
The air was thick with tension and the acrid smell of smoke as Connie and Sasha descended from above, their ropes creaking softly in the eerie silence of the cavern. Their faces, smudged with dirt and etched with exhaustion, bore expressions of relief as they touched down on the crystalline floor.

"We've found a way out!" Connie called out, his voice echoing off the walls.

Sasha, in a moment of uncharacteristic formality, bowed deeply before Eren. "Thank you for saving us," she said, her voice sincere despite the slight tremor of lingering fear. Then, unable to contain herself, she added with a grin, "Though I gotta say, when I saw you crying like a baby earlier, I didn't think you had it in you."

Eren's face flushed red with embarrassment, but before he could retort, Aaron stepped in. "Come on, Sasha," he said, his tone light but with an undercurrent of authority. "We all have our moments of doubt. What matters is that Eren came through when it counted."

As they began their ascent to the surface, Aaron found himself next to Armin, who was helping a still-wobbly Eren climb. "You okay there, Eren?" Aaron asked, concern evident in his emerald eyes.

Eren nodded weakly, but his attention was suddenly caught by something beyond the opening above them. "Look," he gasped, pointing with a shaking hand.

They all turned to see Rod's monstrous Titan form lumbering slowly across the landscape, leaving a trail of scorched earth in its wake. The sight was both awe-inspiring and terrifying.

"Well, shit," Aaron muttered, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "That's going to be a problem."

As they emerged onto the surface, they were greeted by the organized chaos of the Survey Corps regrouping. Erwin stood at the center, his commanding presence drawing everyone's attention despite the loss of his arm.

"Report," Erwin barked as Levi's squad approached.

Levi, his clothes torn and face smudged with dirt, stepped forward. "Hange's injured, but everyone else made it out. That Titan," he jerked his head towards the lumbering monstrosity in the distance, "is Rod Reiss."

Aaron watched as Erwin's brow furrowed in concentration. After a moment of tense silence, the commander spoke. "We move for Orvud District. That's where the Titan seems to be heading."

As they began their journey towards Orvud, Aaron found himself riding alongside Historia. Her face was set in determination, but he could see the turmoil in her eyes.

"How are you holding up?" he asked softly, his voice barely audible over the thunder of hooves.

Historia's gaze met his, a small smile tugging at her lips despite the gravity of their situation. "I'm okay," she replied. "Just... processing everything."

Aaron nodded, understanding all too well the weight of recent revelations. "You know," he said, a hint of his usual wry humor creeping into his voice, "when I signed up for the Survey Corps, I didn't expect all this royal intrigue and Titan family drama."

His attempt at levity earned him a soft chuckle from Historia, the sound warming his heart despite the chill of the night air.

Their conversation was interrupted by Hange, who had been listening intently to Historia's recounting of events in the cavern. "The Founding Titan," Hange mused aloud, her analytical mind working overtime despite her injuries. "A power that can only be fully utilized by someone of royal blood, but at the cost of being possessed by the will of the first king..."

"It's an interesting perspective on peace," Hange continued, her eyes gleaming with the excitement of new knowledge. "Misguided, perhaps, but interesting nonetheless."

Eren, who had been uncharacteristically quiet, suddenly spoke up. "We still have a chance," he said, his voice tight with a mixture of hope and desperation. "If Rod devours me, he could become human again. The Founding Titan would return to where it belongs."

Aaron felt a surge of protectiveness at Eren's words. "That's not happening," he said firmly, his emerald eyes flashing with determination. "We're not sacrificing you, Eren. There has to be another way."

Levi, ever the pragmatist, interjected. "It could work if we capture Rod after he becomes human again and find a way to free him from the First King's control. It might save humanity."

Historia shook her head, her blonde hair whipping in the wind. "There has to be another option," she insisted. "We can't guarantee we'd be able to break the First King's control. For all we know, he could alter our memories at any moment."

Aaron nodded in agreement. "Historia's right," he said, his voice carrying the weight of command. "We can't risk everything on such an uncertain plan. There's still too much we don't know about the Founding Titan."

As they continued to debate their options, Aaron found his gaze continually drawn to Historia. Her strength, her determination in the face of such overwhelming revelations, never ceased to amaze him.

Finally, they arrived at Orvud District. The local military headquarters buzzed with activity as the Survey Corps joined forces with the Garrison to plan their defense against Rod's approaching Titan form.

In a quiet moment amidst the chaos of preparation, Levi pulled Historia aside. Aaron, ever vigilant, stayed close enough to overhear their conversation.

"By Erwin's orders," Levi said, his voice low and serious, "you'll take your place as queen once this battle is over. The coup was successful, but the people won't follow the military indefinitely."

Aaron felt a surge of indignation on Historia's behalf. He stepped forward, unable to contain himself. "You can't force this on her," he protested, his emerald eyes flashing with anger. "She shouldn't have to bear the weight of her family's responsibilities if she doesn't want to."

Levi's steel-grey eyes met Aaron's, a silent battle of wills passing between them. Before either could speak, Historia's soft voice cut through the tension.

"I'll do it," she said, her voice steady despite the magnitude of her decision. "But on one condition. I decide my own fate, not anyone else."

Aaron turned to her, surprise and concern etched on his face. "Historia, are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice softening as he addressed her. "Being queen... it's not an easy path."

Historia's blue eyes met his, a small smile playing on her lips. Without warning, she reached out, grabbing Aaron's hand and pulling him down to her level. Before he could react, she pressed her lips to his in a swift, decisive kiss.

