
"Tell me about your ability first." Astrid said as her gaze sharpen. She unconsciously grabbed his hand.

When Jay felt her soft hands, he chuckled. "I am not gonna run you know"

After hearing what Jay said her face turned red as she released his hand, but Jay grabbed her and start talking.

"After drinking the potion in First Order and overcoming the euphoric feeling, I heard a voice, which didn't belong to Man or a woman.

It said YOU HAVE AN ABILITY" Jay finished and looked into her eyes.

"Did you not check the SOUL BOOK" she asked when she felt that he has finished talking.

"SOUL BOOK? What's that?" Jay asked, she is the only source of information for him in this world, until he get the memories of this body.

He was looking at her expectantly and as for her she was looking at him, as she was looking at an idiot.

"You don't even know, what's a SOUL BOOK is? Where did you live till now? Under the rock?" She spoke in confusion.

One thing for note is after the mana invaded Earth, and people start awaking mana, the best discovery was the SOUL BOOK.

"Yes, I don't know?" Jay replied straightforwardly.

He always believed that if you don't know anything then Just asked, what the worst can happen, the other party will not reply.

After hearing him Astrid was speechless 'How can someone don't know about SOUL BOOK' she thought before sighing.

She starts explaining " A SOUL BOOK is like an ability that every living being possess"

"It's like a STATUS WINDOW from an RPG games. It shows you about your stats, what skills you have, your bloodline, race and finally if you are lucky then Ability."

She finished and then touch her heart,

"This is the SOUL BOOK" she said as she waves her hand like she holding a book.

"Oh, sorry I forget you tell you that other than you, no one in this world can see your SOUL BOOK"

She finished as a small smile appeared on her beautiful face.

For a second Jay forget about the SOUL BOOK, but he quickly came out of her reverie and touched his chest where heart should be.

Suddenly a Red color Book came out of chest and start hovering in front of him.

At first glace it looked like a normal book, but if someone look closely, they would notice tiny strange word engrave on it,

Jay's hand unconsciously tried to touch it, but before he can grab the book, the book flew down and start revolving around Jay.

Jay wants to stand up and grab the book, but at that movement Astrid voice sounded.

"Stop touching it, it will open automatically"

After hearing her Jay relaxed as he starts caress her hand.

Feeling movement in Jay's warm hand, her eyes turned to him.

When Jay felt her glare, he stopped caress her hand, but he didn't release her hand.

The book which was revolving around his stopped and again start hovering in front of him, then suddenly it opens from middle.

[Name – Jay Skyfall]

[Age – 19]

[Bloodline - Human(100%)]

[Rank – F Rank]


{Mana: 150, Strength: 110, Agility: 115}




{Absolute Loot Mastery}

{Rank: ??? (Max)}

{Type: Active}

{An absolute ability that lets the user to loot everything that the target possess. This ability can bend the laws and allow the user to loots even abilities of the target.}

{Strong Points: User don't have to touch the body to extract the loot, they can use their mana as a mean to loot.

Loot Master's Eyes: User gets an exclusive skill Loot Master's Eyes: User can see all the loots of the target.

Note: {Rank - ???}, {Type – Active}, {Cooldown – None}

Note: This skill can only check loot after the death of the target}

{Limitation: This ability can only work on a dead being.}


{Devine Training Dimension}

{Rank: ??? (Max)}

{Type: Active}

{An ability that give the user access to a pocket dimension. This dimension was made for training. This dimension has all the training facility, that any being can even think about.}

{Strong Points: 10X time: Inside the dimension time flow faster than the real world.

Note: Age can't increase in the dimension.

Numerous Training facilities and Universal Library.

Dimension Gate: User can use an exclusive skill to open the gate to Devine Training Dimension.

Note: {Rank - ???}, {Type – Active}, {Cooldown – None}}

{Limitations: Limited Time period: User can only stay in the dimension for a certain time period. After that user might feel migraine and if ignored then users mind might be affected.

Dimension gate can't move from one place to other. (If entered at A point, then can exit on also on A point. Can't be used as a teleportation.)}

After reading his SOUL BOOK Jay was in disbelief, 'Am I really the son of destiny?' He questioned himself.

After few second Jay tried calm down, he looked at Astrid who was looking at him with expectant glace and curiosity was plastered on her face. It felt like if he doesn't answer her quickly, she might explode because of curiosity.

When she saw Jay looking at her, she quickly asked "So, What's your ability?"

With a wry smile Jay asked "How many Abilities can a person has?"

Hearing him she responds "What kind of question is this, obviously one, All the human can only posses one abil…

Wait. why did you asked such a silly question. How many abilities do you have?" she asked in surprise.

"Two" Jay replied with a wide smile.

Hearing him Astrid felt her world turning around, she starts doubting her knowledge, 'don't all the human have only ability.'

'Weren't abilities being unique and only a number of people can have it.'

'Why this person has two abilities?'

'Was he really the son of the destiny?'

And many more questions.

When she was in her imagination Jay was thinking something else, 'Should he reveal about his abilities or not'

He didn't think much and decided that he was not going to reveal it.

'Astrid helped me and going to become my wife so, she has every right. But no one else should know. Until I decide to tell'