you know what's strange?" Historia said, her lips curving into a sad smile. "Even then, even after she hit me, I was happy. Because for once, she'd actually seen me."

The room was silent as the others processed her words. Aaron, sitting closest to Historia, felt his heart clench at the pain in her voice. He wanted nothing more than to reach out, to offer some comfort, but he held back, sensing she needed to finish her story.

Historia's voice grew stronger as she described the day, five years ago, when her life changed forever. The arrival of Rod Reiss, the man who claimed to be her father. The brief, dizzying moment when she thought she might finally have a real family.

And then, the men in black. Kenny Ackerman, his eyes cold and merciless as he grabbed her mother. Historia's voice broke as she recounted her mother's final words, denying any connection to her daughter even in the face of death.

"'If only you had never been born,'" Historia quoted, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Those were the last words she ever said to me. And then The Big man... he killed her. Just like that."

The horror of that moment was palpable in the room. Mikasa's hands clenched into fists, while Armin looked pale and shaken. Jean and Connie exchanged grim looks, unable to imagine the trauma Historia had endured.

"The Big man was going to kill me too," Historia continued, her voice barely above a whisper. "But Rod... my father... he stopped him. He let me live, but only if I changed my name, became someone else. That's how Krista Lenz was born."

As Historia finished her story, the room fell into a heavy silence. The weight of her past, the cruelty she had endured, hung in the air like a physical presence.

The scene shifted, time moving forward to the present. Historia found herself in a dimly lit room, face to face with the man who had both saved and condemned her - Rod Reiss.

His arms encircled her in an embrace that should have felt comforting but instead left her feeling cold and uncertain. "I'm so sorry, Historia," Rod murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "Everything I did... it was to protect you. You have to understand that."

Historia stood stiffly in his embrace, her mind reeling. This man, who had been absent for so much of her life, was now claiming to have acted in her best interests all along.

Rod pulled back, his hands resting on her shoulders as he looked into her eyes. "You're part of the royal family, Historia. The Reiss family. It's your duty now to save humanity."

The weight of his words pressed down on her, threatening to suffocate her. But amidst the chaos of her thoughts, one face stood out clearly in her mind.

"Wait," Historia said, her voice stronger than she felt. "Where's Aaron? Is he alright?"

Rod's brow furrowed in confusion. "Aaron? Who is that?"

Historia felt a surge of frustration. How could her father not know about someone so important? "He's... he's a soldier. Tall, with green eyes. He was in Trost when everything happened. Please, I need to know if he's okay."

Rod's expression softened slightly, though a hint of irritation flickered in his eyes. "I'm afraid I don't know, my dear. That would have been Kenny's operation. For now, we need to focus on what's important."

But Historia couldn't let it go. The thought of Aaron, possibly hurt or worse, made her heart clench painfully. "He is important," she insisted. "Please, I need to know what happened to him."

Rod sighed, clearly frustrated by this unexpected complication. "Very well, I'll ask Kenny about it later. But Historia, you must understand - your role, your destiny, is far greater than any one person. We're talking about the fate of all humanity."

Historia nodded reluctantly, but her thoughts remained with Aaron. His emerald eyes, always so full of determination and kindness. His strong hands, capable of such gentleness despite the violence they'd seen. The way he looked at her, not as a symbol or a tool, but as a person - flawed, complex, and worthy of love.

'Aaron,' she thought, her heart aching. 'Please be safe. I need you now more than ever.'

Meanwhile, in the Stohess District, the atmosphere was tense with suppressed panic. Members of the Military Police moved through the streets, their faces grim as they distributed wanted posters. The faces of the Survey Corps members stared out from the papers, labeled as dangerous criminals.

Jean, his face partially obscured by a hood, snatched one of the posters from a nearby wall. His eyes scanned the information quickly before he crumpled it in his fist, jaw clenching in anger.

He made his way through the crowded streets, eventually reaching the edge of the forest where Armin waited. Together, they moved deeper into the woods, rejoining their comrades.

Levi stood at the center of the group, his steel-grey eyes sharp as he took in Jean and Armin's return. "Report," he commanded tersely.

Armin stepped forward, his usual timidity replaced by a grim determination. "It's bad, Captain," he said, his voice low. "If the information on those posters is accurate, the Survey Corps may have been officially disbanded. The Military Police are likely blocking all major routes."