"More than sure," she said as she pulled away, her cheeks flushed but her gaze unwavering. "As long as you promise to stay by my side through it all."

Aaron felt his face heat up, suddenly very aware of the eyes of their comrades on them. "Historia," he mumbled, embarrassment coloring his voice, "everyone can see us, you know."

From nearby, Nanaba's voice carried a note of disappointment as she turned to Neil. "Was that... a marriage proposal?"

Neil shook his head, a hint of amusement in his voice despite the gravity of their situation. "I think it was more figurative than literal, Nanaba."

Connie, never one to miss an opportunity for levity, called out with a grin, "Way to go, Aaron! You'll be the queen's consort before you know it!"

Aaron felt his face grow even hotter, if that was possible. "Can we please focus on the giant Titan heading our way?" he grumbled, though he couldn't quite hide the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

As the group dispersed to prepare for the coming battle, Aaron found himself alone with Historia for a moment. He took her hand in his, marveling at how small and delicate it felt despite the strength he knew it possessed.

"You know," he said softly, his emerald eyes meeting her blue ones, "when this is all over, when you're queen and we've reclaimed Wall Maria... maybe we could talk about making Connie's joke a reality."

Historia's eyes widened in surprise before a radiant smile spread across her face. "Aaron Mustang," she said, her voice filled with warmth and a hint of teasing, "are you proposing to propose to me?"

Aaron chuckled, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders despite the danger that loomed on the horizon. "Maybe I am," he replied, a grin spreading across his face. "But let's deal with your father first, shall we? Can't have him crashing the wedding."

The pre-dawn air atop the wall of Orvud District was crisp and tense with anticipation. Historia arrived at the strategy meeting, her new ODM gear gleaming in the faint light. As she took her place among her comrades, Mikasa leaned in close, a rare smile playing on her lips.

"Once you're queen," she whispered, her dark eyes glinting with mischief, "you'll be able to punch Levi without consequences."

Historia couldn't help but chuckle at the thought, though her amusement was short-lived as the gravity of their situation settled back over her.

The commander of Orvud's Garrison troops approached Erwin, his face etched with concern. "Commander Smith," he asked, voice tight with worry, "what's the evacuation plan?"

Erwin's response sent a ripple of shock through the assembled soldiers. "The citizens must remain in the district," he declared, his voice steady and unyielding.

Seeing the confusion and disbelief on the faces around her, Hange stepped forward to explain. "Rod Reiss has become an abnormal Titan," she said, her analytical mind working overtime despite her injuries. "He's drawn to large concentrations of people. If we evacuate to Wall Sina, he'll change course, endangering not only the Orvud refugees but also the citizens of Mitras."

Aaron, standing close to Historia, felt a chill run down his spine at Hange's words. "So we're using the civilians as bait?" he asked, his voice low and tense.

Erwin nodded grimly. "It's our only option. We'll engage the Titan outside the district, using the population as a lure. We'll disguise it as a drill to prevent panic."

As the group dispersed to prepare for the coming battle, Aaron pulled Historia aside. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, his emerald eyes searching her face. "You don't have to put yourself in danger. No one would blame you for staying back."

Historia's blue eyes hardened with determination. "I'm sure," she said firmly. "This is my fight too, Aaron. I won't hide while others risk their lives."

Aaron nodded, a mixture of pride and worry swirling in his chest. "Just... be careful, okay?" he said softly, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

As dawn broke, the massive form of Rod Reiss's Titan loomed on the horizon, a terrifying silhouette against the pale sky. The Garrison troops initiated their mock drill, their voices strained as they tried to maintain an air of calm.

From their vantage point on the wall, Aaron could see the uncertainty and distrust on the faces of the citizens below. "They're not buying it," he muttered to Connie, who stood nearby. "Can't blame them, after everything that's happened."

Connie nodded grimly. "Let's hope they don't panic when they see the real thing," he replied, his usual jovial demeanor replaced by tense focus.

As if on cue, wisps of steam became visible in the distance, emanating from Rod's monstrous form. The citizens' murmurs of confusion quickly turned to cries of alarm as the full scale of the approaching Titan became apparent.

The air was filled with the thunderous boom of cannons as the Garrison troops opened fire, aiming for the Titan's nape. But their lack of combat experience showed; most shots went wide, barely grazing the creature's massive form.

"Damn it," Aaron growled, frustration evident in his voice. "At this rate, he'll reach the wall before we can do any real damage."

Erwin's commanding voice cut through the chaos. "Survey Corps, prepare for engagement!" he shouted, his one remaining arm raised in a signal to his troops.

As the soldiers rushed to take their positions, Erwin turned to Historia. "Remember," he said, his voice softer but no less intense, "once this is over, you'll be crowned queen. You can't risk yourself in this battle."

Historia's chin lifted defiantly. "With all due respect, Commander," she replied, her voice steady, "the people won't follow a queen just because she claims the title. I need to earn their respect."

Erwin's eyes widened slightly, a hint of admiration in his gaze. "In my current state," he said with a wry smile, "I couldn't stop you if I tried."

Aaron, overhearing their exchange, couldn't help but chuckle. "I wouldn't try to stop her either, Commander," he said, a hint of pride in his voice. "When Historia gets that look in her eye, even I know better than to argue."

