Memory end Part 2





Fifth month…

As he explored the dream, Philip learned something rather interesting, or rather, realized.

'This dream is but a single reality, but technically speaking, there should be reflections of the whole world out there.'

'Like the atrocities of the First Hunters led to the creation of the Hunter's Nightmare, there should be other occasions scattered throughout the world.'

'And since Yharnan was a place that gathered immigrants from all around, if I explore the city enough, I may be able to find a way inside one of these many dreams and access knowledge and items I was never meant to get in contact with.'

'For now, I'm sure the memories I experienced came during the time of the Healing Church when Ludwig was around, however, if he was alive or not was another question.'

'I've never seen his around nor even anything about his actions, which leads me to believe it was shortly after his fall, or in other words, shortly after he got trapped inside the Hunter's nightmare.'

'The fishing Village… Once I get strong enough, I'll seek out that wretched place. But right now, I'm far too weak to face it.'

'There's much to do.'

Sixth month…

Seventh month…

Eighth month…

/One year…/



Philip looked towards the blood-red pale moon in the sky and thought:

"... Is it… Over?"

Sitting atop a pile of bodies, blood draining like a small waterfall, Philip gazed at the moon, the only source of purity in this dirty world.



His turbid eyes refocused, and his mind returned to him:

"Huff… Urg…"

'This is it, I can't take this anymore… But it's not because I can't survive.'

'I think I'm doing quite well so far. Nonetheless, I can't remain here any longer. I have to leave mostly because the mental pressure on me has already far surpassed my Trait's protection.'

'So before going fully mad and losing myself. I have to leave.'

"It's time to end this hunt. Time to end the Nightmare of Mensis."

'Time to kill a Great One… A few Great Ones… Actually, who cares. I'll just kill everything.'

To prepare for this moment, Philip did many things…

First, he finally decided to fuse all of his miscellaneous Abilities that looked similar. 

The stream of fusions ended up leveling "Beginner Skill fusion" all the way to "Intermediate Skill fusion".

It was sad seeing some skills disappear… But Philip soon brushed it off, uncaring about the end result.

Especially since he learned that one could reacquire them after they disappear. 

A Skill was merely a placeholder for the System, he could fuse it off to create something new, but it didn't mean the idea for the Skill vanished.

In fact, it was easier to reacquire the skill again after its fused, but the difficulty of raising its Level remained the same. Only being slightly faster due to the fact Philip retained some of their "proficiency".

If, for example, he were train for several months in swordsmanship and gain a skill, fusing it later, he will still maintain some memories of the skill, allowing him to progress at a quickened rate. 

Albeit not by much. It was hard to quantify this speed.

Muscle memory, reflexes and such would mostly disappear together with the little assistance the System provided. But the overall insight would remain.

And that was about what he knew from his experiments.

Aside from that, over the last few months, Philip did manage to gain some tips from the strongest Hunters in the Nightmare, extending and evolving his arsenal with every one he met.

They were few, but they were out there, scattered, but just like him, they eventually came back to the Hunter's Dream, bound to it.

Most were already mad, without even knowing how to go back to the Hunter's dream. Mere beasts for him to slay and loot.

But some were still capable of teaching him… If he did something for them first.

He didn't recognize most of them, but that might be due to his poor memory. He had played the game many years ago after all.

Or maybe it could've been due to reality, as in the end, wasn't every Hunter's fate to end up in the Hunter's Dream?

As he grew tired of hunting the same beasts above ground, Philip eventually descended into the harder Chalice Dungeons once more, either by hand through the caverns and mining operations left behind throughout the city and its surroundings, or through rituals inside the Hunter's Dream.

Rituals to access long distant dreams… It wasn't a method he enjoyed, but it was effective.

He fought and fought and fought… For so long he actually lost the sense of time.

In the end, he just clashed against whatever fell before him, be them giant monsters… Or man.

And somehow… He kept winning, time and time again.

Sometimes, he couldn't even tell how, and that was how he began realizing he was losing his mind.

One day, he would close his eyes… And whatever awakened afterward… Wouldn't be him.

This brings us to the present…


And so, Philip went back towards the Hunter's Dream. Just to say goodbye to the man who had taught him everything.