Levi's expression darkened. "The carriage with Eren and Historia will take time to reach Rod Reiss's territory. We need a plan, and fast."

His gaze shifted to where Aaron lay, still unconscious from his injuries. "And Mustang's wounds aren't helping matters," he added, frustration evident in his voice.

Before anyone could respond, Sasha suddenly stiffened, her head tilting as if listening to something only she could hear. "Captain," she whispered urgently. "Someone's coming."

The group tensed, hands moving to their weapons. But the newcomers weren't enemies - at least, not exactly. Marlo and Hitch, two junior members of the Military Police, stumbled into the clearing, clearly out of their depth.

What followed was a tense confrontation. Levi, ever practical, saw an opportunity in their arrival. The uniforms of the Military Police could be their ticket past checkpoints, a way to reach Rod Reiss's territory undetected.

As Levi inspected their documents, Hitch's composure finally broke. "You monsters!" she cried, her voice cracking with emotion. "Do you have any idea how many innocent people died in Stohess? My friend Annie... she was crushed by that Titan!"

A heavy silence fell over the group. Levi's eyes narrowed as he regarded the distraught young woman. "Your friend Annie," he said, his voice cold and matter-of-fact, "was that Titan."

The shock on Hitch's face was palpable, her eyes widening in disbelief and horror. The truth of Annie's betrayal, of the devastation she had caused, settled over the group like a suffocating blanket.

Levi, unmoved by her distress, turned back to the matter at hand. "We'll let you go once we're clear of this area," he stated, his tone brooking no argument.

As the Survey Corps members prepared to move out, each lost in their own thoughts, the scene shifted once more. Deep beneath the earth, in a cavern that seemed to exist outside of time itself, Eren Yeager stirred from a dream-filled sleep.

The young man's eyes fluttered open, confusion clouding his features as he tried to make sense of his surroundings. He found himself on his knees, chained and gagged, in the center of a vast crystalline cave. The walls sparkled with an otherworldly light, casting eerie shadows across the rough stone floor.

Eren strained against his bonds, panic rising in his chest as the full weight of his situation began to sink in. The chains rattled ominously, echoing through the cavernous space.

Suddenly, the sound of approaching footsteps caught his attention. Eren's head snapped up, his eyes widening as he saw a familiar figure approaching.

Historia, clad in a flowing white robe that seemed to glow in the strange light of the cavern, walked towards him. Her face was a mask of calm, but her eyes... her eyes were filled with a turmoil that made Eren's heart clench.

As Historia drew closer, Eren could see the conflict raging behind her placid expression. She seemed torn, caught between the weight of her newfound royal heritage and the bonds she had formed with her comrades in the Survey Corps.

For a moment, Historia's mask slipped. Her eyes met Eren's, and in them, he saw a desperate plea. Not for herself, but for someone else. Someone who had become impossibly important to her in the short time they'd known each other.

"Aaron," she whispered, so softly that Eren wasn't sure he'd heard it at all. But the pain in her voice, the worry etched across her features, told him all he needed to know.


The rhythmic clatter of wagon wheels on uneven ground filled the air as the Survey Corps made their way towards Rod Reiss's hideout. The tension was palpable, each soldier lost in their own thoughts as they prepared for the battle ahead.

Captain Levi's voice cut through the silence, sharp and authoritative. "Listen up," he said, his steel-grey eyes scanning the faces of his comrades. "Our biggest obstacle is going to be Kenny. When it comes to his skills, think of him as you would me - or better yet, consider him even more dangerous, especially if he's with his squad."

A collective shudder ran through the group. The idea of facing someone as formidable as Levi - or worse - was daunting to say the least.

Connie, his face pale with worry, spoke up. "Maybe we should wait for reinforcements from the Corps," he suggested, his voice wavering slightly. "Against an enemy like that..."

But Mikasa cut him off, her dark eyes flashing with determination. "We can't wait," she said firmly. "Eren will be devoured if we don't act now."

Armin nodded in agreement, his quick mind already analyzing the situation. "Captain Levi mentioned that their weakness might be their lack of experience in real combat," he added thoughtfully. "We can use that to our advantage."

As the discussion continued, a stirring from the back of the wagon caught everyone's attention. Aaron Mustang, who had been unconscious for days, finally began to show signs of waking.