As the tension mounted, Eren stood apart from the others, his mind racing with doubt and self-recrimination. His eyes fell on three children in the district below, huddled together in fear. The sight sent him spiraling into memories of that fateful day in Shiganshina, when he, Mikasa, and Armin had stood helpless before the Colossal Titan.

Overwhelmed by feelings of inadequacy and rage, Eren began to strike himself, his fists pounding against his head as he berated himself for his perceived weakness.

"Eren!" Mikasa's voice cut through his spiral of self-loathing. She grabbed his wrists, her grip firm but gentle. "This isn't helping. We need you focused."

Before Eren could respond, a collective gasp rose from the assembled soldiers. Rod's Titan had reached the wall, its massive form looming over them like a mountain of flesh and bone. The cannon fire had taken its toll; great chunks of its body had been blown away, revealing a grotesque landscape of exposed organs and muscle.

As the Titan began to pull itself upright, a wave of scorching steam washed over the wall, temporarily blinding the defenders. When the air cleared, they were met with a sight that would haunt their nightmares for years to come. Rod's face was split wide open, his internal organs on full display, steam billowing from every orifice.

Panic erupted among the citizens below, their screams of terror echoing off the walls. The Garrison troops began to fall back, leaving the Survey Corps to face this monstrous threat.

In the midst of the chaos, Eren's voice rang out, clear and determined. "I'm doing it," he declared, biting down on his hand. In a flash of lightning and steam, his Titan form emerged, ready for battle.

Erwin's voice cut through the din. "Commence operation!" he shouted.

Sasha and Armin sprang into action, their ODM gear whirring as they launched themselves towards Rod's massive hands. With practiced precision, they fired specially prepared carts laden with barrels of gunpowder directly at the Titan's grip on the wall.

The resulting explosion was deafening, the shockwave nearly knocking the defenders off their feet. Rod's Titan teetered precariously, its balance lost, before toppling backwards onto the wall.

In the moment of opportunity this created, Eren's Titan form surged forward. In his massive hands, he carried a net filled with more gunpowder barrels. With a mighty heave, he launched the deadly payload directly into Rod's gaping maw.

The explosion that followed was catastrophic. Rod's body literally came apart at the seams, great chunks of steaming Titan flesh raining down on the district and the surrounding countryside.

"Now!" Levi's voice cut through the chaos. "Target the falling pieces! Find the nape and destroy it!"

Aaron, Mikasa, Jean, Connie, Nanaba, and Neil launched into action, their ODM gear propelling them through the air as they slashed at the falling debris. It was a macabre dance, their blades flashing as they sought the vital weak point that would end this nightmare once and for all.

In the midst of this aerial ballet of blood and steam, a familiar figure caught Aaron's eye. Historia, her face set in grim determination, was flying through the chaos, her blades at the ready.

"Historia!" Aaron called out, his heart leaping into his throat. "Be careful!"

But Historia was beyond hearing. Her blue eyes scanned the falling pieces of her father's Titan form, searching for that crucial weak point. Suddenly, she saw it - a flash of something that could only be the nape.

With a burst of gas, she rocketed towards it, her blades raised for the killing blow. But fate, it seemed, had other plans. Just as she was about to strike, an explosion rocked the air around her. The shockwave sent her tumbling, her ODM gear sputtering as she lost control.

Aaron watched in horror as Historia fell, her small form plummeting towards the ground. "No!" he shouted, pushing his gear to its limits as he raced to intercept her.

But he was too far away. Historia crashed onto a cart below, the impact knocking the wind out of her. For a moment, she lay there, dazed and gasping for breath.

As she struggled to her feet, she became aware of the crowd gathering around her. The citizens of Orvud, their faces a mixture of awe and concern, pressed close.

"Are you alright?" one woman called out, her voice filled with genuine worry.

"Was it you?" a man asked, his eyes wide with amazement. "Did you defeat that monster?"

Historia stood tall, despite the pain that radiated through her body. In that moment, she knew what she had to do. This was her chance to begin her reign not as a distant figure, but as a queen who fought alongside her people.

"I am Historia Reiss," she declared, her voice ringing out clear and strong. "The true queen of these walls. And yes, together with the brave soldiers of the Survey Corps, we have defeated this threat to our people."

A hush fell over the crowd, followed by a swell of cheers and applause. In that moment, Historia felt the weight of her new role settle upon her shoulders. But as she looked up and saw Aaron landing nearby, his face a mixture of relief and pride, she knew she wouldn't have to bear that weight alone.

As the sun rose fully over Orvud District, casting its light on the aftermath of the battle, a new era was dawning for the people within the walls. With Historia as their queen and the truth about the Titans slowly coming to light, hope began to bloom once more in the hearts of humanity.

The opulent halls of the Royal Palace in Mitras stretched before Aaron Mustang like a gilded labyrinth. His footsteps echoed off the polished marble floors, the sound almost offensive in its resonance after years of treading on dirt and stone. In his arms, he cradled a simple wooden box containing his meager possessions, a stark contrast to the luxury that surrounded him.

Aaron's emerald eyes darted from one lavish decoration to another, his brow furrowed in a mixture of awe and discomfort. The Survey Corps' dress uniform he wore - a long green coat emblazoned with the Wings of Freedom - suddenly felt out of place among the ornate tapestries and gleaming suits of armor that lined the halls.

"Can I really live here?" he muttered to himself, adjusting his grip on the box. "It's all so... excessive."