After all, he was going on his final Hunt, if he failed, he wouldn't return, if he did… Well… They would meet again where it all began…

But against his expectations, he couldn't find Gerhman.


Until he heard faint voices coming from behind the workshop…

"Oh, Laurence... Master Willem…"

"Somebody… Somebody help me... Unshackle me please…"


A broken man begged on the ground.

"Anybody... I've had enough of this dream... The night blocks all sight... Oh, somebody, please... "




How could he have forgotten?

While he may not belong to this world, everyone else did, and for them, hope was the only thing they could cling to amidst all of the despair.

Gerhman wasn't his friend, nor his family. But he was someone he owed a lot to…


So… He unleashed his blade.

"It's time to Hunt."

He went back towards the messenger's bell. 

Yharnam beckoned him, it yearned to be cleansed.

Polish your blade… It was time to end some Nightmares.

Nothing new anyway, how many had he taken down already?

/??? Days later…/

{Nightmare Slain}

{+3 Insight}



"Huff… That was… Huff…"

'My head hurts…'


'No… No… Stop it. I've had enough…' He thought as he held his head in pain


'Shut it… SHUT UP!'


"ARG!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD!" He exclaimed as his nails dug into his face


"Harf… Harf…"

After sitting on the ground for some time, Philip returned to the Hunter's Dream.

And as expected, Gerhman was waiting for him below the Great tree.


"Friend… you've done well, the night is near its end."

"Now, come closer, I'll show you…

"Cut the crap Gerhman… This isn't over yet." Philip said as his eyes flashed red

Without hesitation, Philip pointed his blade at him.

It was very similar to Ludwig's Holy Blade, but there seemed to be a strange mechanism hiding inside the sword Hilt. 

This sword was made after analyzing the Holy Moonlight Sword, although it doesn't have its magical properties…

It was a weapon he made himself quite some time ago with his help, and today, it would fulfill its destiny.

There was still one more thing to hunt.

"Hehehe… I knew you would do something like this from the moment you asked me for advice…"

Gerhman laughed heartily as he got up from his chair.

"May this be my final lecture for you, young, curious Hunter."


From outside the garden, the porcelain doll came carrying a large Scythe. 

It was Gerhman's signature weapon, the Burial blade.


"... If even for a little while, you made me remember why I was here in the first place… Thank you, child."

"So I will make this quick... And end… What I started."

/Clack… Crack…/

"Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt…"


Gehrman disappeared. Showing a level of speed simply inconceivable for an old man.


'Let's do this!'


Two blades met in the field of white flowers. The end of a long, long dream…



'This is… Fucking crazy.'

'This old man… N-No wonder he was chosen…'

'But I still got him.'

A cut in his chest, a blade through his heart, the old Hunter had finally met its match.

While he died due to blood loss. Gehrman raised his head, looking at Philip with clear, gentle eyes:

"Thank you… The night, and t-the dream, were long… I-I was… Ma…"


/Thud… Shaa…/

Philip pulled his blade from his heart and the old man fell on the field of white flowers, his body vanishing in smoke soon after.

{Prey slaughtered}

{+3 Insight}


Ignoring the prompts, Philip raised his head, gazing at the moon.

Strangely enough, it seemed to be getting closer…


[Mind Fort balances your emotions]

[Mind Fort balances your emotions]

[Mind Fort…]

For a brief moment, he gazed into the dark red beast descending from the crimson-red moon…

And his mind, crumbled.

/Whispers whispers.../


"The Moon… Moon presence…"

'This feeling… It's as if ants are crawling into my brain…'

This was what a true GOD looked like... A true Great One…

'Huff… Hah, "God"...'


'Can I defeat it?'

'I didn't even use any of the Umbilical cords… I don't want to turn myself into a tentacle…'

Philip's greatest fear was being unable to face the weight of the truth and end up permanently scarred…

[Mind Fort balances your emotions]

"If it wasn't for my Trait… I might've gone insane."

Yet he stood, before a being of unimaginable power… But was it truly omnipotent?

Philip crouched, picking Gehrman's Scythe from the ground.

{Burial Blade +9

Description: "Trick weapon wielded by Gehrman, the first hunter."