Nanaba, who had been keeping a watchful eye on him, couldn't contain her relief. "Captain!" she exclaimed, a bright smile breaking across her face. "You're finally awake!"

Neil chimed in, his voice tinged with both concern and humor. "We were starting to think you might not make it, sir."

From the adjacent wagon, Levi's voice rang out, gruff but with an undercurrent of relief. "About time you woke up, brat. Conveniently slept through several days of chaos, didn't you?"

Aaron groaned, rubbing his head as he struggled to sit up. His emerald eyes, still clouded with confusion, darted around the wagon. "Historia?" he asked, his voice hoarse from disuse. "Where's Historia?"

Levi's expression darkened. "We're on our way to rescue her now," he replied tersely.

Hange, ever enthusiastic despite the dire circumstances, leaned over from Levi's wagon. "Oh, Aaron, you've missed so much!" she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "We even staged a coup! Let me catch you up..."

As Hange launched into a detailed explanation of recent events, Aaron's mind raced to process the information. A coup? Historia kidnapped? It seemed impossible that so much had happened while he was unconscious.

The wagons rattled on, carrying the Survey Corps towards their destination and the inevitable confrontation that awaited them. Aaron flexed his fingers, testing his strength. He was still weak from his injuries, but the thought of Historia in danger sent a surge of adrenaline through his system. He would fight, no matter what condition he was in.

As they approached the chapel that concealed the entrance to Rod Reiss's hideout, Levi divided the group into teams. Aaron, still not at full strength, was paired with Nanaba and Neil, his most trusted squad members.

"Stay alert," Levi warned as they prepared to enter. "We don't know exactly what we're walking into."

The interior of the chapel was dimly lit and eerily quiet. Hange, her keen eyes scanning every detail, quickly discovered the hidden entrance to the underground cavern beneath an ornate rug.

As Armin prepared the necessary equipment for their descent, the atmosphere grew tense with anticipation. Aaron's hand unconsciously went to the hilt of his blade, his emerald eyes narrowed in concentration.

On the other side of the hidden entrance, unbeknownst to the Survey Corps, Caven was briefing her own squad. Her voice was low and urgent as she relayed the information to her comrades.

"We've got at least ten enemies incoming," she reported, her eyes hard. "Levi's among them - he's already taken out eleven of our squad members. And Mustang's with them too - he's the one who seriously wounded Kenny."

A ripple of unease passed through the group at the mention of these formidable opponents.

Caven continued, her voice taking on a note of frustration. "This situation is more complicated than we anticipated. We can't count on backup from the Central Military Police - most of them have been arrested."

She paused, her gaze sweeping over her squad. "Remember why we joined the Military Police," she said, her voice growing passionate. "We wanted to give our lives meaning. So keep believing in Kenny and his dream of changing things. That's what we're fighting for."

Back in the chapel, Armin announced that the preparations were complete. Levi turned to his squad, his expression grim. "It's time to get our hands dirty," he said, his voice low and determined.

As the Survey Corps prepared to descend into the unknown, Aaron caught Nanaba's eye. "I've got your back," he said quietly, a small smile tugging at his lips despite the gravity of the situation.

Nanaba returned the smile, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, Captain," she replied softly.

Neil, unable to resist the opportunity for levity, chimed in. "Captain, Historia would go crazy if she heard you talking like that to another woman."

Aaron felt heat rise to his cheeks. "Shut up," he muttered, but there was no real anger in his voice. The thought of Historia, of her safety, was enough to steel his resolve for the battle ahead.

As they began their descent into the cavern, the air grew thick with tension. The crystalline walls glittered ominously in the dim light, casting strange shadows that seemed to move of their own accord.

Unbeknownst to the rescuers, deep within the cavern, a scene of horrifying significance was unfolding. Rod Reiss, his eyes gleaming with an almost manic light, turned to Historia.

"Frieda isn't entirely gone," he said, his voice soft but intense. "Would you like to see her again?"

Historia's eyes widened, a mix of hope and fear swirling in their depths. "Yes," she whispered, almost against her will.

Rod's smile widened as he reached into a nearby medical kit, pulling out a small box containing a syringe. The sight of it sent a jolt of recognition through Eren, still bound and gagged nearby. It was identical to the one his father had used on him five years ago.

