
Jay arrived at apartment after he finished his exercise,

When he entered inside, he saw Astrid was sharping her red colored katana.

Sensing his arrival, she looked at him, her eyes sharp as katana (gulp) Jay unconscious gulped when he saw her,

No not only because she looked intimidating but also because she looked more attractive to him now.

'How beautiful' he thought

"W-Why are you staring at me" she asked destroying her intimidating façade as she unconsciously tries to clean her face.

When Jay saw how she was acting he chuckled "Haha"

"What are you laughing at, you idiot? Go take a bath and get ready we are going to the dungeon for your advancement to E-rank." First, she retorted then said in serious tone.

Hearing that they are going in dungeon Jay became excited and rushed to bathroom.

An hour later,

Jay and Astrid were standing before a simmering fluid mirror like structure suspended in midair rippling with swirling colors that shift between spades of blue. Its edges flicker with crackling arcs of energy, almost like jagged lightning frozen in time. Nothing can be seen what's inside. Warm air kept coming out of it.

When Astrid touched it, it rippled with water.

"Let's go inside" she said before entering. Jay takes a deep breathe. This is the first time he saw something so miraculous, the thing always read in novels was standing before him and he was about to enter. Excitement was evident on his face.

He touched it making a rippled spread throughout it, chuckling he pushed his hand inside, now he was acting like a child who found a new toy. But then a frowned expression appeared on his face. Why? Because he is not filling his hand anymore, it like his hand was cutoff.

'What the hell? I thought I will feel the other side without going in' he thought 'Well here goes nothing' he pushed his whole body inside.

Inside the portal was completely different, he was standing in a vast landscape, no matter how far he sees only glass lands were in his sight.

"Marvelous" Jay unconsciously muttered. Astrid was beside him, hearing him she just smiled.

Suddenly a thin blue colored membrane appeared in front of Jay, just as an arrow was about to hit him, it was so sudden that Jay was unable to stablish him and fall on his butt.

"Ouch What was that?" he mutters as he picked up the arrow.

"Haha" Astrid laughed "Well, this place is not for sightseeing, it's a dungeon so get ready to fight" Astrid said as she threw a club like weapon before him.

When he saw the club, he scoffed and didn't pick it up. "I want a gun" he said.

"Guns don't work inside the dungeon" she replied "Only cold weapons are useful inside the dungeon or the weapon made by the dungeon material and guns can't be made with dungeon materials" she spoke as her eyes never left a rock 20 meter away.

Jay also looked at that rock before…

A hideous looking green colored 3-foot-tall monster came behind it, it was wearing a skirt that only cover its things.

"A goblin" Jay muttered seeing the monster. "Oh, you knew?" Astrid spoke surprised. "It a grassland goblin, living in this goblin land dungeon. They generally stay in group of 5, but well you are lucky to find a solo goblin roaming around" she spoke

"Go and kill it, when you kill 10 goblin you can advance to E rank" she continued and then looked at me with a worried look that vanished instantly.

Jay picked the club, it was a thick piece of wood like a poorly crafted baseball bat. He swings it around adjusting to its weight as he walked out of the protecting membrane.

"Come you little thing, I'll gave a piece of wood" Jay said as he walked toward it.

But then suddenly the goblin threw its club away, then it picked a bow and some arrows from the ground which was hidden because of tall grass.

"Ahh, Fuck, how did I forget the arrow?" Jay shout as he rushed to the goblin who was nocking.

Luckily Jay was quick and arrived before the goblin had finished nocking.

Jay swings the club hitting it on the head instantly killing it.

"Hah, Fuck I was lucky this time" he muttered.


Suddenly an arrow brush passed his face gracing it a bit.

"Graaaghhhk! Keh-heh-heh!"

"Rreeeaaahhh! Gyaaak!"

Two more goblin came running toward Jay, he panicked and run toward the protecting membrane.

Inside the membrane when Astrid felt the goblin approaching, she wants to go and help but stopped "No, he must become stronger, if I help him now, he might become a greenhouse flower" She mumbled but she grabbed her Katana tightly.

When Jay was running like his life depended on it, stopped midway, when his gaze landed on Astrid, she had a complicated expression on her face.

The woman, he wants to make his was looking at him a strange look, Jay felt like his heart grabbed by someone.

'No, they are definitely weak, otherwise Astrid had come to save me' Jay thought as he turned around. He saw those two goblins running to him.

One was taking aim at him and other was rushing with a stone axe.

The goblin who was taking aim shoot at Jay when it saw Jay was Just standing there motionlessly, Even Astrid was puzzled as what Jay was doing.

When the arrow was about to hit him, he moved dodging it, and rushed toward the other rushing goblin,

When it saw Jay was rushing toward it, it screeches Jay didn't care much as he dodge another arrow. He swings his club hitting the goblin in the head instantly killing it. He picked the goblins axe and threw it to bow goblin,

It was luck or pure skill no one know but the axe hit it in middle on the forehead killing it.

"Graaaghhhk! Keh-heh-heh!"

"Rreeeaaahhh! Gyaaak!"

"Graaaghhhk! Keh-heh-heh!"

"Rreeeaaahhh! Gyaaak!"

More and more goblin sound came from the same direction where these two goblins came from.