"A masterpiece that defined the entire array of weapons crafted at the workshop. Its blade is forged with Siderite, said to have fallen from the heavens.

Gehrman surely saw the hunt as a dirge of farewell, wishing only that his prey might rest in peace, never again to awaken to another harrowing nightmare. "



'Rest in peace friend.'


"You're next."

[Title, Killer of Nightmares has been equipped]

The entity gazed down, unfazed as it landed on the flowery field.

It began.



Philip opened his eyes, looking around in great distress as his breathing heightened.

His heart rate skyrocketed, his eyes narrowed, his muscles tensed.

Smells he didn't recognize, presences he couldn't make sense of… Where was he?!

/Chatter chatter…/


Several people in a grand and immaculate Hall. This place was…

'I… I'm back?'

'The whispers… Are they gone?'


[Welcome back]

No bloody smell, no feeling of being watched, no…

His mind finally felt free.

[Detecting severe PTSD, activating soothing mechanisms...]



Philip immediately blacked out.


He woke up one minute later. 

Nothing had changed, it was essentially the same scene, the same people, but now, the world… Felt a little lighter.

"What?... Who am I… Where am… Arg…"

[Relaying data…]

[Long-term exposure to the memories, followed by the activation of the soothing mechanism has caused slight memory fragmentation]

[Processing…Reshuffling memory and deleting unnecessary knowledge… Filling memory gaps...]

'The what… Ahhh… My memories… Right.'

'I remember now.'

[Welcome back Philip]

'What did you do?'


[The host has suffered severe psychological damage from awakening his Subclass]

[Hence, Beginner help info has taken action to help the Host by deleting all unnecessary memories while keeping all of your "benefic skills" untouched]

[In case of prolonged side effects, contact an expert in the field to assist you in your recovery]

"Huh. I didn't realize I was so fucked up…"

'... Maybe I will contact someone…'

'But first… Show me what you did, if possible.'

[Displaying notification tab...]

[... Memory clean, reshuffle, and filling have been completed.]

[Bloodthirsty Trait has been removed]

[Cynical Trait has been removed]

[Sadistic Trait has been removed]

[Paranoid Trait has been removed]

[Lunatic Trait has been removed]


[Eldritch Corruption LvMax has been removed]

[Heretical Knowledge LvMax has been removed]

[Arcane Knowledge LvMax has been removed]

[Abyss Gaze LvMax has been removed]

[Caryll Runecraft Lv7 has been downgraded back into Caryll Runecraft Lv0]

[All Caryll Runes have been removed from your mind]

[Several Titles are being removed...]

[Mind Fort LvMax has been fixed by an outside force!]

[Mind Fort LvMax has accumulated enough proficiency to evolve!]

[Mind Fort LvMax has been reconstructed into Mind Bastion Lv0]

[Mind Bastion Lv0 is securing your mind! Cleaning all remaining corruption, shining light into your thoughts]

[Mind Bastion grows from your past experiences]

[Mind Bastion Lv0 -> Lv3]

'I … Damn…'

'I was fucked up, wasn't I?'

'... My mind was severely corrupted… But why were my Caryll runes removed from my mind?… Are they a source of corruption?'

'I need to confirm that later…'

"Phew… All well in the end." He muttered to himself as he took a deep breath

'Open Secondary Status.'


Name: Philip Vinten

Class: Old Hunter

Subclass: Military veteran

Caryll Runes: None

Insight: 26

Blood echoes: 22376920 (707617 for next Level)

Level 278

Vitality: 99

Endurance: 90

Strength: 99

Skill: 90

Bloodtinge: 50

Arcane: 40


Lady Maria's Gun skill Lv6 (9)(Passive)

Gehrman's Footwork LvMax (10+3)(Hybrid)

Ludwig's Combat Technique Lv4 (7)(Passive)

SuperHuman senses Lv8 (11)(Passive)

Greater Riposte LvMax (15+3)(Passive)

Perfect Throwing technique LvMax (Hybrid)

Stealth Mastery Lv3 (7)(Passive)

Caryll Runecraft Lv0 (3)(Passive)

Handcraft LvMax (Passive)

Butchering LvMax (Passive)

Medicine Lv9 (Passive)

Tinkering Lv9 (Passive)

Smithing Lv8 (Passive)



Summon messenger Shop Lv8 (Active)

Predator's presence LvMax (Hybrid)

Combat Genius Lv9 (Passive)

Critical strike LvMax (Active)

Multi-Task LvMax (Passive)

Blood manipulation Lv1 (Active)


Old blood infusion





'Okay. I am pretty strong…'

'But what's this new Skill? Blood manipulation? And Lv1 at that?'