As Rod prepared to explain the significance of the syringe to Historia, the sound of an explosion echoed through the cavern. The rescue had begun.

In the entrance to the underground chapel, Kenny's Anti-Personnel Squad tensed, ready to ambush the incoming Survey Corps. Suddenly, the doors burst open, and barrels of gunpowder with bags of oil came rolling down the stairs.

Levi, followed closely by Aaron and the rest of the squad, charged into the space. Sasha remained at the entrance, nocking a flaming arrow to her bow. With deadly accuracy, she let it fly, igniting one of the barrels.

The explosion rocked the cavern, filling the air with thick, choking smoke. The Survey Corps didn't hesitate, launching flares to further obscure the enemy's vision.

As they maneuvered through the air, Levi's sharp eyes counted their opponents. "Thirty-five enemies!" he shouted over the chaos. "Move now!"

Caven, realizing their ambush had been turned against them, barked orders to her own squad. "Disperse and surround them!" she commanded, but the smoke and flares made it nearly impossible to target their agile opponents.

The Survey Corps members put Armin's instructions to good use, exploiting the weaknesses of the Anti-Personnel ODM gear. Jean and Connie moved in perfect sync, taking down enemy after enemy while Armin and Sasha provided cover fire.

In the midst of the chaos, Aaron spotted an enemy soldier taking aim at Nanaba's unprotected back. Without hesitation, he launched himself forward, his blade flashing in the dim light as he cut down the would-be assassin.

"Told you I'd cover your back," Aaron called out, a grim smile on his face.

Nanaba's answering smile was bright even in the gloom. "My hero," she replied, only half-joking.

Their moment of camaraderie was cut short by Levi's sharp command. "Mustang! Go after Eren and Historia. We've got things covered here."

Aaron nodded, his expression hardening with determination. With a burst of gas, he launched himself deeper into the cavern, dodging bullets and weaving through the crystalline formations with unmatched agility.

Caven, seeing Aaron break away from the main group, shouted orders to her remaining squad members. "Kill Mustang! Don't let him reach Reiss!"

But Aaron was unstoppable. Those who got in his way fell to his blades, their bodies tumbling into the abyss below. One soldier managed to get off a shot, but Aaron twisted in mid-air, the bullet whistling past his ear. In a move that seemed to defy physics, he circled around his attacker, ending their life with a single, precise strike.

Just as Aaron thought he might have a clear path, a familiar figure appeared before him. Kenny, his eyes glinting with malicious excitement, raised his weapons.

"How about a rematch, Mustang?" he called out, his voice echoing off the crystal walls.

But Aaron was in no mood for games. With a sudden burst of speed, he closed the distance between them, his knee connecting solidly with Kenny's midsection. The older man went flying, only his quick reflexes and ODM gear saving him from a deadly fall.

As Kenny regained his balance and took aim, another figure slammed into him. Levi, his face a mask of cold fury, positioned himself between Kenny and Aaron.

"Your opponent is me," Levi growled, his blades at the ready.

A slow, cruel smile spread across Kenny's face. "Well then, let's dance a little, shall we?" he said, his voice dripping with anticipation. "I'm sure Mustang will get lost in this labyrinth anyway."

As Levi and Kenny engaged in their deadly duel, Aaron pressed on, driven by an urgency he couldn't fully explain. Somewhere in this crystalline maze, Historia was waiting. And he would find her, no matter what it took.

The sound of their battle faded behind him as Aaron delved deeper into the cavern, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. 'Hold on, Historia,' he thought, his grip tightening on his blades. 'I'm coming.'

The echoes of explosions and gunfire reverberated through the crystalline cavern, causing Rod Reiss to look up in alarm. His eyes, wide with a mixture of fear and determination, locked onto Historia's confused face.

"We must hurry," he urged, his voice tight with urgency. "There's no time to waste."

Eren, still bound and gagged nearby, began to thrash violently against his restraints. His muffled cries grew more frantic as he watched Rod prepare the syringe, desperate to communicate something to Historia.

Historia's brow furrowed as she observed Eren's distress. "Why is he so agitated?" she wondered aloud, a seed of doubt beginning to take root in her mind.