As he wandered the seemingly endless corridors, Aaron's mind raced with the implications of his new position. The weight of responsibility settled heavily on his shoulders, a stark reminder of how far he'd come from his days in the Underground.

Lost in thought, Aaron didn't realize he had come to a stop until a voice called out, breaking through his reverie.

"Excuse me," a pompous voice rang out, "but what do you think you're doing?"

Aaron turned to see two members of the Military Police eyeing him suspiciously. The one who had spoken, a young man with an air of self-importance, was looking at Aaron's box of belongings with disdain.

"I'm looking for my room," Aaron replied, his voice tinged with irritation. "You wouldn't happen to know where Historia- I mean, Her Majesty is, would you?"

The soldier's eyebrows shot up at Aaron's casual use of the queen's name. "I beg your pardon," he said, his voice dripping with condescension, "but the coronation is tomorrow. You should address the future queen with proper respect."

Aaron waved his hand dismissively, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh, right, sorry about that," he said, his voice thick with sarcasm. "I didn't realize there were such devoted subjects around."

The soldier, missing the sarcasm entirely, puffed up with pride. "Well, one never knows," he said, a smug smile spreading across his face. "A beautiful young queen, unmarried... a man might have a chance, you know?"

Aaron's smile widened, but there was a dangerous edge to it now. "Oh, really?" he said, his voice deceptively light. "Is that so?"

In a move so swift it was almost imperceptible, Aaron grabbed the soldier by his collar and, with a strength that belied his lean frame, hurled him through the nearest window. The sound of shattering glass was followed by a fading scream and a distant splash.

Aaron dusted off his hands, a satisfied smirk on his face. "It's been a while since I threw a Military Police officer out a window," he mused, as casually as if he were discussing the weather. "I'd almost forgotten how satisfying it is."

The remaining soldier stood frozen, his face a mask of terror. "Y-you," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "You're Aaron Mustang, aren't you?"

Aaron turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "That's right," he confirmed, his tone nonchalant. "What of it?"

The soldier's face paled even further. "W-what are you doing here?" he asked, his voice rising in panic. "Are you planning to throw the queen out a window too?"

Aaron's expression shifted from amusement to confusion. "What? What kind of nonsense is that?" he asked, genuinely baffled by the soldier's leap in logic.

But the terrified man was beyond reason. With a strangled cry of "Please forgive me!", he turned tail and fled down the corridor, his screams fading into the distance.

Aaron sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose. "And these are the people protecting the royal family?" he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

Just then, a familiar voice called out from the end of the hallway. "Aaron! I finally found you!"

Aaron's heart skipped a beat as he turned to see Historia walking towards him. But his joy quickly turned to confusion as he took in her attire.

"Historia," he said, his brow furrowed, "what in the world are you wearing?"

Historia looked down at herself, then back up at Aaron with a mischievous smile. "Isn't it obvious?" she asked, twirling in place. "It's the royal pajamas!"

Aaron's jaw dropped. The 'royal pajamas' in question were a sight to behold - a flowing nightgown made of what appeared to be the finest silk, adorned with intricate lace and tiny jewels that caught the light with every movement. A matching robe, equally ornate, completed the ensemble.

"You've got to be kidding me," Aaron said, his voice a mixture of disbelief and amusement. "Please tell me that's not what you actually sleep in."

Historia's laughter echoed through the hallway. "Of course not, silly," she said, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "I just wanted to see your reaction. You should see your face right now!"

Aaron couldn't help but chuckle, shaking his head fondly. "You're going to be the death of me, you know that?" he said, but there was no real exasperation in his voice.

Historia's smile softened as she took in Aaron's appearance - the dress uniform, the box of belongings in his arms. "I've been looking for you all over the palace," she said, her voice gentler now. "Come on, it's time for bed. You must be exhausted after everything that's happened."

Aaron nodded, suddenly aware of the bone-deep weariness that had been lurking beneath his confusion and amusement. "That sounds good," he admitted. Then, realizing he still didn't know where he was supposed to go, he asked, "Um, which one is my room?"

Historia's smile turned sly. "Isn't it obvious?" she asked, her blue eyes twinkling. "The same as mine."

Aaron felt his face heat up, his usual composure deserting him. "W-what?" he stammered, nearly dropping his box of belongings. "But... but that's not... I mean, we're not..."

Historia's expression turned serious, though there was still a hint of amusement in her eyes. "We're engaged, Aaron," she said firmly. "Or have you forgotten? I have to make good on my word, you know."

Before Aaron could formulate a response, the sound of approaching footsteps caught their attention. Jean and Nanaba rounded the corner, both looking as out of place in the opulent surroundings as Aaron felt.

"Oh, there you are, Captain," Jean said, a smirk playing on his lips as he took in the scene before him. "We were just heading to the dormitories. Are you coming?"

Aaron seized on this opportunity, relief evident in his voice. "Yes, of course," he said quickly. "I'll be sleeping with my team, naturally."

Historia's eyes narrowed slightly. "Oh? Do you prefer sleeping with Nanaba, then?" she asked, her voice deceptively sweet.

Aaron's eyes widened in panic. "What? No! That's not what I meant at all!" he sputtered, looking between Historia and his teammates in desperation.

Nanaba, her face a mask of quiet resignation, murmured to herself, "The Captain is really getting married... I've lost my chance with him."

Jean, overhearing this, rolled his eyes. "Stop being so pathetic," he hissed at Nanaba. "It's disgusting."