'Normally "skills" start at Lv0…'

Philip tried remembering what happened at the very end… But only managed to remember his fight against Gerhman.

'Was the Moon's presence so scary that I lost all of my memories about it? That makes no sense, it wasn't like it was the sole Great One I faced… Wait, I don't remember how I faced the others either…'


'Fine then… What did I gain from that?'

'Open the rewards tab.'


{Nightmare Slain}

{+10 Insight}

{Red Moon shard}

[Disclaimer! Hidden quest complete! Long Hunt!]

[You have gained a new Trait: Unyielding]

[Killer of Nightmares has changed into Exterminator of Nightmares]

[You have gained a new Skill! Blood manipulation Lv0]

[Your Vitality increases by 1, your endurance increases by 1, your...]

[All of your Hunter Skills have gained a massive amount of proficiency!]

[Lady Maria Gun skill Lv6 -> Lv9]

[Ludwig combat techniques Lv4 -> Lv7]

[Super Human senses Lv8 -> LvMax]

[Blood manipulation Lv0 -> Lv1]

[Your discovery increases by 25!]

[Intermediate Skill fusion Lv1 has detected a fusion opportunity!]

[Fuse Lady Maria Gun skill Lv9 with Blood manipulation Lv1?]


'Wait wait wait… You are going a little bit too fast. Let me think for a moment…'

'... The rewards I gained were just as big as I imagined…'

'... I'll first deal with my Statuses before going over my items.'

'Intermediate Skill fusion, huh… This is the first time that damned Skill was triggered. I can't waste such a chance.'


[Fusing… Fusion complete]

[Critical Fusion!]

[You have acquired a new Ability, Lady Maria Combat Technique Lv0]

[Proficiency is being recalculated...]

[Lady Maria Combat Technique Lv0 -> Lv 5]

[Intermediate Skill fusion Lv1 -> Lv3]


'Not only did it activate, but was also a critical fusion?'

'Finally, my luck has given me something good! It even leveled up twice… Looks like this new skill is quite decent…'

'Show info.'

[Lady Maria Combat Technique Lv5

Description: Maria's combat art was elegant but deadly, beautiful yet gory, refined… And bloody.

Active Effect: Activate the technique to add your blood into your attacks. Greatly increases their range and efficacy, while draining it in the process.

Greater proficiency allows for greater control while engaging in the technique.

Extra effect, Blood Fire: Your blood burns hot, burning your foes. Boost's the range of your attacks even further while adding a burning fire to scorch your enemies. 

Has a severe Stamina cost.


'Ohh… Although Maria's abilities were interesting… I'm not fourteen years old anymore...'

'Anyhow, my second "magical" Ability, the first being Gehrman Footwork.'

'Good, with this, one of my big problems, range, has been slightly mitigated.'

'Previously, my only form of long-range attack was through pistols and consumables like Molotovs… Not really efficient against giant monsters.'

'I do have a sniper rifle… But it isn't as strong as I hoped.'

'But now I should be able to stay far away while engaging enemies…'

'Back to the Status… First, look at those sweet Stats! All of that hard work was truly worth it!'

'Something that greatly helped me was the Hidden Quests I did, which normally rewarded me with six stat points, one to each of the stats.'

'My inventory is also pretty stacked… Actually, there's too much inside… Will I ever be able to use this?'

'Items and more items… How many stacks of 99 are in here?'

'Those Abilities and Skills… I had to fuse a lot of things and train madly in order to get what I currently have. There are so many useless ones…'

'Just hide it all, if I have to go through them all I'll lose the little sanity I have left.'

[The host has been deemed to be in stable condition]

'... It's a figure of speech…'

'Anyhow… I want this and that gone. Yeah… Things like "Cleaning" and "Cooking". They may be useful, but their use may be heavily situational.'