Rod, misinterpreting her question, nodded grimly. "He's likely aware of the fate that awaits him," he said, his voice eerily calm despite the chaos unfolding around them. "But it's necessary. The power stolen from the Reiss family must be returned to its rightful place."

As Rod spoke, he began to fill the syringe with a strange, luminescent fluid. "You, Historia, will be the one to receive this power," he continued, his eyes never leaving the syringe. "This cave... it was created by the power of a Titan over a century ago. The same power that built the three walls that protect us."

Historia listened, her mind reeling as she tried to process this information. Rod's voice droned on, speaking of altered memories and bloodlines immune to mental manipulation. He mentioned Frieda, Historia's half-sister, who had possessed not only the Titan power of the royal family but also knowledge of the world's true origins.

"Eight years ago, in this very place," Rod said, his voice taking on an almost reverent tone, "Frieda injected herself with a serum that turned her into a pure Titan. Then, she devoured her uncle and predecessor, Uri Reiss, inheriting the Reiss family's Titan power and the memories of the world before the walls."

Historia's eyes widened in horror as she began to understand the implications of what her father was saying. Rod, oblivious to her growing distress, continued his explanation.

"This ritual has been repeated for the past hundred years," he said. "Frieda could have used her power to exterminate the Titans, if only Grisha hadn't stolen it from her. Now, that power resides in Eren."

Rod's gaze hardened as he looked at Historia. "Only a member of the Reiss family can use this power to its full potential," he said firmly. "As long as it remains within Eren, nothing will change."

Before Historia could respond, a figure burst into their secluded area. Kenny Ackerman, his face twisted with rage, stormed towards Rod.

"Is it true?" Kenny demanded, his voice echoing off the crystal walls. "Only those with royal blood can access the full power of the Reiss family?"

Rod, startled by Kenny's sudden appearance, nodded hesitantly. Kenny's expression contorted with fury as he realized the futility of his long-held ambitions. In a flash, he grabbed Rod by the collar, pressing the barrel of his gun against the man's temple.

Just as the situation seemed about to explode into violence, another figure entered the scene. Aaron Mustang, his clothes torn and bloodstained, his emerald eyes blazing with determination, burst into view.

Without hesitation, Aaron launched himself at Kenny, his fist connecting solidly with the older man's jaw. "Finally found this damn place," Aaron growled, his voice rough with exertion. "What's the matter, Kenny? Ran away from Captain Levi?"

Kenny, momentarily stunned by Aaron's sudden appearance, quickly regained his composure. He raised his weapon, aiming it squarely at Aaron's chest. "Don't move, you bastard," he snarled, before swiftly changing his aim to Historia. "Or I'll put a bullet in her."

Rod, his face pale with fear, tried to diffuse the situation. "Calm down, Kenny," he pleaded, his voice trembling.

But Kenny was beyond reason. His fury, fueled by years of frustrated ambition, exploded as he turned his rage on Rod. "You used me for years!" he roared, pressing the gun harder against Rod's head. "You knew what I wanted, and you let me believe it was possible!"

Rod, sweat beading on his brow, attempted to placate his enraged subordinate. "I'm grateful to my foolish brother for adopting a stray dog like you," he said, his voice strained.

Kenny's eyes flashed dangerously at the mention of Uri. "Keep insulting Uri," he growled, "and I'll blow half your head off."

Historia, unable to stand by any longer, lunged forward and grabbed one of Kenny's guns. "Let him go!" she demanded, her voice stronger than she felt.

Kenny turned to her, his eyes filled with a mixture of pity and contempt. "Poor little girl," he sneered, shoving her to the ground. "Your father wants to turn you into a monster that'll end up eating Eren."

Historia, undeterred, rose to her feet. "I'll fulfill my duty," she declared, her voice shaking slightly. "I'll eat Eren and use that power to bring back Frieda and exterminate the Titans."

Aaron, who had been watching this exchange with growing horror, finally found his voice. "Wait, Historia," he said, his voice filled with desperation. "You can't eat Eren. This isn't right!"

Kenny, seeing the conflict playing out before him, let out a harsh laugh. "That's right, Mustang," he said, a cruel smile twisting his lips. "You've got to make a quick decision. Do we eliminate the Reiss bloodline and give humanity a better life within the walls? Or do we trust their words, knowing they've deceived us before?"