Aaron, oblivious to this exchange, was still trying to explain himself to Historia. "It's just that I'm used to sleeping with my team," he said, his voice pleading. "It's not about preferring anyone, it's just... habit."

Historia's expression hardened. "I see," she said, her voice taking on a regal tone that Aaron had never heard before. "Well then, consider this a royal order. You will sleep in my chambers tonight."

Aaron drew himself up to his full height, a flash of his old bravado returning. "Now listen here," he said, his voice gaining strength. "I'm probably the most feared soldier in the corps. I've killed more Titans than anyone. I'm the Untamed Stallion, for crying out loud! I don't have to follow orders if I don't want to."

The hallway fell silent, the tension palpable as everyone waited to see how Historia would respond to this challenge to her authority.

Slowly, deliberately, Historia turned to face Aaron fully. Her blue eyes, usually so warm and kind, now blazed with an intensity that made even the fearsome Aaron Mustang take a step back.

"Is that so?" she said, her voice quiet but filled with unmistakable authority.

Aaron swallowed hard, suddenly very aware of the power dynamic that had shifted between them. He might be the Untamed Stallion on the battlefield, but here, in this palace, Historia was queen. And more importantly, she was the woman he loved, the one person who could bring him to heel with just a look.

"But, uh," he stammered, his bravado evaporating under her steely gaze, "I suppose I could make an exception. Just this once. Because I want to, not because you ordered me to or anything."

A triumphant smile spread across Historia's face. "I'm glad we understand each other," she said, her voice warm once again. She turned to Jean and Nanaba, who had been watching this exchange with a mixture of amusement and awe. "You two can find your way to the dormitories, I trust?"

Jean nodded, grabbing Nanaba by the arm. "Come on," he muttered. "Let's leave the lovebirds alone before we see something we can't unsee."

As Jean and Nanaba retreated down the hallway, Aaron found himself being led towards Historia's chambers, still clutching his box of belongings like a lifeline.

"You know," he said as they walked, a hint of his usual humor returning, "for someone so small, you can be terrifyingly authoritative when you want to be."

Historia laughed, the sound echoing off the marble walls. "I learned from the best," she said, giving him a sidelong glance. "You might be the Untamed Stallion to everyone else, but to me, you're just Aaron. Aaron Idiot Mustang."

As Aaron and Historia entered the royal chambers, the sheer opulence of the room took Aaron's breath away. The ceiling soared high above them, adorned with intricate frescoes depicting scenes from the walls' history. Plush carpets muffled their footsteps, and ornate furniture dotted the spacious room.

"This room is enormous," Aaron marveled, his emerald eyes wide as he took in their surroundings. "Back in the Underground, I used to sleep on the floor. Even with the Survey Corps, it was usually just a bedroll on the ground."

Historia's laughter rang out, light and carefree. "Come on, it's my first time sleeping in something this grand too," she said, her blue eyes twinkling with mischief. Without warning, she launched herself onto the massive four-poster bed, bouncing slightly as she landed on the plush mattress.

Aaron couldn't help but smile at her childlike enthusiasm. It was moments like these that reminded him why he had fallen for her in the first place. Her ability to find joy in the simplest things, even after everything they'd been through, never ceased to amaze him.

He made his way to the large window, drawn by the twinkling lights of Mitras spread out below them. The city was a sea of golden pinpricks against the velvet darkness of the night sky. It was a view he never thought he'd see, especially not from this vantage point.

"You've changed, you know," Historia's voice drifted over to him, soft and contemplative.

Aaron turned from the window, his brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Historia sat up on the bed, tucking her legs beneath her as she regarded him thoughtfully. "Well, when I first met you, you were a complete delinquent," she began, a fond smile playing on her lips. "Arrogant, egotistical, immature. Then three years passed, and when I saw you again, you seemed just as arrogant at first. But you had become someone people could rely on, even if you were a bit cold towards others. And now..." she paused, searching for the right words. "Now you seem like a normal person."

Aaron's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "A normal person? That's an odd way to describe me," he said, a hint of his old cockiness creeping into his voice.

Historia laughed, the sound filling the room with warmth. "Come here, you big lug," she said, patting the space beside her on the bed.

Aaron hesitated for a moment before making his way over. As he sat down, Historia reached out, her delicate fingers working to unfasten the buttons of his dress coat.

"What are you doing?" Aaron asked, his voice suddenly hoarse.

Historia's blue eyes met his, a mixture of mischief and tenderness in her gaze. "Well, I want to spend my last night as a regular citizen before becoming queen properly. Is that okay?"

Aaron sighed, a soft smile playing on his lips. He leaned in, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss. It was a moment of quiet intimacy, far removed from the battles and political intrigue that had dominated their lives for so long.

As they parted, Aaron rested his forehead against Historia's, his eyes closed as he savored the moment. "You know," he said softly, "I never thought I'd end up here. A street rat from the Underground, now in the royal chambers with the soon-to-be queen."

Historia's hand came up to cup his cheek, her touch gentle. "And I never thought I'd go from being an unwanted child on a farm to the queen of the walls," she replied. "Life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn't it?"

Aaron opened his eyes, meeting Historia's gaze. The love and trust he saw there still amazed him. "Historia," he said, his voice serious, "are you sure about all this? Being queen, I mean. It's a huge responsibility."

Historia was quiet for a moment, her expression thoughtful. "I'm scared," she admitted finally. "But I also know it's something I have to do. For our people, for the future we're fighting for. And knowing I have you by my side... it makes it all seem possible."