'At least in the previous World… Was it even a World? The Waking world… Ah whatever it was.'

'Thinking further isn't going to take me anywhere. I have questions to ask… Myself.'

'First things first. My gear, is it here?'

Philip looked at his inventory, scrolling through the many tabs inside, he found what he was looking for.

"Phew… It is."

'I was afraid some of my equipment might not carry over because I could store them in my inventory.'

'That was rather important. I don't know when I will be able to get more materials, much less a workshop.'

'I did lose a lot of stuff, pretty much everything I kept stored outside of my inventory. But some things like weapons and armor came with me for some reason.'

'Since many bits and pieces of my memories have been removed, some things might have been left behind as well.'

[If the host doesn't remember them they're better forgotten]

"... Right."

'As for my runes, I can still vaguely remember them, but everytime I try to, I feel such a headache…'

[Your Runes have been sealed in your memories and are available for recollection at any moment, however, given their nature, they're better off forgotten for now]

'I agree… This is better even. I have no idea what would happen if I tried to invoke them.'

'Caryll runes are essentially the language of the Great Ones, it carries power and eldrich meaning.'

'Some Great Ones can even be represented by certain words, and I don't think I'd like to tie myself to one of them like this. I don't need their power… Hopefully I won't anymore.'

'As for my stats, I focused on my physical capabilities rather than my magical ones. But that's due to the nature of the magical abilities in that world… It's not pretty.'

'That's why I avoided it.'

/Chatter chatter…/

"Hey... What can you do? You aren't going to keep quiet like those bores over there?"

"Me? I can create this illusory sword… See?"


"That's pretty cool… What's your class like?"

"Me?... It says I'm a… A "Fading Swordsman", whatever that means…"

"I even have a Title! "Last fading sword practitioner"?... Doesn't seem that great to be honest...

"You should be happy for what you have man… Still, that might be the reason for your Skill."

"As for me, I am even worse. I don't even have a Title…"



'These people… They are still so excited about everything… No, I was like them too… Before I was dragged to that hellhole.'

'Perhaps it's because their skills are more magical in nature while mine are purely physical.'

'It's good for me at the end of the day. Since I have more time to think and recompose myself… I am still quite disoriented…'

'There are still many things to go over. Including things from the memories, but first things first. What is this about drop items?'

'This was an old question I had been asking myself ever since I entered the Memory.'

[Drop items are a special mechanic that all Class holders have. It allows a creature to drop an item apart from its body when defeated. Although uncommon]

[In Host's case, his Skill changes his drop system every time he switches Classes, changing it into a drop pool suitable for your current equipped Class, this is a trait shared by all "Heroic Roles" though. So Host does not need to hide it]

[This makes you unable to acquire "normal" drop items from other creatures until you remove your Class; "Normal" being the Drop items every Human in Eden is familiar with]


One of Philip's big questions had been answered.

'Great, next on the list, how do I acquire a new class?'

[Unknown, this information is not in the database]

'Excellent… Will some of my "skills" or more complicated Abilities still work in this world? Like Parry and Riposte?'

[Your Class shapes your reality, making the impossible possible]

'That… Wasn't the answer I was looking for. But it's good enough I guess.'

'I'm running out of ideas… Next, can you help me with some of the "skill" fusions?'


[A rather large repertoire of "Quality of life" Skills has been detected. Host can proceed in three ways:]

[One, fuse them]

[Two, hold onto them for the future]

[Third, break them down and fuse their remnants into other "skills". The system recommends the third option]

'Break? Explain.'

[Breaking a "skill" consists of dissolving it into pure proficiency and adding this raw proficiency into another "skill". The efficiency of this process may vary]

'Hum… I will lose many Abilities but it's not like I will forget them forever or anything.'

'I don't really need the System's assistance or description for most of them anyway, and if I do end up needing them in the future, I can always get them again.'

'Do it.'




Philip looked in sadness as many trash Abilities slowly went away… There was something about seeing your hard work disappearing just like that…

'There were some pretty strange things in there… Sculpting? Painting? When did I get that?... If I forgot, it's because it was something pretty dangerous…'

I remembered one particular Ability:

[Caryll Runecraft Lv0 (3)(Passive)...]