Historia's eyes met Aaron's, filled with a mixture of fear, determination, and something else - a plea for understanding, for support. "Aaron..." she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Aaron felt the weight of the world on his shoulders as he looked into Historia's pleading eyes. In that moment, he knew what he had to do. His voice, when he spoke, was filled with a mixture of regret and fierce determination.

"I'm sorry, but..." Aaron's emerald eyes hardened, his decision made. "I would sacrifice the entire world for Historia and my sister."

In a blur of motion, Aaron lunged forward, his blade flashing in the dim light of the cavern. The sharp edge sank deep into Kenny's abdomen, eliciting a grunt of pain and surprise from the hardened killer.

But Kenny was far from defeated. Even as Aaron's blade bit into his flesh, Kenny's own knife found its mark, plunging into Aaron's stomach. The two men stood locked together, their blood mingling as it dripped onto the crystalline floor.

Kenny's lips curled into a pained smirk. "Looks like you're still hurting from our last dance, kid," he rasped, his voice tight with pain.

Aaron gritted his teeth, fighting against the agony spreading through his body. With a supreme effort, he wrenched his blade free from Kenny's body. The older man staggered back, his hand pressed against his bleeding wound.

"This isn't over, Mustang," Kenny growled, his eyes blazing with a mixture of rage and grudging respect. With a burst of gas from his ODM gear, he disappeared into the shadows of the cavern, leaving a trail of blood in his wake.

As Kenny's form vanished into the darkness, Rod seized the moment of confusion. He thrust the syringe into Historia's hands, his voice urgent and commanding. "Quickly, my daughter. Inject yourself and fulfill your destiny. Become the Titan that will save humanity!"

Historia stared at the syringe in her hands, her mind racing. The weight of her supposed duty pressed down on her, threatening to crush her under its immensity. Her eyes darted from the syringe to Eren's bound form, then to Aaron, who was struggling to stay on his feet, blood seeping from his fresh wound.

Aaron, seeing the conflict in Historia's eyes, forced himself to move. Ignoring the searing pain in his abdomen, he staggered towards Eren. With a swift motion, he cut through the bindings on Eren's forehead and removed the gag.

"Come on, Eren," Aaron gasped, his voice strained with pain and urgency. "Transform into a Titan and get us out of here. It's obvious Rod is manipulating Historia."

Eren, finally free to speak, looked up at Aaron with tears streaming down his face. "This is all my fault," he choked out, his voice heavy with guilt and self-loathing. "I deserve to die for what I've done."

Aaron stared at Eren in disbelief, frustration mounting within him. With an exasperated sigh, he roughly shoved the gag back into Eren's mouth. "Fine," he growled, "I'll do this my way." He raised his blade, ready to take matters into his own hands.

But before Aaron could act, the sound of shattering glass filled the air. He turned to see Historia, her blue eyes blazing with a newfound resolve, the broken remnants of the syringe scattered at her feet.

"I can't trust someone who asks me to kill my boyfriend," Historia declared, her voice steady and filled with determination.

Aaron felt heat rise to his cheeks at her words. "Did she really have to say that out loud?" he muttered, embarrassment momentarily overriding the gravity of the situation.

Taking advantage of Rod's stunned silence, Historia darted forward, snatching up the briefcase he had brought with him. She rushed to Eren's side, frantically searching for the keys to his restraints.

Eren, his eyes wide with shock, tried to protest through his gag. Historia silenced him with a sharp blow to the head. "Shut up," she snapped, her hands working quickly to undo his bindings. "I'm not going to be the one to shoulder the burden of exterminating the Titans. I don't care if everyone gets devoured. I guess that makes me humanity's enemy."

As Historia continued to free Eren, Aaron turned his attention to Rod. The older man stood frozen, his face a mask of disbelief and growing rage. Without hesitation, Aaron charged forward, his blade glinting in the eerie light of the cavern.

With a sickening thud, Aaron's blade sank deep into Rod's chest. The man's eyes widened in shock and pain, his mouth opening in a silent scream.

"This ends now," Aaron growled, his voice low and dangerous.

As Rod crumpled to the ground, Historia finished freeing Eren. She grabbed the still-dazed boy by the arm, pulling him to his feet. "We're getting out of here," she announced, her voice brooking no argument.

Rod, his body broken and bleeding, was dragging himself towards the puddle of spilled Titan serum on the cavern floor.

