Chapter 37: Mystic Evergreen Forest

As Reon made his way toward the Mystic Evergreen Forest, his thoughts wandered to the ancient legend surrounding it. It was said that eons ago, the Founder of the Supreme Dao Sect had planted a single Mysterious Seed, one infused with the pure essence of the Heavens and Earth.

Over the course of hundreds of thousands of years, that seed had blossomed into something far more profound—a colossal tree whose roots spread like the lifeblood of the land, giving rise to the vast, enigmatic forest that now stood before him.

The trees of the Mystic Evergreen Forest were believed to be more than mere plant life; they were extensions of that original, mystical seed, each one holding a sliver of its ancient, unfathomable power.

The Mystic Evergreen Forest was divided into four distinct sections, much like the Frost Mountain Cave, each progressively more dangerous than the last.



The Outer Rim, closest to the Outer Sect, is often referred to as the "Beginner's Forest." Although it is relatively safer than the deeper areas, it still houses high-ranked Fierce Beasts and lower- to mid-ranked Demonic Beasts, offering a significant challenge to Outer Sect disciples.

This area serves as a training ground for Outer Sect disciples, with lush, vibrant terrain filled with thick foliage, medicinal herbs, and valuable plants. It is a popular destination for gathering resources and cultivation, where disciples can test their skills against moderately dangerous creatures.



Deeper into the forest lies the Whispering Grove, a shadowed expanse where the trees grow denser and an eerie mist clings to the air, creating a sense of foreboding. The beasts here are far more formidable, ranging from high-ranked Demonic Beasts to occasional low- and mid-ranked Demonic Soldier Beasts.

The atmosphere carries an almost supernatural weight, with legends suggesting the whispers of ancient spirits echo through the trees, giving the grove its name. This region is deadly for most Outer Sect disciples, with only the most skilled venturing into its outskirts. Inner Sect disciples frequently use this area for practice, seeking the precious herbs and resources more abundant here than in the Beginner's Forest.



The Shadowed Thicket marks the threshold of the truly perilous regions within the Mystic Evergreen Forest. The canopy above is so dense that it blots out most of the sunlight, casting the forest floor into a haunting twilight.

In this shadowed realm, powerful and cunning creatures roam freely—high-ranked Demonic Soldier Beasts, their predatory instincts honed by the darkness, and even the rare presence of low to mid-ranked Demonic General Beasts. This is a place where danger breathes in every shadow, where the very air feels thick with lurking menace.

The terrain here is treacherous, filled with hidden pitfalls, jagged valleys, and labyrinthine paths that seem to shift with each step, confusing even the most skilled disciples. Every corner of the Shadowed Thicket feels like a trap, with danger lurking beneath the surface, waiting for the unwary to stumble into its grasp.

Though the dangers in this region are immense, only Core Sect disciples or those of exceptional skill dare to enter. The rewards, however, are far greater than in the previous sections of the forest, offering rare resources and powerful opportunities for those bold enough to venture within.



The Forbidden Depths lie at the heart of the Mystic Evergreen Forest, a realm cloaked in mystery and peril. Home to high-ranked beasts and ancient spirits, it is off-limits to most disciples. The novel speaks of a hidden village nestled deep within the Forbidden Depths, where powerful creatures reside.

Once these creatures reach the stage of High-Ranked Demonic General Beasts, they gain the remarkable ability to transform into human form. In this secluded haven, they live in harmony with the Supreme Dao Sect.

The village is home to a formidable hierarchy of Demonic General Beasts, Demonic Commanders, and even a few rare Demonic Lord Beasts. Presiding over them all is their king—a mighty Demonic King Beast who serves as a Great Elder of the Sect.

This majestic being is not only one of the guardian of the forest but also the trusted mount and closest companion of the Sect Leader, symbolizing the profound bond between the sect and the ancient beasts of the Mystic Evergreen Forest.

Legends also speak of the original seed, planted by the Sect's Founder, still thriving at the core of the Forbidden Depths, its presence a testament to the forest's ancient and mysterious origins.

This place is so perilous that even the Elders of the Supreme Dao Sect tread with caution. Only those with great strength and deep comprehension—Elders and True Disciples—dare to venture into this forbidden domain.



After sprinting at full speed for half an hour, Reon finally caught sight of the towering trees of the Mystic Evergreen Forest. As he approached, he noticed a counter standing at the forest's edge—a familiar sight throughout the Sect.

These counters housed powerful Teleportation Formations, designed to transport disciples deeper into the forest. For those daring enough to venture beyond the Beginner's Forest, this convenience was invaluable.

However, for the Outer Sect disciples exploring the more accessible areas, the Formation remained unnecessary, as they could freely traverse the lush expanse on foot.

As Reon approached the counter, he suddenly heard the familiar chime of the System echoing in his mind.