Chapter 169



I woke up to the sound of someone mumbling my name and looked around to see that it was pitch dark outside. 

How long was I asleep? 

I got up from the ground, stretched my aching muscles, and looked next to me to see Gael mumbling my name, but he was deep asleep. "Gael?" I whispered as I touched his forehead, and I quickly retreated my hand. His skin was boiling hot, and his lips were cracked as they moved, calling my name. 

I removed his torn shirt and touched his chest to see that he was indeed burning up. Werewolves never get a fever, so this alarmed me. I didn't know what they gave him in there, but I need to get him treated soon, or he might slip into a coma. 

"Gael, can you open your eyes for me?" I asked him as I shook his shoulder, but all he did was mumble my name. 

"He must be hallucinating, Bella," Rose suggested.

"We need to get him out of here."