"I'll... see you soon... my family," Rod gasped, his eyes glazed with a fanatical light. With the last of his strength, he pressed his tongue to the pool of liquid.

The air in the underground chapel was thick with tension and the acrid smell of gunpowder. Levi's squad, their faces grim with determination, pursued the Anti-Personnel Control Squad through the winding crystalline corridors. The sound of their ODM gear echoed off the walls, a metallic symphony of urgency and desperation.

As they approached the entrance to the ritual chamber, their forward momentum came to an abrupt halt. A massive net, its metal links glinting menacingly in the dim light, blocked their path. Connie's frustrated curse echoed through the cavern as they realized that every exit to the surface had been similarly obstructed.

"They're trying to trap us like rats," Jean muttered, his eyes darting around for any sign of an alternative escape route.

Caven and her subordinates, sensing their advantage, began to reposition themselves for another ambush. Their movements were calculated and efficient, a testament to their rigorous training.

Suddenly, a blinding flash of light erupted from deeper within the cavern, followed by a gust of wind so powerful it nearly knocked them off their feet. All eyes turned towards the source of the disturbance, a collective gasp rising from both friend and foe alike.

Rod Reiss, his form grotesquely distorted, was slowly transforming into a Titan of monstrous proportions. The very foundations of the cave began to shudder and crack under the strain of his metamorphosis.

"This is bad," Levi growled, his steel-grey eyes assessing the rapidly deteriorating situation. As if in response to his words, a section of the blocked passage suddenly gave way, debris raining down around them.

Without missing a beat, Levi barked out orders. "Armin, Nanaba! Get Hange to the upper level of the chapel. Now!"

As Armin and Nanaba rushed to comply, carefully maneuvering the injured Hange through the chaos, Nanaba turned back to Levi. Her eyes, filled with worry, locked onto his. "Captain, please... bring Aaron back safely."

Levi gave a curt nod, understanding the weight of her request.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the collapsing cavern, a different drama was unfolding. Eren, his eyes wide with a mixture of horror and resignation, turned to Historia.

"You need to get out of here," he pleaded, his voice hoarse with emotion. "Let Rod devour me. The power of the royal family will return to where it belongs."

Historia's blue eyes flashed with anger and determination. "No," she said firmly, her voice carrying over the sound of crumbling rock. "I may be humanity's enemy now, but you're my friend, Eren. I won't leave you here."

Aaron, standing nearby with his hand protectively on Historia's shoulder, rolled his eyes at Eren's dramatics. "Don't be so theatrical," he grumbled. "Or I might just throw you into that Titan's mouth myself."

His attempt at levity earned him a sharp smack on the head from Historia. "That's exactly what he wants, you idiot," she chided, though there was a hint of fondness in her exasperation.

Aaron rubbed his head sheepishly. "Sorry," he muttered.

Eren, watching this exchange, couldn't help but think, 'Some "Untamed Stallion" he is.'

As Historia worked frantically to unlock Eren's restraints, a powerful gust of wind threatened to send her flying. Aaron moved with lightning speed, catching her just before she could slam into the unforgiving crystal wall.

"I've got you," he murmured, his arms tightening protectively around her.

Before they could catch their breath, the rest of the squad arrived on the scene. Levi immediately took charge, calling for the keys to Eren's restraints. Jean and Connie rushed to assist, their movements urgent but precise.

Eren, still caught in the grip of his self-sacrificing mentality, continued to protest. "Just leave me here!" he shouted, his voice cracking with emotion. "Let me die!"

Jean, his patience wearing thin, snapped back, "Shut up, you suicidal maniac! We're not leaving anyone behind!"

With a final click, the last of Eren's restraints fell away. They barely had time to pull him clear before a massive chunk of the ceiling crashed down onto the platform where he had been bound.

The squad found themselves cornered, the cavern collapsing around them as Rod's Titan form continued to grow to impossible dimensions. Eren, his mind racing, considered transforming himself. But one look at the unstable surroundings told him it would be futile - he'd be crushed before he could do anything useful.

Overwhelmed by the hopelessness of their situation, Eren collapsed to his knees. Tears streamed down his face as he turned to his comrades. "I'm so sorry," he choked out. "I've been useless until the very end."