'I… Sigh. Break this as well… I can't Level it up without going insane. It's a useless ability for me right now.'

'Its merely the process of translating the language of the Great Ones into something Humans can visualize, you'd have to be mad to even attempt that in the first place.'

'A certain broken creativity I'd rather not recover…'

[Breaking… Done]

[Where would you like to deposit the extra Proficiency?]

'Hum… Can I use it on Traits?'



'Mind Fort proved to be of immense importance to me, protecting and helping me improve faster, and it's a Trait that exists between Classes so its effect is always present.'

'Dump everything you can in Mind Bastion!'


[Mind Bastion Lv3 -> Lv15(Max)]

[Would you like to keep adding?]

'I still have some left? I thought the conversion would be so low that I would Level it up only by a few Levels…'

'If I dump the rest, there might be a chance to overflow it and Evolve it right?'

[Correct, although it's not recommended. In order to improve Potential, looking for possible Abilities to fuse with it may prove to be better than straight out Evolving it]


'Very well, dump the rest into combat Genius, if there is any left, use it on Ludwig combat techniques.'

[Combat Genius Lv9 -> Combat Genius Lv10(Max)]

[Ludwig combat techniques Lv7 -> Ludwig combat techniques Lv10(Max)]


[Congratulations for being the first Human Hero to Max out an Ability!]

[Congratulations for being the first Human Hero to Max out a Skill!]

[Congratulations for being the first Hero to Max out a Trait!]


'Didn't I already do that before?'

[After the Beginner help info was deactivated, many achievements were not counted properly. This includes special rewards tied to such, including Titles, "skills", and the like...]

'I see… That's a shame, no wonder I gained a very small amount of system prompts while I was there.'

'So what do I gain if there's a reward?'

[Due to the nature of your achievements. You may choose one of three rewards!]



[3-One Random Skill]

'Three achievements but I can only choose one?'

[The overall reward has been boosted to match the Level of the achievement]


'Proficiency could be good. Like evolving Intermediate Skill fusion… If it is enough for that.'

'A Title is a Title, I only hope it's good.'

'And a Skill… I think the ones I have are already good enough… Unless, It's a Skill for my main Status.'

'… Titles are incredibly rare to get, normally requiring something rather unbelievable to be done in order to gain one.'

'I gained several, but most were deleted; the few I had left are proof of just how hard it is to get a good one.'

'Although I have a few, I still wonder why the old man told me to gather as many as I could, since I can only equip one at a time.'

'Although this is an exceptional situation he likely couldn't have predicted… I choose Title!'

[You have gained a new Title, Number 1]

[Number 1

Description: Even though you refuse to admit it. You are the best. You can only be the best! Even if you don't try, the end result can only be one.

Effects: Massively increases learning speed when learning something for the first time and when under some sort of pressure.

The effect can be boosted or decreased depending on your feelings.


'Cool. Would have been pretty useful in the Memory…'

'Oh yeah! I wanted to ask. What was that Memory? Was it truly only a Memory?'

[Unknown, this information is not in the database.]


'I figured that much.'

'I think this finished my Secondary Status… There are still the two Traits…'



Description: If someone puts in 10% of themselves into a task, you put in 100%. You live by the code, "if I can't do something with 100% of myself, then I shall use 110%"

Effects: Greatly increase motivation and willpower, maximizing your efficiency to any given task.




Description: Even if the enemy is an Eldritch being, you aren't going to yield! Rise again and again! Until the barrier in front of you crumbles!

Effects: Increases your Stats when doing challenging tasks, the more impossible they seem, the stronger the effects.


'It seems quite… Good? It can be used in and outside of combat. A very solid Trait.'

/Inhale… Exhale…/

'My dizziness is going away and everyone is still busy doing whatever. I still have time.'

'So without further ado. The main Status…'





I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Any suggestions are welcomed.


Some old readers may have realized I've increased Philip's time in the Dream world, and that was to make things more consistent with the rest of the story.

I've always felt a few months wasn't enough to make him that strong but now, without a doubt, he's as strong as he should've been.

It won't change much but I think the feel is a bit more coherent now. If that makes any sense. 

Did you like this version of the chapter? See ya'll later.