Chapter 17

The experiments went extremely well. Not only did they manage to get the materials for dirty work cheaply, but the experimentation stages went really quickly. It was a mixture of both Gwen and Peter's intelligence and Venom being the best tool possible. The fact that the alien, with her tentacles and teeth, could move, cut, and weave materials as an industrial machine made this whole deal a lot easier.

Peter felt amazed at how far they could go when they put their minds to it. It was the first time in his life that he pushed his intellect to the limit, and the results were amazing. The teenager felt kind of guilty that he was so lazy before meeting Venom.

So after a few days, Gwen was heating up in her dad's garage a small piece of white fabric with a blow torch that they use in the kitchen for crème brulee. Her dad had a sweet tooth, and that was one of his favorite desserts.

"That is amazing!" Peter exclaimed as the cheap piece of the web was easily enduring the heat of that blue flame.

Gwen nodded and turned off the blowtorch. "Yeah! That came better than I thought!" the teenager exclaimed, as she could already see the money in her pockets. No more pirating TV shows or games for this girl.

"Let me try it!" Venom said that as she came out of Peter like a massive tentacle with a sharp maw on the tip. In a second, the alien devoured the small piece of fabric and incorporated it into her body. In order to craft a full suit, she would need a lot more, but since that was so easy and cheap to make, that would not be a problem.

Inorganic assimilation [Empty] -> Inorganic assimilation [Heat Silk]

Peter gains:

Heat Silk: This strong fire-resistant material can nullify the most normal sources of fire and is fairly cheap to craft. Nullify the "weakness to fire" perk as long as it is absorbed into Venom's body.

The duo stood silent for a second, not knowing that Venom could do that. "What was that?" Peter asked as he was worried that his girl would get some indigestion.

"I assimilated it into my body; it seems to be working," the alien answered with a prideful expression for Peter and Gwen. Those two only needed a few days to find a counter for one of her biggest weaknesses, and she couldn't be happier for it. Venom knew that the two were smart but they always managed to surprise her, she couldn't wait to see what they could do once they assimilated another kind of genius into the hive.

"On, that is cool," Gwen answered, thinking about what materials the alien could eat to spice things in bed. Maybe something that could produce electricity or turn into their own source of heat.

Venom began to think about what to do next as she began to calculate how much fabric she would need to cover Peter's whole body. "I can only do it with one material at a time, but I think this is the best one," she finally added, since now her sound weakness was her greater fault.

"So I never ask you this but does your species have a home planet? Culture? Civilization?" Gwen asked with a curious tone to Venom.

The black mouth on Peter's shoulder went silent for a second. "Well it is something hard to define since before I met Peter thinking was not a thing that I could do," she began to explain with calm words.

The boy raised an eyebrow. "Really?" He asked. Peter was a little bit confused since the girl didn't seem like a recently sentient creature the first time they met. She actually gave the impression of being extremely experienced.

"Yes, since I copy features from the species it is hosting me, I was not sentient until I met you. That is another reason why I love you so much, you gave me the gift of thought," the mass of sentient black goo muttered and then gave Peter a small lick on the cheek.

"Oh . . . that neats, you are welcome," the boy said with a small smile. He couldn't wait to have more fun with Venom after their current work was done.

A chuckle came out of that pit of fangs. "I will do a lot more stuff than just mere words to express my gratitude," she purred as her king's pleasure was her duty.

"Like give him a horse cock?" Gwen quickly asked with a smirk on her face. Human manhoods were fine but her cervix wanted to be punched by more exotic shapes.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Hey! My cock is fine!" he exclaimed as that change seemed a little bit too much for him. However, part of him was curious about how it would feel, not as much as Gwen of course.

"I could always be a little bigger. Like a minotaur cock," the girl muttered as she got closer to Peter, placing a hand on his leg.

That triggered the boy. "You know those books are wrong right? Bulls have a long and pointy dick instead of one with a flat end," he said, entering a nerdy rant about that topic. Peter just view as a lazy design to get the correct animal cock for the specie that was fucking the girl.

Gwen rolled her eyes. "Also women cannot get inflated like a balloon from a cumshot, nobody cares about that stuff," she added with a dismissive tone.

"Well. . . with a little twist then and there that can be arranged," Venom added with a mischievous grin on her maw. After all, bodies for her were clay and she wanted all the members of the hive to experiment how far the joy of flesh could go.

"Great! I want to be a cum rocket! Like I wanted Peter to fill me so much in a full nelson that when he leaves me the pressure of semen in my cunt will be so big that I will shoot to the other side of the room!" The girl said with an eager expression while making random hand gestures that explained the logistics of this act.

"What kind of Loony Toons fuck up fantasy is that?!" Peter asked after letting out a laugh.

Gwen raised her hands in a gesture of surrender. "I am just brainstorming ideas!" She exclaimed as Venom was already taking mental notes about this suggestion.

A few hours later Peter was hanging with MJ doing some cardio running across a random park that was manifested near their house. It seemed really safe after a man dressed in blue spandex and a red cape removed all the plant monsters from the zone.

"That was a good run!" The redhead exclaimed while wearing a pair of black shorts and a tank top. Her muscular body shone under the sunlight thanks to the thick layer of sweat over it.

Peter, thanks to Venom messing with his body to force him to exercise those already magnificent muscles, let out a sigh. "You always look so cute when doing exercise," he muttered with a tired tone looking at his girlfriend with sheer awe.

MJ blushed a little, not really used to having her best friend as her boyfriend. "Awwwwww thanks! Do you want to touch them?" She said and then flexed her big biceps, trying to impress Peter.

"Sure!" Peter answered with a smug smile and went to cup a feeling. His hand touched big and fat tits making MJ let out a playful squeal of shame.

Those nimble fingers caressing her big breasts took her head into a lewd place. "Peter! I am all sweaty and gross . . ." she muttered as the boy touched her. MJ hated to admit but having Peter licking her clean or her having to suck those big and musky balls was really tempting.

"That makes it even better, you are so cute that it is hard to resist," Peter added, triggering the woman who now got closer to him as her gaze was drenched in this feral hunger. She only needed a small compliment to trigger her.

MJ began to smother Peter between her tits while dragging him behind the bushes. "Your pervert. . ." the girl said if she wasn't the one escalating these flirtations to fucking behind the plants in public like a pair of wild animals.

She had never been such a lewd girl before. Honestly, the idea of sex was only something that crossed her head from time to time on the only day of the week that she masturbated. However, after her first time with Peter and Gwen, her libido was out of control. MJ needed to masturbate at least two times per day and mate with Peter at least three times. It wasn't also as she was dissatisfied but when the hunger crawled inside her guts, she needed to eat and both of her best friends were her only prey.