Chapter 18

Now that Peter had mastered fire and added another member to the hive, it was time for Venom to push the boy's corruption further. The teenager was advancing fine, but he needed to truly become a bigger degenerate to satisfy the needs of the hive.

The first new change that the alien made to the boy was something really subtle. She began to read and analyze tons of different psychological concepts in order to fully understand the human mind. Then she got into the forensic science of profiling, mostly to find the weaknesses and desires of their targets. Some of them would want a bad boy, others a good boy, and others maybe someone who will fuck their ass without asking first.

The other change that she made was to Peter's musk. The alien infused some of her mind-bending and control particles into the gas, so now people exposed to it would have a different perception of reality. It was inspired by those scenes in porn where people were having sneaky sex and the rest of the world seemed to go deaf and lose their peripheral vision to not notice that. Basically, it was a small brain change to hide all the lewd stuff they would do in public. After all, going under the radar was one of the most important priorities for the hive.

Peter gains:

Normality Musk: Just as it makes targets horny and less inhibited, it makes non-targets more accommodating and ignorant. If they leave, the memory will degrade quickly until it becomes normal. The cashier, ahegaoing while hanging from a cock so big that her womb is giving a sloppy toppy, becomes two coworkers standing next to each other, one with a hand on the other's shoulder. Greater exposure makes the effect stronger to the point of a father coming home from work and seeing his wife and daughters all ahegaoed on the floor with cum leaking from every hole and pregnant again, with some spawn sucking their tits as a perfectly normal day, perhaps a good day. But the burglar coming through the window gets the boot to the face. +50 Stealth bonus when all the people involved in the scene are under the effects of Normality Musk.

Venom. Assisted. Social. Interaction. Enhancer. (V.A.S.I.E.) 1: It seems Peter's symbiote is familiar with the Deus Ex series. Venom, thanks to the internet, has access to all the psychological literature in the world. By rapid cross-referencing and careful observation of an individual subject, Venom is able to develop a psychological profile about anyone Peter talks to and share the relevant information with her host, improving his ability to interact with them. +15 Charisma. Bonus falls to +5 if interacting with someone that Venom does not know the personal history of.

It was Peter's first night working as Spider-Man, and this would be fundamental to not only advertise his fireproof fabric but also help with the huge amount of crime that New York was having. However, as the teenager was swinging from building to building in his black suit, searching for trouble, he was also talking on his phone with Gwen.

"Why do you need to be on patrol alone?!" The girl yelled on the phone, as she also wanted to have some fights with criminals.

"Someone needs to stay in the house to do the paperwork," Peter answered with a calm tone as he moved between buildings with unnatural ease, thanks to Venom's help.

"You could do that!" Gwen answered as she had a massive pile of papers to complete for their patent.

Peter chuckled and shook his head. "With my handwriting?" He asked with a relaxed and honest tone.

The teenager heard a defeated sigh from the other side of the phone. "That is . . . fair, I will do it," the girl finally said, as he was right. Peter was good at many things, but his handwriting was atrocious, something that only he could understand.

"Thanks, I love you!" Peter finally said and then sensed something alarming with his refined senses. On the roof of the Oscorp skyscraper, there was a mysterious figure that didn't seem like an employee taking a big duffel bag out of the place. A classic robbery.

The rooftop of this building was huge, with enough space to even have its own helipad. With the faint lights on the entrance that the burglar came off and on the floor, it created this sickening light that made seeing each other's features a little hard.

This criminal in question was a cutie. A tall woman with a fine set of muscles was not as big or fit as MJ, but it was clear that those legs could crush a skull if she wanted. Dressed in a black spandex suit, with white fur around the neck and the cleavage that hugged her body, revealing her chiseled abs, plump ass, and big breast, she was totally Peter's type. The smug smile, the domino mask that covered her piercing blue eyes, the long white mane that flowed on her back, and the black choker almost made the hero lower his guard and just start flirting. However, the big and sharp claws on the tips of her fingers made it clear that this cat could leave some serious scratches. There was no strange aroma on the woman, especially since she lacked the stench of blood or gunpowder on her, so this made it easy to suppose she didn't kill anybody.

Peter landed with an acrobatic spin, his black suit looking like normal fabric under the dim lights of the city. "Hey! Do you come to this rooftop often?" He asked with a joking tone. Peter would actually have to fight with what looked like a non-violent criminal.

"Sorry, kid, but you are late. I already got the big prize," this mysterious woman said with a smug smile as she put her hands on her waist. It was clear that she was carefully observing Peter's moves to decide if she should run or fight.

Peter chuckled as he circled the woman. "Sorry for taking so long; the traffic was horrible," he said with a joke that managed to disarm the tension of this situation.

The strange woman let out a chuckle, taken by surprise by the joke. She wasn't expecting someone in such a suit to have a sense of humor. "Really? Too many people flying around?" She purred while grabbing her bag and circling Peter, creating this weird dance between the two.

"You know how the traffic is in New York, and it would be a shame that the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man broke the speed limit," he exclaimed again. Peter really didn't want to fight her since she seemed like a nice person—a burglar but a cute one.

The girl bit her lower lip, as this was her weakness. She had a kink for men with a good sense of humor. "I don't know, I kind of like bad boys . . ." the burglar muttered while her back faced the end of the roof.

("Darling, you need to go on the offensive; she totally wants your meat spear.") Venom said, knowing full well that Black Cat lusting for Peter was a normal thing to happen. She even felt a little happy that they found this girl so early.

Peter puffed his chest, ready to put his charm to work. Venom didn't need to tell him twice to go after a cat girl, taking into consideration his tastes. "Maybe you like bad boys, but I think you are the kind of girl that would love a good one!" He exclaimed with a confident tone, making it clear that he didn't want to fight. There was no need to resort to violence if love was the path.

Cat rolled her eyes and giggled at the commentary. "Maybe you have seen one?" She asked with a sardonic tone.

Peter only raised his hand as the huge dork he was. He really liked playing this kind of game with criminals, trying to defuse the situation. The boy just didn't have a lot of bloodlust yet.

The girl felt her heart skipping a beat; that was totally her type of man. He was such an adorable idiot that she would give him a chance. "Charming," she said with a smug smile, and she looked behind her with a quick neck movement.

"Also, I don't see what you stole. Is this just your way to ask me to steal your heart?" Peter finally said, making it clear that he was available for anything she would like to do.

As any playful cat, Felicia loved to do the opposite of what people told her, so it was time for a good chance to keep the blood pumping. Even if Spider-Man was cute, work came first. "Well, you would have to catch me first!" She yelled before jumping from the rooftop to one that was near them, initiating this chance while holding the big bag over her shoulder.