Aaron felt a lump form in his throat at her words. He pulled her into a tight embrace, burying his face in her golden hair. "I'll always be here for you," he murmured. "No matter what."

As they held each other, the weight of their responsibilities, the dangers that still lurked beyond the walls, seemed to fade away. For this moment, they were just Aaron and Historia, two people who had found love in the most unlikely of circumstances.

Meanwhile, in the soldiers' dormitories, a different conversation was taking place. Nanaba sat on her bunk, a wistful expression on her face as she stared out the window towards the royal chambers.

"The Captain must be doing it right now," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Sasha, who was in the middle of unpacking her belongings, looked up in confusion. "Doing what? Cooking? The Captain doesn't know how to cook."

Mikasa, who had been silently arranging her own things, let out a small sigh. "I don't think that's what she means, Sasha," she said, her tone carefully neutral.

Sasha's brow furrowed in confusion. "Then what? What else would they be doing?"

Mikasa's cheeks colored slightly. "Do you really want me to spell it out?"

As realization dawned on Sasha's face, her eyes widened comically. "Oh! Oh, you mean... Oh!"

Jean, who had been listening to the exchange with growing exasperation, finally spoke up. "Can we please talk about something else? Anything else?"


Her fingers deftly worked on the buttons of Aaron's Survey Corps uniform as the warm night air filled the room. Her heart raced with anticipation as the fabric parted, revealing Aaron's toned chest. Historia's breath caught, her cheeks flushing a soft pink as her eyes roamed over the strong lines of Aaron's muscles. Historia gently ran her hands along Aaron's arms, taking in the feel of his skin, so different from her own delicate frame. She leaned in closer, her lips barely brushing against his neck as she inhaled deeply, drinking in his scent. Her pulse quickened at the intimate proximity, the heat building between them as Historia's hands slid lower, fingers tracing the defined contours of Aaron's abs and lower torso."Mmm... You smell wonderful, Aaron," she murmured against his skin, her voice low and husky with desire. Historia's touch grew bolder, her hands exploring every dip and plane of Aaron's body with growing eagerness, her own desires igniting like wildfire beneath her skin.

Historia's eyes sparkled with mischief and arousal as Aaron stripped her of her pajamas, leaving her naked and vulnerable in his presence. She could feel the cool air of the room caress her sensitive skin, a stark contrast to the scorching heat building inside her. As Aaron paused to confirm her readiness, Historia's voice was barely a whisper, her breath quick and shallow with anticipation. "Yes, Aaron... I'm more than sure. I want this, want you," she admitted with a trusting smile, her body language open and inviting. Historia's slender fingers reached out to gently stroke Aaron's jawline, her touch tender yet firm. "Please, show me... teach me..." Her gaze locked onto Aaron's, a silent plea for guidance and passion in the depths of her ocean-blue eyes.

As Aaron's lips met hers, Historia melted into the kiss, her small frame molding perfectly against the sheer bulk of his. She could feel the hard planes and angles of his body bearing down on her, surrounding her with his overwhelming presence. Yet, despite their size difference, Historia felt a surprising sense of safety and comfort in Aaron's arms. She returned his kiss with equal fervor, her tongue shyly exploring the recesses of his mouth. Historia's delicate fingers dug into Aaron's strong shoulders, the contrast between their bodies only heightening the sensations of their passionate embrace as they tumbled onto the bed together.

Historia's breath hitched as she became fully enveloped by Aaron's form, her petite limbs rubbing against his powerful strokes. She felt so very small yet simultaneously cherished in his hold, Historia's heart fluttering at the realization that Aaron could easily overpower her yet instead chose to cradle her tenderly. The queen's thoughts dissolved into a haze of arousal as their bodies became one, Historia's virginity a mere memory to be conquered by Aaron's expertise.

Historia's body quivered under Aaron's touch as his fingers delved into the most intimate recesses of her being. She arched her back, offering herself up to his exploration, her breathy moans filling the air. Historia's untouched petals, soft and slick with desire, yielded easily to Aaron's questing digits. As he probed and stroked the sensitive folds, Historia's inner walls clenched and spasmed, her inexperience making each sensation feel magnified and overwhelming. Historia's slender legs wrapped around Aaron's waist, drawing him closer, her hips instinctively bucking against his hand. She panted and whimpered, her small hands grasping frantically at Aaron's strong arms, seeking anchorage amidst the torrent of emotions and sensations. Historia's ocean-blue eyes glazed over with pleasure, her face a picture of rapt ecstasy as Aaron's touch coaxed forth the first blooms of her long-denied passion.

"Ahhhn... y-yes, just like that..." Historia gasped out, her voice trembling with need. She felt so exposed, so vulnerable, yet in this moment, she knew she was exactly where she was meant to be – in Aaron's arms, losing herself to the bliss of their shared desire.

As Aaron's thick member probed at her entrance, Historia's breath caught in her throat. The sensation of his hot, hard flesh pressing against her untouched opening was almost too much to bear. Yet, instead of fear or hesitation, Historia felt a primal urge to welcome Aaron inside her, to unite their bodies completely. With a trusting nod and a whispered plea, she urged him forward.

