Save me mommy

Jay had scratches and cuts all over his body, but his luck worked again as he doesn't sustain any major injury,

He stands up, 'Oh my lady luck you always come and save me' he thought as he unsheathes his sword.


Suddenly a zombie falls from his balcony,

Without thinking much, he slashes the zombie, but he didn't know how to use the sword

So instead to cut the zombie flesh, the sword stuck on its head, no matter how hard he tries to pull, it didn't move a bit.

Jay who wants his sword back, start kicking the zombie,

"Leave my sword, you fucking piece of shit" "Leave it, leave it, leave it"

He continued, but no matter how hard he hit, it just didn't work

"AAAhhh" he shouted in frustration,

Then suddenly two more zombies fall and expression on Jay's face changed.

"Okey, you can have it. I don't even know how to wield it.

Hahaha" he said as he starts ran outside.

The zombies who fall form his balcony had their leg broken so, they can't get up

But the zombie, who didn't not choose the shortcut, quickly came down and start chasing him.

"I really don't had affair your wife,

You zombies" Jay shouted as he ran,




More and more zombies suddenly start coming out of houses,

'Did only zombie remained in this cursed world' Jay thought as he continue to ran,

Hundreds of zombies were chasing him.

"Mommy come and save me please" Jay shouted as he desperately ran for his life,

Tears and snot ruining his handsome face,

"God, Buddha, Allah please save me, I don't want to die" he cried.

More and more zombies join his fan club,

"Is this human a fool?"

"Well, it's good that he is a fool"

"No, you idiot the more he shouts, the more our brothers will join this club and at one point we will not get any meat"

"Yes, you are right, I should just increase my speed so, I can eat more meat"

Somehow Jay start understanding what these zombies were saying.

"You ungrateful zombies, you want to eat me and even make fun of me" Jay shouted and more zombie joined his club.





Suddenly Jay heard gun sound

An explosion happened behind him as he falls the road and rolled few meters before stopping.

When Jay looked at the place where explosion happened, his heart skips a beat.

A 50-meter crater was formed there almost all the zombie died and the remain ones were shot down.


He gulped his saliva

"Are you an idiot?"

Suddenly a soft voice came from behind.

When Jay turned around, he saw a girl.


He was shocked seeing how beautiful she was.

Although Jay can't see her face as she covered her face with a Asura mask. Ignoring her face, his eyes scrutinize her body which represent perfection.

She had Raven-Black long Hair tied in ponytail, transitioning to a striking blue at the ends, bright emerald green eyes, hourglass figure with voluptuous breast, thin waist, thick thighs and long legs. She was wearing, a brown color pants, brown color shoes and a light green color armor. The armor had scales like patterns.

She walked to him with a sniper rifle and a fucking bazooka on her back, smoke still coming out of bazooka's mouth.


She punched him in his stomach.

"UGG" he moaned in pain.

"Don't you know it was banned for people below E- Rank to enter inside orange tier area, and you didn't even awaken your mana. How did you even come inside?" she asked as she looked at him with a strange gaze.


"And next time don't shout when chased by a horde of zombie" she said in a gentle tone as she glances at the zombies behind. 

Her voice was melodious that he forgets about the pain he was feeling in his stomach. 

She waved her hand and a green colored vail appeared out of nowhere 

She grabbed Jay's hair and forcefully shoved the bottle inside his mouth.

At first Jay want to spit the bottle, and before he can do that, all the pain he was feeling on his body quicky faded away.

He saw the cuts and bruises he got when he fall from the tree disappeared without living any marks.

He was shock by the effect of his heavenly medicine, but what he saw today was enough for his small brain. 

Seeing he didn't not try to spit the potion she let go his hair "What's your name?" She asked "My name is Jay" He answered. "May I know you name, please?" he asked in polite manner.

"My name is Astrid Lindberg." She replied as she walked toward the zombies.

Jay's eyes didn't leave her for a second.

She felt Jay's gaze on her back but didn't react, she squat down as she touch the body of one the zombie.

Zombie's body shined brightly before disappearing,

On its place was a pile of material.

There were a clear 5 CM marble, pieces of clothes that that zombie was wearing. And a book magical appeared.

"F-rank, claw attack" She muttered "Useless"

Then she waved her hand the book with other thing disappeared.

'What have I just saw, did that zombie just disappeared and turned into loots'

'Awesome, this was fucking awesome. I also want to do that' Jay thought before voicing out.

"Excuse me" Jay said. "Can I also try this, I promise whatever came out would be yours" he proposed.

He wants to try this magic which he only saw in video games and Mangas.

"You can't use mana, right?" she asked as she touched another zombie body.

It also glowed then disappeared, but this time only the 5 cm marble appeared.

"You need mana to collect loot from monsters" She relied.

She grabs a small piece of meat as it also glowed and same crystal and two books appeared.

"Skill: Sense of smell F-rank,"

"This book can be sold for few bucks"

When Jay heard her say that a dejected expression appeared on his face,

After collecting all the loots, she glace back and saw a dejected expression on his face.


'Kids this day' she though as she walked to him ruffling his "Let's awake your mana"