It was then that his eyes fell upon a small bottle, its label reading "Armor" in faded script. Before he could process what it might mean, Jean and Connie were at his side, their voices fierce with loyalty and determination.

"Don't you dare give up now," Jean growled, his hand gripping Eren's shoulder tightly. "We've been through worse than this."

Connie nodded vigorously. "That's right! We're the Survey Corps. We don't know the meaning of impossible!"

Mikasa, her dark eyes filled with a mixture of fear and resolve, began to ready her ODM gear. "I'm getting you out of here, Eren," she declared, her tone brooking no argument.

Aaron mirrored her actions, positioning himself near Historia. "Same goes for you," he said softly, his emerald eyes meeting her blue ones. "I'm not leaving you behind."

But Eren shook his head vehemently. "No! You can't... there's no way we all make it out of here. I won't let you die for me!"

Historia, her face set in a mask of determination, stepped forward. "We can't just sit here and wait for death," she said, her voice steady despite the chaos around them. "We have to try."

It was then that Levi, his usual stoic demeanor softened by the gravity of their situation, addressed Eren directly. "I'm sorry, Eren," he said, his voice barely audible over the sound of crumbling rock. "For everything you've had to endure. But given the circumstances... the choice is yours now. What do you want to do?"

Eren's mind raced, memories flashing before his eyes. He remembered the incident with the Female Titan, Levi asking if he would trust himself or his squad. In that moment, something clicked into place.

With a surge of desperate hope, Eren lunged for the bottle labeled "Armor." Before anyone could stop him, he bit down hard on the glass, the liquid inside flowing into his mouth.

"Just this once," he gasped, already feeling the familiar heat of transformation building within him, "let me believe in myself!"

As Eren sprinted towards Rod's grotesque Titan form, his body erupted in a flash of lightning. The cavern shook with the force of his transformation, steam billowing out in all directions.

When the steam cleared, the squad stared in awe at what Eren had become. His Titan form was generating massive crystalline pillars from the ground up, creating a temporary structure to support the collapsing cavern.

Levi, always quick to adapt, shouted over the din, "Everyone, under Eren! Now!"

The squad scrambled to comply, seeking shelter beneath the hardened form of Eren's Titan.

Meanwhile, the Anti-Personnel Squad found themselves in dire straits. As they attempted to flee the collapsing cavern, fate dealt them a cruel hand. A falling rock struck Caven and another soldier, sending them crumpling to the ground. Kenny, the seemingly invincible warrior, found himself trapped beneath a torrent of debris.

Above ground, Armin, Hange, Nanaba, and Neil watched in horrified fascination as Rod's monstrous form burst through the earth. The ground shook with each movement of his massive limbs as he dragged himself forward on all fours.

Not far away, Erwin and his reinforcements arrived on the scene, their eyes wide with disbelief at the sight before them. Erwin's tactical mind quickly assessed the situation, his lips tightening into a grim line as he realized the implications.

"That Titan," he murmured, his voice tight with tension, "it must be at least twice the size of the Colossal Titan."

Back in the cavern, the immediate danger had passed, but a new challenge presented itself. Eren, unconscious from the strain of his transformation, was trapped within the hardened body of his Titan form.

Mikasa, her face etched with worry, worked alongside Jean to extract him. With a final heave, they pulled Eren free, his human form steaming slightly as he emerged.

As Eren's eyes fluttered open, he took in the scene around him with growing amazement. His Titan body remained petrified, a crystalline structure that showed no signs of evaporating as it usually would.

Levi, his clothes covered in dust and debris, approached Eren. "You did it, kid," he said, a rare note of approval in his voice. "That hardening ability you've been trying to master... you used it to save us all."

Eren's brow furrowed in confusion as he tried to process what had happened. "The serum," he muttered, his voice hoarse. "It must have had something to do with this new power."

Levi nodded thoughtfully, his eyes scanning the crystalline structure around them. "The way you created this defensive structure," he mused, "it makes me wonder if this is how the walls were built."

Aaron, who had been checking Historia for injuries, looked up at Levi's words. His emerald eyes widened as the implications sank in. "If that's true," he said slowly, excitement building in his voice, "then we might have a way to plug the hole in Wall Maria."

The group fell silent as they contemplated this possibility. After years of setbacks and losses, could they finally have found a way to reclaim their lost territory?