"Please, Aaron... I want you... all of you inside me..."Historia's slender hands reached up to cup Aaron's face, her ocean-blue eyes locked onto his with a mixture of innocence and desire. She licked her lips nervously, her small frame trembling with anticipation. Then, with a deep, shaky breath, Historia's body relaxed, her maidenhead yielding to Aaron's gentle persistence. "Ahhhn... yes, go slow... but don't stop," *Historia's voice was barely a whisper, her words interspersed with soft gasps as Aaron's member slowly inched its way into her virgin depths. The initial stretch and burn soon gave way to a growing sense of fullness and rightness as Historia's tight passage accommodated Aaron's girth. "Mmm... it feels... so good... so right..."

As Aaron's thick length gradually slid deeper into Historia's welcoming heat, she moaned softly, her eyes fluttering shut in blissful surrender. The slow, deliberate pace allowed her to adjust to the intrusion, her tight inner walls gradually yielding to the foreign sensation of being filled. Historia's breath quickened, her small chest rising and falling with each labored inhale. Her slender hands roamed over Aaron's back, tracing the muscles that flexed and tensed with every gentle thrust. The queen's untouched core throbbed around the invading member, a sweet ache building with each inch that disappeared into her depths.

"Y-yes... just like that, Aaron... s-so slow... yet so deep inside me..." Historia's voice was a husky murmur, her words punctuated by gasping moans as Aaron's manhood stroked her sensitive inner passages. The slow, deliberate pace allowed Historia to focus on the sensations, to marvel at the sheer size and girth that now possessed her virginity. Her small frame writhed beneath Aaron, her hips instinctively lifting to meet each slow thrust. Historia's untouched petals fluttered around the invading length, a gentle massage of pleasure that only served to heighten her arousal.

Historia's moans escalated into high-pitched whimpers as Aaron's pace quickened, his thick length pistoning in and out of her clutching depths with increasing urgency. Her small body quivered, overwhelmed by the sudden intensity of sensations that bombarded her inexperienced senses. Historia's eyes snapped open, wide and unfocused, as she struggled to process the torrent of emotions that threatened to consume her.

"Ahhhn... y-yess... Aaron, p-please... harder... f-faster..." The queen's voice was a breathless, fragmented plea, her words torn from her lips as Aaron's manhood battered against her inner walls with renewed fervor. Historia's slender thighs wrapped around Aaron's hips, her small heels digging into his back as she sought to anchor herself amidst the whirlwind of pleasure. Her untouched core clenched and spasmed around the invading length, the slick heat of her arousal coating Aaron's shaft with each deluge of ecstasy. Historia's petite frame undulated beneath him, her small breasts bouncing with each forceful thrust as she surrendered completely to the primal rhythm of their lovemaking. "I-I can't... c-can't hold back... ahhhn... Aaron!"

As Aaron's powerful thrusts reached their crescendo, Historia felt the first telltale signs of his approaching climax. Her sensitive inner walls fluttered wildly around his pistoning length, the heat of her arousal intensifying to a feverish pitch. The queen's small frame spasmed, her entire being focused on the impending release that threatened to consume her. "Ahhhn... y-yes! I feel it... I feel you... p-please, don't stop... I need it!" Historia's voice was a high, desperate wail, her words punctuated by the slick, wet sounds of Aaron's member sliding in and out of her clutching depths. As the first jets of Aaron's seed exploded within her, Historia's own orgasmic peak hit with the force of a thunderclap. Her slender body arched off the bed, a shrill, keening cry torn from her lips as waves of ecstasy crashed over her inexperienced soul.

"Ahhhn... OH GOD... yesss! I'm cumming... cumming so hard!" The queen's inner walls convulsed around Aaron's still-thrusting member, milking him for every last drop as they rode out the tumultuous waves of their shared climax together.

The moonlight filtered through the ornate windows of the royal chambers, casting a soft, silvery glow over Aaron and Historia as they lay side by side, their chests heaving as they caught their breath. The air was thick with the lingering warmth of their intimacy, a stark contrast to the cool night breeze that whispered through the slightly open window.

Historia turned her head to look at Aaron, her blue eyes sparkling with a mixture of love and mischief. "You finished inside," she said, her voice a blend of amusement and mild concern.

Aaron's emerald eyes widened slightly, a hint of panic creeping into his voice. "I'm sorry?" he said, the statement coming out more like a question.

Historia couldn't help but laugh at his expression. "Well, let's hope we don't have a baby, at least not so soon," she said, her tone light but with an undercurrent of seriousness. The implications of such a possibility weren't lost on either of them, given their positions and the precarious state of their world.

Shifting closer, Historia rested her head on Aaron's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. It was a sound that grounded her, reminding her of the simple, human moments that existed even in the midst of their chaotic lives.

"By the way," she said, her fingers tracing abstract patterns on Aaron's skin, "I want to go to Trost next week to take care of some things. Will you come with me?"

Aaron's hand came up to stroke her hair, his touch gentle and absentminded. "I'm sorry, but I can't promise anything," he said, regret coloring his voice. "I don't know what plans Erwin has for me. I might have to be back at Wall Sina as soon as tomorrow."

Historia's lips curved into a pout, though Aaron couldn't see it from his position. "I wanted to tell you this later, but I guess I don't have a choice now," she said, her voice taking on a more serious tone.

Aaron's hand stilled in her hair. "What are you talking about?" he asked, curiosity and a hint of apprehension in his voice.

Historia took a deep breath before continuing. "There are people like Eren, Jean, Nanaba, Levi, and Erwin who have noble reasons for being in the Survey Corps," she began, her voice thoughtful. "But I know that you're only there because of your sister."

Aaron remained silent, waiting for her to continue. The truth of her words hung heavy in the air between them.

"So," Historia pressed on, "what if you worked for me instead?" She propped herself up on one elbow, looking down at Aaron's face to gauge his reaction. "I know you're a proud idiot who wouldn't accept a transfer to the Military Police to be a castle guard or my personal escort. So I thought of something else."

Aaron's eyebrow arched in curiosity. "Oh?"

"I want to create a new faction," Historia explained, her eyes shining with excitement. "But this one would be under the royal authority, not Zackly's. You'd be in charge of internal affairs for the royal family."

"What exactly does that mean?" Aaron asked, his interest clearly piqued.

Historia's smile widened. "You'd work directly for the queen, investigating the other factions, politicians, dukes, and so on. The goal would be to prevent corruption. And of course, you'd be able to choose your own team."

Aaron's brow furrowed in thought. "Can you really do that?"

Historia's laugh was light and tinged with a newfound confidence. "I'm the queen," she said, a hint of playful arrogance in her voice. "I can do whatever I want."

She leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Aaron's cheek. "And naturally," she added, her voice softening, "I'll take care of your sister. She can live here in the palace, with the best doctors attending to her."

Aaron's face broke into a warm smile, his eyes shining with gratitude. "I suppose I accept," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "Thank you, Historia."

As they settled back into each other's arms, a comfortable silence fell over them. The weight of their new roles, the responsibilities that awaited them with the dawn, seemed less daunting when faced together.

The night passed swiftly, and before they knew it, the first rays of sunlight were creeping over the horizon, heralding the start of a momentous day.

The coronation ceremony was a spectacle unlike anything the people within the walls had ever seen. The streets of Mitras were lined with cheering crowds, their voices rising in a cacophony of joy and hope as Historia made her way to the grand cathedral.

Aaron, dressed in his formal military uniform, stood at attention near the front of the crowd inside the cathedral. His eyes never left Historia as she walked down the aisle, her head held high, her steps sure and purposeful. The golden crown glinted in the light streaming through the stained glass windows as it was placed upon her golden hair.

As Historia turned to face her subjects, her eyes sought out Aaron's in the crowd. A small, private smile passed between them, a moment of connection amidst the grandeur and formality of the ceremony.

"I, Historia Reiss," her voice rang out, clear and strong, "do solemnly swear to serve and protect the people of these walls, to uphold justice and seek peace, from this day until my last."

The cathedral erupted in cheers, the sound swelling and spilling out into the streets beyond. Historia stood before her people, no longer the forgotten child or the soldier in the shadows, but a queen ready to lead her people into a new era.

As the formal ceremony concluded and the celebration began in earnest, Historia found herself surrounded by her former comrades from the 104th Training Corps. Their faces were a mixture of awe, pride, and lingering disbelief at the turn their lives had taken.

"So," Connie said, a mischievous glint in his eye, "does this mean we have to bow every time we see you now?"

Historia laughed, the sound light and carefree. "Only if you want kitchen duty for the rest of your lives," she retorted, earning chuckles from the group.

Jean, ever the voice of decorum, elbowed Connie in the ribs. "Show some respect," he hissed, though there was no real heat in his words.

As the group made their way through the palace, Historia's eyes scanned the crowds, searching for a particular face. "Where's Captain Levi?" she asked, a determined set to her jaw.

Eren, who had been unusually quiet throughout the celebrations, looked at her curiously. "Why are you looking for the Captain?" he asked, a hint of suspicion in his voice.

A slow smile spread across Historia's face, one that sent a shiver of anticipation through her friends. "Oh, no reason," she said, her tone far too innocent to be believed. "I just have a promise to keep."

Understanding dawned on Mikasa's face first. "You're not really going to..." she began, her voice a mixture of disbelief and grudging admiration.

Historia's smile widened. "Watch me," she said, a glint of her old mischievousness shining through the regal facade.

They found Levi in a quieter corner of the palace, his back to them as he gazed out a window over the celebrating city. Historia approached him, her steps purposeful, her friends trailing behind her with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

"Captain Levi," Historia called out, her voice carrying the weight of her new authority.

Levi turned, his face impassive as ever as he took in the sight of the newly crowned queen. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter a word, Historia's fist connected solidly with his jaw.

The sound of the impact seemed to echo in the sudden silence that fell over the group. Levi's head snapped to the side, more from surprise than the force of the blow. For a moment, no one moved, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife.

Then, slowly, Levi turned his head back to face Historia. To everyone's shock, a small smile played at the corners of his mouth. "Thank you, Your Majesty," he said, his voice carrying a hint of amusement and what sounded suspiciously like pride.

The tension broke, laughter and cheers erupting from the gathered soldiers. Historia shook out her hand, a satisfied smirk on her face. "I've been waiting to do that for a long time," she said, her voice filled with a mixture of triumph and relief.

Aaron, who had been watching the scene unfold with a mixture of amusement and pride, stepped forward. "Captain," he said, his voice serious despite the laughter in his eyes, "it's really creepy when you smile. Please don't do it again."

Levi's response was swift and predictable. His leg shot out, catching Aaron in the shin with a well-placed kick. "Don't push your luck, Mustang," he growled, but there was no real anger in his voice.

As Aaron hopped on one foot, cursing under his breath, Historia couldn't help but laugh. This was her family now - dysfunctional, dangerous, but fiercely loyal and undeniably her own.